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Tattoo Thread - including current policy [MERGED]

GO!!! said:
Once you reach a unit, and realise "hey, I share this capbadge on my forearm with brand new recruits, sewer techs, PAffOs and reservists, I sure wish I'd gotten a PPCLI cap badge"

So now we're below sewer techs? :P What's their MOC number, I guess I need to remuster...
Pte D. Krystal said:
So now we're below sewer techs? :P What's their MOC number, I guess I need to remuster...

Give it up, I was making a point.  ::)

Unit tattoos are usually indicative of the smallest and best group you were a part of, not the whole organisation.
GO!!! said:
No, it changes.

Once you reach a unit, and realise "hey, I share this capbadge on my forearm with brand new recruits, sewer techs, PAffOs and reservists, I sure wish I'd gotten a PPCLI cap badge"

Wait until you are in a unit for at least a year before you get inked. There is one knob I met who got the WATC crest tattooed on him - he was on PAT platoon for that long. I've never seen so many guys in the shower point and laugh!!

Hahaha, the poor bugger!  :D

Maybe I should get the 31 CBG crest tattooed on my arm before I go out to battleschool.
My mother said I should get a tatoo of a saftey pin on the space between the thumb and pointer finger, to always remind me "Safety First" so she doesnt have to remind me,  how well do you think it would go in the army?  :D
Scott said:
And you can prove what you just said? I think Mike is right, in fact I know he is damn close. A friend of mine got a tat as a gift from her son, the young fella was 15 at the time.

Hmmm, that makes Mike's claim a hell of a lot better than yours.

I didn't make any claim. I refuted the accuracy of his.

One, or two, personal anecdotes now serve as empirical evidence? What have I been spending all this time researching and sourcing things for... I never knew it was so easy.
BKells said:
I didn't make any claim. I refuted the accuracy of his.

One, or two, personal anecdotes now serve as empirical evidence? What have I been spending all this time researching and sourcing things for... I never knew it was so easy.

You stated that his claim was unsubstantiated.

BKells said:
What an unsubstantiated claim.

Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. Needles and pins, pins and needles. But if you felt it to be false then why didn't you provide some supporting evidence instead of trying to drop flames on the topic? Maybe it was an attempt at humour?

Maybe it was a statement to what society tolerates now vis a vis body art compared to a few years ago, that's what I read into it. I read nothing but a swipe into your statement.

Point may be, and I won't presume to speak for Michael, that this day in age things like body art, piercings, etc. have become more acceptable, to some, to the point that a 15 year old girl would give one to her Mom as a gift. I provided my story about it happening to someone I knew.
Scott said:
You stated that his claim was unsubstantiated.

Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. Needles and pins, pins and needles. But if you felt it to be false then why didn't you provide some supporting evidence instead of trying to drop flames on the topic?

Saying a claim is unsubstantiated isn't the same as saying it's false.
Point may be, and I won't presume to speak for Michael, that this day in age things like body art, piercings, etc. have become more acceptable, to some, to the point that a 15 year old girl would give one to her Mom as a gift. I provided my story about it happening to someone I knew.

I think I explained myslef enough there. This topic has been dead for 4 days and you contribute the above?
I was wondering if anyone could tell me about the tattoo regulations. I have a tattoo on both of my arms and on my upperback and lower neck.
If that helps
Submitted all my paperwork, and beginning the journey to becoming an Infantry Officer.  Been tinkering with the idea of getting a tattoo for a few years, and decided just last Thursday to get it done before starting this new phase in my life.  Just thought I'd share a picture of it.


Yes... the calf is smooth... The GF has been having endless fun making comments about the fact they shaved it for the tattoo!
Ok so I did do a search before I asked this

So my birthday just passed and my parents wanted to get me a tattoo. My question is should I get it before BMQ or wait until after? The reason I ask is I know you can't give blood for a year after you get a tattoo and I didn't know if we have to give blood or not.
I'm with the 5th BC Field Regiment, and we just had a applicant DENIED because of a chinese tatoo located on the right front of his neck.  Is this a new law in the CF?  Would like some help quick so I can get back to him before he goes and spends 125$ for 3 sessions to get it removed.
I'm sorry, but I don't see your point. He was denied by people whose job it is to know the rules
and applied them. Seem to me it's either going with the DENIED OR removing the tattoo,
if people that DENIED him told him that without it, he could enter...
Is it a new law though is more or less what i'm asking.  We have guys with visible tatoos, hell on of our guys has full sleeves.  Just wondering if this is a new thing
CFP 265 Chap 2 Section 2 Para 9.A.
9. Body Tattoos and Body-Piercing.
Members shall not acquire visible tattoos that could be deemed to be offensive (e.g., pornographic, blasphemous, racist or containing vulgar language or design) or otherwise reflect discredit on the CF. Visible and non-visible body piercing adornments, with the exception of women’s earrings and ear sleepers described in sub-paragraph 6.a., shall not be worn by members either in uniform or on duty in
civilian clothing. The meaning of the term “on duty”, for purposes of dress and appearance, is Interpreted in Chapter 1, paragraph 25.

9A. As of April 1st, 2004, members are not to acquire any tattoos that are visible on the head, neck, chest or ears when an open  collared shirt is worn. Tattoos acquired prior to April 1st, 2004 must comply with paragraph 9.
If the ink is green, laser's not going to remove it (just so he/she/it knows before spending cash).