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Sweating hardcore need help ASAP!

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Ok sry ahead if this question has already been answered but I'm really stressed out right now. I don't know what time I have to show up at the unit for the BMQ training this weekend AND I don't know what to bring. They didn't tell me when to show up and what to bring so I'm kind of nervous right now cause for all I know it could've started by now or something.
I would personally call your local CFRC or even the local unit themselves as to the time and what to bring
Yeah I tried and they're not pickcing up. I did leave a message and an email asking them to call me back or write back with the info. Nothing yet  :-\
hmm well I would keep trying if I were you, call the CFRC, 1-800-856-8488, sometimes you will have to call a few times, the recruiters may be on the phone.. as far as the unit... just keep trying until they close.. odds would be that someone should pickup eventually.

Or if you are not to far from the unit.. drive down and talk to them in person
Call your Chain of Command at your unit. CFRC won't be able to do anything for you since you are already in and are serving. Call your unit's orderly room and have them give you the information needed for this weekend. I suggest you do it soon, considering you're probably leaving in an hour or so.
Pte.Marleau said:
Ok sry ahead if this question has already been answered but I'm really stressed out right now. I don't know what time I have to show up at the unit for the BMQ training this weekend AND I don't know what to bring. They didn't tell me when to show up and what to bring so I'm kind of nervous right now cause for all I know it could've started by now or something.

Here are CFLRS's joining instructions.

If in doubt, assume same standards apply: bring it anyhow.
Glad it all worked out for you - I'll take the suggestion to lock this one up.

Roy Harding
Milnet.ca Staff
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