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System Upgrade: Please Report Problems

Great! Glad it worked out, thanks for your patience all.

Edward, I'm the one who owes the debt of appreciation to all of the folks who use, contribute to and support the site in various ways. Without you folks there would be nothing of value here at all.

Yrys said:

It was just a little firewall fix...

Oh, the dog... ;)
Heart-flutter all settled down, now?
I have found an issue using an IMac running OS X Yosemite version 10.10.4 with the Google Chrome browser.  When I clicked on the Information tab at the top and selected "Wiki" it went to ahttps://army.ca/404/ page with an error message .  I noticed it also happened with "Recruiting" and "Rank Information".
dangerboy said:
I have found an issue using an IMac running OS X Yosemite version 10.10.4 with the Google Chrome browser.  When I clicked on the Information tab at the top and selected "Wiki" it went to ahttps://army.ca/404/ page with an error message .  I noticed it also happened with "Recruiting" and "Rank Information".

Yep, me too:


Oh crap. It seems we have run out of whatever you were looking for.
At this point you really only have two options:
1. Go Back to your last page
2. Start again from the top​

Why is this site not working anymore? First time I seen it was like 3 or more years ago. At the bottom part of the site, it says when it was last updated. I remember it last updated 2011 when I checked 3 years ago, but I recently just visited the site a couple of months or so ago and it changed to 2013 so that should mean they updated it. Now it's not working anymore all of a sudden. I'm pretty sure I just visited it 1-2 months ago. I hope this is temporary because that site is very useful to me, being able to see the contracts lengths of each trades/positions.

Is this going to be fixed or is there a new site?

Please help me,
It is a temporary measure, there was/is some issue with the Wiki that is causing pretty severe performance problems on the site. I've made some changes and re-enabled the Wiki, I'll monitor and see if things go off the rails again.
justin9 said:

Why is this site not working anymore? First time I seen it was like 3 or more years ago. At the bottom part of the site, it says when it was last updated. I remember it last updated 2011 when I checked 3 years ago, but I recently just visited the site a couple of months or so ago and it changed to 2013 so that should mean they updated it. Now it's not working anymore all of a sudden. I'm pretty sure I just visited it 1-2 months ago. I hope this is temporary because that site is very useful to me, being able to see the contracts lengths of each trades/positions.

Is this going to be fixed or is there a new site?

Please help me,

Supporting the site always helps.



Mike Bobbitt said:
It is a temporary measure, there was/is some issue with the Wiki that is causing pretty severe performance problems on the site. I've made some changes and re-enabled the Wiki, I'll monitor and see if things go off the rails again.


So does this mean you fixed it? Because I tried the wiki site a couple of days later and it still shows the error message. Or will it be down temporarily for a while?

Thanks! :)
Still working on it. Part of the problem is that as soon as I bring the Wiki online to test, the server performance tanks, making it hard to get an accurate reading of what's going on.
Took another run at it today. Made some progress, but as soon as the Wiki is brought online, the server starts acting up and performance drops until things grind to a halt.

So, still looking at a permanent fix unfortunately.
When attempting to access "Submissions" and "Feedback" under the Admin tab I am met with a 404 error.
Both link to the Wiki, which is unfortunately still offline. It's on the list, but as it effectively brings down the site to even test the Wiki, it's slow going.
It was extremely slow a few minutes ago; seems to be back now, though.

Still getting Red Hat and Fedora test page.

Using Windows 7 Pro and Firefox.

Good news all, the Wiki has *finally* been fixed and is back online.

Now to deal with last month's issues... ;) tango22a, when/where are you seeing the test page?

Only seem to get it periodically. But if I get it it's usually also found on my other computers also.
Thanks for replying.

I'm not sure it's system upgrade related, but I have been receiving this message since about 05:30 (Eastern):

    Connection Problems

    Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later.
Mike Bobbitt said:
Good news all, the Wiki has *finally* been fixed and is back online.
Looks like it has been hit by vandals already, and my log-in is not working.

It only seems to occur when I attempt to first access the site.

It occurred at approx 0515 this AM.

Sorry for being so vague.


AFAIK Linux has never been installed on any of my computers, so I think it originates at your end of thinga.