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Tattoo Photo Thread

ballz said:
Is it just me or does it look like the third fist from the left is missing an arm :o

I think the owner of that hand is behind the guy on the far right, but I did think that at first.
He didn't want to show that hand because it had "OZZY" on it....
tomahawk6 said:
Seems to be widespread amongst the Vandoo  ;D


hmm..think theres a dress reg about that one...if i remember right, the 1CDO guys used to tat something on their hands too....

I'm fully sleeved and have back piece that goes from my shoulders and neck, just below my collar line down to the bottom of my butt cheeks...i only get strange looks in the shower..that could be the prince albert though.. who knows.
Today it is just so easy to offend.

Seems like such a dumb idea........in the long term.  I have even more problems, however, trying to  figure out body piercings and why any one would get into self-mutilation on an even grander scale........but that is just me.
Guy in my regiment is getting a full sleeve done right now, by what I must say is the most amazing tattoo artist I have ever seen.  The colouring and shading is phenomenal, makes my last tattoo look like amateur work, and its not, I am very very jealous, cause I can't afford what this guy charges (at least until after tour ;D)
Tattoo advice.

How To Actually Get A Decent Tattoo (or At Least, Not Get A Bad One)

I can't tell you what you want. Your friends can't tell you what you want. The artist cannot tell you what you want. Only you know what means enough to you to put on your body for the rest of your life - and it's VERY important you realize that's what you're doing. You're putting an external avatar representing you on your body for the rest of your life. Don't count on being able to get it removed - removal is tricky, and doesn't work on all people.

Take your time. And I don't mean a few hours to look through art books - take a few weeks or even months to plan out your piece. This is going on your body FOR. EV. ER.

Do NOT Bargain Shop. I can't emphasize this enough - price, while important, should not be your determining factor.

If You Can Afford It, Go To A Named / Known Artist.

Read the whole article if you're thinking about a tattoo.
Tell me about it ::)  I gave the guy a sketch of what I wanted, ignorantly and naively expecting a professional tattoo artist to grasp that concept.  What I have now is an EXACT reproduction of that sketch!  One of these days I'll get some work done over it and make it look better, but I've been saying that since '92.
You young fellows thinking of getting a tattoo should seriously consider insisting on the new inks....they can actually be broken up by the lasers, thus the tattoo can be removed at a later date....
GAP said:
You young fellows thinking of getting a tattoo should seriously consider insisting on the new inks....they can actually be broken up by the lasers, thus the tattoo can be removed at a later date....

First off, who thinks of subsequent removal when getting a tattoo? I'm guessing, no one.

And from personal experience...laser still doesn't remove green ink.
Evidence, in the form of what's left of a lovely Ft Hood/Killeen Texas scorpion tattoo (after $1000 of laser) will likely be available for viewing at the Ottawa M&G

Seeing any other tattoos will cost you beer  ;)
I'm sorry but i'm by no means an expert...but isn't it written somewhere that no tattoos above the collar (i.e. neck/face...other than perm. makeup?) i'm not sure about the hand rule... can someone clarify?
BlueJingo said:
I'm sorry but i'm by no means an expert...but isn't it written somewhere that no tattoos above the collar (i.e. neck/face...other than perm. makeup?) i'm not sure about the hand rule... can someone clarify?

Go back and read amongst the previous 18 pages. You'll find your answers there.
GIJANE said:
I'm pretty sure if you do get a visible one it can't be offensive..you know like naked chicks or something  ::)


How about a scantily clad pin up girl? haha
To add:
Although the regulation is there for tattoo's around neck and hands I can say from what I have seen it is not enforced.At all.Plenty of fresh tattoo's extending onto the hands around.From MP's (one pulled me over to tell me about my light the other night)with fresh tats all down his arm to thumb,lots of guys in the combat arms with the classic unit tattoo on the fleshy part of the hand between index and thumb.I have seen tons of it.

It is a ignored rule.

X-mo-1979 said:
To add:
Although the regulation is there for tattoo's around neck and hands I can say from what I have seen it is not enforced.At all.Plenty of fresh tattoo's extending onto the hands around.From MP's (one pulled me over to tell me about my light the other night)with fresh tats all down his arm to thumb,lots of guys in the combat arms with the classic unit tattoo on the fleshy part of the hand between index and thumb.I have seen tons of it.

It is a ignored rule.

Because there is no rule/regulation/order/directive etc. prohibiting visible tattoos on the arms/hands, other than they can't be "offensive" (racist/sexist etc).
Hatchet Man said:
Because there is no rule/regulation/order/directive etc. prohibiting visible tattoos on the arms/hands, other than they can't be "offensive" (racist/sexist etc).
From the dress manual, A-AD-265-000/AG-001, CANADIAN FORCES DRESS

9A. As of April 1st, 2004, members are not to
acquire any tattoos that are visible on the head,
neck, chest or ears when an open collared shirt is
worn. Tattoos acquired prior to April 1st, 2004 must
comply with paragraph 9.
Roger that I thought I read about hands as well.Guess not.
Offensive tattoo's.Try and prove that!We have a guy in my unit with the SS motto tattooed on him.His grandfather was a SS soldier apparently.

It could be a recipe for bread for all I know.I don't read the German.However from his mouth its a SS unit motto.

I find it offensive...however he has had it for years.
What some would find offensive, others would not.
We had a staff member at my former place of employment who had the words "Arbeit macht frei" tattooed on his chest. I lost my mind and informed my boss that this was the words that hung over the concentration camp at Auschwitz. The member in question attempted to defend it by saying it was a family motto. His employment was terminated shortly thereafter.

I suppose you could say that IF your granddad was Heinrich Himmler...
OldSoldier said:
What some would find offensive, others would not.
We had a staff member at my former place of employment who had the words "Arbeit macht frei" tattooed on his chest. I lost my mind and informed my boss that this was the words that hung over the concentration camp at Auschwitz. The member in question attempted to defend it by saying it was a family motto. His employment was terminated shortly thereafter.

I suppose you could say that IF your granddad was Heinrich Himmler...

Not that I am siding with anyone, but I find it od how a saying, placed in a certian context evokes a strong feeling.

Work makes (one) free; the literal trandslation of "Arbeit macht frei"... in the context of a concentration camp, it is horrible and very offensive... but consider it as a motto for personal dedication; the benefit of work is freedom; another connotation of the same translation.

Another example would be the Swastika; an originally sacred symbol destroyed by poor usage and context.

Similarly, a large billboard that says; Read write now! and is aimed at the illiterate... Illogical, but under good intensions... It's just poor context.

I agree that a tattoo in German stating "Arbeit macht frei" is in poor taste, but I believe that is due to the context and history of the usage surrounding it and not the message.

But I digress... I like tattoos.  I have some, but I would like more... I just need money.

To a lot of folks that go overboard with them, it seemed like a good idea at the time, but am sure as most of them grow older, they start to ask themselves, "what have I done"?

I'll hate to think the extremists see coolness in going nuts or trying to outdo the other person. Perhaps some hard basterds wannabes, who were bullied at school when they were younger?



Talking of wannabes, what a contrast in the tattoo and the person
