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Texting teen falls into open manhole

PMedMoe said:
I think they meant there are so many ways (besides open manholes) by which Darwin's grand scheme can be carried out.

Thx Moe. I'll wait for him to explain though. I feel the need to correct hoplophobes wherever I find them.

Perhaps he's only describing that defining moment of clarity though. The one that usually begins with the phrase "Hey, hold my beer and watch this!"
recceguy said:
Perhaps he's only describing that defining moment of clarity though. The one that usually begins with the phrase "Hey, hold my beer and watch this!"


recceguy said:
Thx Moe. I'll wait for him to explain though. I feel the need to correct hoplophobes wherever I find them.

Well, I learned something new today, I'm all set.  :nod:

Hoplophobia - from Reference.com

From the Greek hoplon, or weapon, is defined as the "fear of firearms" or alternatively, a fear of weapons in general, and describes a specific phobia.

Political usage
Firearms instructor Colonel Jeff Cooper coined the word in 1962 to describe a "mental disturbance characterized by irrational aversion to weapons". Cooper employed the clinical-sounding term as an alternative to slang terms, stating: "We read of 'gun grabbers' and 'anti-gun nuts' but these slang terms do not (explain this behavior)." Cooper attributed this behavior to the irrational fear of firearms and other forms of weaponry. He stated that "the most common manifestation of hoplophobia is the idea that instruments possess a will of their own, apart from that of their user."
Despite the clinical term, the word is generally used to describe gun control advocates. It is mildly derogatory, less so than similar slang terms such as those mentioned above. It is most commonly used as a pejorative by gun rights advocates.


I read the title of this thread and started laughing...and I can't stop!

whew!  Ok...I can type again...

Maybe I should sue everyone on this thread for making me laugh so hard I pulled an abdominal muscle.

Yes the manhole should have been covered and yes she should've paying closer attention.  If she'd been hit by a car her parents would likely have sued the driver instead of the city.  And if she'd been admiring the pretty clouds in the sky instead of texting...  ...I'd still be laughing at her!

...and she'd still sue....the clouds I guess...
recceguy said:
"Hey, hold my beer and watch this!"

Yup pretty much what i was getting at  ;D

Gotta love the Darwin awards :P

also here are the gun ones

Haha some hilarious comments so far. I have seen people walk into doors before while texting so the manhole doesn't really seem too far of a stretch (save for the fact it was uncovered in the first place). The scary part is how many people are texting while driving...? Haha maybe she should be sentenced to a 3 year phone suspension.
At what point do people have to start taking responsibility for their lack of common sense? I'd say 15 years on this earth is enough to know that you ought to pay attention while walking.
I've seen a number of people walk right into lamp posts and fire hydrants while texting. If a nose was broken or a tooth chipped would that also be cause for litigation?
Funny thing happened to me about a month and a half ago - driving home from work, got an e-mail on my Crackberry I had to answer, so pulled over and was tapping the reply out when WHAP - some dolt drove his bicycle into my rear bumper.  He took the phone away from his face long enough to utter an embarassed apology then continued to tap out his message while driving his bike up the road...wonder what would have happened to him if I'd done the same at 60 or 70 km/h  ::).
