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Tac Vest Issue (when is it comming to a QM near you?)

33 Brigade is supposed to be in them by the end of October, evidently our stores type is supposed to arrange distribution in the next week or two.
I am confident that if a member showed up with a TV there would be a query as to where they got if from. As it is new kit I do not believe that they are legally for sale yet. If they are then I am more saddened that the government is selling them CIVI before the forces are kitted.

Careful, possession of stolen articles is against the law.
And if said items were "aquired"? Kind of like my Ranger Blanket was on Arcon '97.................................shhhhhh ;D
A ranger blanket or other common kit would hardly raise a query, A TV in  brigade or unit that has not been issued would. Nuff Said.

I do not think that a single member is absolutely Innocent of "re-allocating of kit within the system with out the appropriate paperwork"
RN PRN said:
I do not think that a single member is absolutely Innocent of "re-allocating of kit within the system with out the appropriate paperwork"

That was my point.  ;)
I have a Question and If one of you educated soul's could awnser it for me I would be very appriciative:
I am posted to Camp Wainwright as a Weapons Tech(regular)and am wondering when  I will  get one.I know I will get one,but after supporting Active Edge and seeing every reservist with them,I am losing hope as to "soon".I understand how kit is issued to the reserves first(my old bde-36 recieved our ICES kit well before reg force units in gagtown)and have tried to understand the allocation tables on the Clothe the soldier site(rainbow colored bars don't mean a thing to me)but have yet to hear about the tacvest coming "soon".Can anyone help?
We were just fitted for them in 41 Brigade. Our RQMS said we will have them in a couple of weeks.
Our Qm just got them last week

32 brigade...

I would expect the rest of the reg force guys should be getting them issued with in the next quarter.
All the Rangers who dont have em yet, are headed down to ASU Toronto and getting ours tomorrow night (05/10/04). It feels like Christmas  ;D
Well i just picked up my tac vest today.

so far so good, althought the fact that it only comes in to sizes threw me off a bit. No worries its completly adjustable in every which way.
Well Half my reg. got theirs last thursday(Sep30) and my half will be getting them tommrow, so all is happy happy
Just got mine tonight along with the rest of my unit, nice piece of kit.
good stuff make sure you get it all set up before you take it to the field and you know how it all works. read the book.
So iv been reading a bunch of post's that are complaining about the TV's lack of ruggability. I dont understand, cus we have a couple of people who have had one for a while, tours, ex regs. and they are all in perfect working order.
I'm a Log O in Comms unit in Quebec. 34 Bde has been issued their TVs but the Comm Groups have yet to get them. According to our G4   , the allocation is set and we are ready to receive them, but there have been bureaucratic issues in distributing them at the unit level.

As for its quality.. It is a great piece of kit. One that acutally works and works well. There are only a few pieces like that in the system. The winter fleece being my favorite. Also, i've tried out the new CADPAT goretex raingear and it too is very good.

If anyone has questions about when they might be receiving the TV or any other kit, I've got some good info and find out more easily. Just let me know!

Habitant,see my above post and any info would you can find out would help
Don't get lost in "Shiny Kit" syndrome.  Just because it is new, does not mean it is an improvement...it is just new.  The TV has alot of shortcomings, things that were brought up during trials and were not addressed before issuing.  The load cartage is a main issue with the vest.  It has the potential to be good but considering the design and cost we could have done better.  As noted in other posts there are a number of UCRs on the vest from folks on operations.  Heck I drafted one myself....

Gun plumber,

I believe you are mistaken. The TV was issued to all regs before the res. If you are being attached to another unit temporarily, you may have to sign it from the QM directly. They may not just give it to you. Make a friend in the QM and be proactive.

Friends in the QM are the best kind you can make.
