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Tattoo Thread - including current policy [MERGED]


So long as your tattoos are not offensive you should be fine.  WRT ear stretching . . . well . . . there is no direct policy covering ear stretching but you would have to adhere to dress regulations in that as a man you cannot wear earrings of any type while on duty (in uniform or civilian clothing). 


I just have to ask.

WTF is the attraction to ear lobe stretching? I never seen something so absolutely fricking stupid looking in my life.
Think about how you would feel when your stretched out earlobe catches on some protrusion and gets ripped open.
FSTO said:
I just have to ask.

WTF is the attraction to ear lobe stretching? I never seen something so absolutely fricking stupid looking in my life.

Just people channeling their inner Masai roots.    :dunno:
Haha I must admit I don't really understand either what the fuss is about, but girls seems to love it... and I tend to think with my below-the-belt brain. Should work on that. Anyways, thanks for the answers, it seem to confirm what I saw. Anybody know of real life exemples (soldier with tattoos on the hand or stretched earlobes)?
I heard of 'rumint' a young infantry private that had f### off tattooed on the outer edge of his right hand. I do believe the RSM said you have 3 choices: a) cut your hand off, which was self injury b) grind the tattoo off, again self injury or c) get dishonourably discharged...

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RocketRichard said:
I heard of 'rumint' a young infantry private that had f### off tattooed on the outer edge of his right hand. I do believe the RSM said you have 3 choices: a) cut your hand off, which was self injury b) grind the tattoo off, again self injury or c) get dishonourably discharged...

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.....................or d) get it lasered off.
RocketRichard said:
I don't believe that was an option in the early 80's. 

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I think that there were only three people licensed in Canada to remove tattoos in 1983.  The popular Tattoo Artist in Oromocto, an ex-US Medic, was one.
I am reading a lot of posts about what is acceptable and what is not, but I am not seeing any information on my question so I am going to ask. Two of my tattoos were deemed as unacceptable which stopped my recruitment process, not that they were offensive they were just misinterpreted. With that being said I have had the two tattoos altered so they no longer look anything like the used to. I have recently re-submitted them to Ottawa for approval. Does anyone know the chances of them being approved the second time around or if anyone has gone through the same process and has any information what to expect I would certainly love to hear it. Thank you.
Sorry if this post seems needless. I have searched all over the forums for rules regarding tattoos on officers. I have read the CAF FAQs and found that anywhere other than neck, head, or ears is aloud. However I have already applied and passed my air crew selection and am now considering a half sleeve starting from the wrist bone up to the elbow on my forearm.

I assume it is alright but I have a feeling that an officer might be held to a different standard and I am worried this could jeopardize my career. It is not offensive and will just involve the ocean with a few small details.

I've seen countless members with sleeve tattoos but again not any officers. Any feedback or personal experiences are appreciated!
Bigblueshark said:
Sorry if this post seems needless. I have searched all over the forums for rules regarding tattoos on officers. I have read the CAF FAQs and found that anywhere other than neck, head, or ears is aloud. However I have already applied and passed my air crew selection and am now considering a half sleeve starting from the wrist bone up to the elbow on my forearm.

I assume it is alright but I have a feeling that an officer might be held to a different standard and I am worried this could jeopardize my career. It is not offensive and will just involve the ocean with a few small details.

I've seen countless members with sleeve tattoos but again not any officers. Any feedback or personal experiences are appreciated!

It's 2016, just don't get anything offensive and you'll be fine.
As an officer with multiple tattoos, please allow me to comment.

Although you are technically correct and a non-offensive sleeve tattoo should not be an issue, I would recommend you wait until you are actually in the CAF before getting such a tattoo.  Although the regulations say it's OK, the fact remains that for the most part, tattoos are not as common in the officers' mess as they are elsewhere. At the very least, they may give you a hard time on basic training (watch An Officer and a Gentleman).  My general advice for anyone is that tattoos should be able to be covered up when wearing any military order of dress (including the short-sleeve shirt orders).  Once you're in the CAF and finished basic training and your position is secure, you can start to let your personality out for others to enjoy, but until that point, it is probably best to conform with the norm.  It just makes life easier.
I am an officer and I have both of my arms and hands tattooed.  It is quite uncommon but it is allowed. 
Bigblueshark said:
Sorry if this post seems needless. I have searched all over the forums for rules regarding tattoos on officers. I have read the CAF FAQs and found that anywhere other than neck, head, or ears is aloud. However I have already applied and passed my air crew selection and am now considering a half sleeve starting from the wrist bone up to the elbow on my forearm.

I assume it is alright but I have a feeling that an officer might be held to a different standard and I am worried this could jeopardize my career. It is not offensive and will just involve the ocean with a few small details.

I've seen countless members with sleeve tattoos but again not any officers. Any feedback or personal experiences are appreciated!

When in doubt, consult Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/army/comments/3o7viy/what_are_your_opinions_of_tattoos_on_officers/
I have merged this into the existing twenty-three-page tattoo thread because:

It was completely unnecessary to start yet another tattoo thread,

It was not an appropriate post for the "Ask a CAF Recruiter" forum, and

Several people responded, contrary to the "Ask a CAF Recruiter" forum rules.
daftandbarmy said:
When in doubt, consult Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/army/comments/3o7viy/what_are_your_opinions_of_tattoos_on_officers/

Reddit is cute and all, but I prefer army.ca.  They have been more accurate, and have been around longer discussing Canadian military things and stuff....



Hello again,

Sorry for the flood of questions. Really trying to find out the information I need and having a lack of resources to a recruiting office up north.

I have read from previous posts that tattoos on face, neck, ears are not allowed. I have a small tattoo of a bird behind my ear. Will this be not allowed as it is mostly hidden?

Thank you again for your time

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Good Day,

Please see the following thread that I have just created: http://navy.ca/forums/threads/124119.0.html

Best Regards,
Sgt Laen