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Swearing in


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I saw a picture of a swearing in in Quebec today, is this what it's like? http://www.armee.forces.gc.ca/lf/English/6_1_1.asp?id=924
I live in Barrie Ontario, would my swearing in be in Barrie or Toronto?
I got sworn in infront of almost my entire regiment at the Christmas dinner.  Other guys on my BMQ just got pulled into a room and told to read a card.
Yeah I was under the impression that I would have a small simple swearing in. I guess we'll see.
I could'nt find any topic that had touched on this before (I did try searching, if there is a thread perhaps I was using the wrong keywords?) and this was the only thread I believed to be general enough regarding the swearing in process to ask this question.

If an applicant lives say 4 hours away from the closest CFRC what is the process when they are required to sign in? are the required to travel to said CFRC? or do they wait until the next scheduled CFRC team visit in the vicinity?

As well, if you are required to travel to the CFRC is it paid for? I only ask because during my interview there were 2 people from Grand Forks who were flown in and the CFRC paid for it. If it is on my dime that is not a problem, I just want to make sure I have the funds required for a ticket either plane or bus.

I also know that in reality this is a question better suited for my CFRC, however I just really thought of this situation today, and I was told that the members of my CFRC started their holiday leave today until Jan 6th. I was hoping perhaps someone here has been in a similiar situation and has firsthand knowledge.
This is a CFRC question... best to ask them.

Go to them or wait for a team to visit your town?.... why would you want to miss a course by waiting for someone to come to you?  Of course, if they want you to go to them, you should!  It this on their nickle?  prolly theirs BUT, Ask!
Thank you geo, I of course if given the option would walk the 400k if I had to.
It is up to the CFRC. We have actually traveled to an applicant's location and enrolled them in a Legion or in one case someones home so family could all be there. It's up to the CFRC but if you need to come to a centre they will pay of it.
CFR FCS said:
It is up to the CFRC. We have actually traveled to an applicant's location and enrolled them in a Legion or in one case someones home so family could all be there. It's up to the CFRC but if you need to come to a centre they will pay of it.

Thank you CFR FCS :)
Take the trip down!I was a few hours away from my CFRC they paid me sweet money.The army does tend to overpay when it come's to travel.Hence why I love getting posted as well.
Yes I certainly have seen some great things when it comes to the CFRC and paying for people to get there. I think it is a really good thing because it keeps people interested. People might loose interest when they have to pay for a trip down and a hotel stay in the city. I saw the military reimburse someone the $2.50 for his bus fare that it took him to get there, but also the whole travel and hotel stay of a person who came from Washington to apply (Had dual citizenship).
People I enrolled with had taken buses down and were being reimbursed - they even paid me my two bucks to ride the bus for me, lol.

Obviously ask the CFRC for instruction. As for the ceremony, mine was quiet with about 14 people at the recruiting centre. A good friend of mine had his enrollment in Ottawa and enrolled on a Canada day -- I believe the CDS was there if I remember right...
dwalter said:
Yes I certainly have seen some great things when it comes to the CFRC and paying for people to get there. I think it is a really good thing because it keeps people interested. People might loose interest when they have to pay for a trip down and a hotel stay in the city. I saw the military reimburse someone the $2.50 for his bus fare that it took him to get there, but also the whole travel and hotel stay of a person who came from Washington to apply (Had dual citizenship).

wow that was me  :-[
Mine was in a small room in the CFRC.Done the non religious swear in with 3 others.Our family was there and we were sworn in by captain Lutz.Funny I havnt forgot that name over the years.
Do they have different swearing in ceremonies based on religion?
IIRC when I joined it was either a christain one or a non religious one.

You say the whole thing the same only at the instead of "God" you say "under law",and no bible on your hand.

My swearing in is in Mississauga, and they told me to dress nice for it because it is after all called a "ceremony."  As I understand it they try and get all of the recruits that are going on the same course at the same ceremony as a sort of meet & greet so you can see some familiar faces to calm your nerves come time for basic training.  As far as religion, they gave me the choice of swearing in to God or the queen.
When I swear in we were 47 to swear at the same time, both officer and NCM.
We were not all going to BMQ at the same time, in fact there was 3 different course date for the NCM.
So it's not always view as a meet and greet for basic.
By the way in my case we where only to with necktie most of the other where in shirt or worst so it seem that the "dress nice" part was forgotten for most of them.

Sorry for my bad english. I usualy speak french
geo said:

TWO Excellent choices!

Those are excellent choices, can one swear to both? or does he/she have to choose one?