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supply system?

I remember one time going to the QM to get some boot paste for my gortex boots.  The Sgt behind the counter was sitting on a mountain of the stuff, but of course he had to give me a hard time.  I go up and ask for a couple of tins of boot paste and he asks what for.  I fealt like saying "because it makes good lubricant" from such a dumb question....what is boot paste normally used on..  ::)

Then he says, "well, if I give it to you, I have to give it to everyone" to which I reply, "isn't that the point?"

In the end, I got my 2 tins of boot paste, but not without the petty problems that come with it.

I think QM's get an award at the end of the year for whoever can hoard the most kit for themselves....
That's why it's called "Stores"...they store things.

If they wanted to give stuff out, it would "Gives", wouldn't it...?


Sorry, couldn't resist...
Lost_Warrior said:
Then he says, "well, if I give it to you, I have to give it to everyone"

You really expect us to believe that a storeman, in this day and age, actually said that? I've been in over 25 years, and have a few rag picker stories, but I've never heard that one (other than "a friend of a friend was in stores and they said...")

I am shocked there is a supply system???? wow

when i was in the unit, i worked a full time call out on base toronto, ( that dates me , base toronto gone now) my reg force friends were going on course and  needed some stupid ass stuff, nothing too special,  fmp, protractors, and a few other things, the base would not give out or anything i ended up getting them from my unit was easier then fighting the bin rats on base.

Supply Techs personallly own r the kit, they  do not like to share it.  Just ask one
I had a roommate on base who was a supply tech, the things he bought home ( the barracks) at night would amaze you,  rayban sunglass, handcuffs, more uniforms then he could wear in a  week,  enough pens, pencils and paper to staff an office, and other stuff, he even had a tv signed for or so he said he signed for it.

if you make friends witha  bin rat and the right bin rat you are going to be kitted out to the max.
FormerHorseGuard said:
Supply Techs personallly own r the kit, they   do not like to share it.   Just ask one
I had a roommate on base who was a supply tech, the things he bought home ( the barracks) at night would amaze you,   rayban sunglass, handcuffs, more uniforms then he could wear in a   week,   enough pens, pencils and paper to staff an office, and other stuff, he even had a tv signed for or so he said he signed for it.

if you make friends witha   bin rat and the right bin rat you are going to be kitted out to the max.

So tell us....Who is this guy?


Inquiring minds would like to know.
You really expect us to believe that a storeman, in this day and age, actually said that? I've been in over 25 years, and have a few rag picker stories, but I've never heard that one (other than "a friend of a friend was in stores and they said...")

You never heard of that one?  Well now you have.  ;)
I should say "I've never heard of that one first hand." I've been around the block a few times, and heard the stories that are passed on as truth. I've heard guys in since coffee break claim to have "been there" when some such legend occurred - never mind that I'd heard the same story 20 years previous.

You'll pardon my skepticism.

Oh, and for a rag picker story that is true:

PPCLI solider walks into clothing stores with a set of worn out combats for exchange. After demonstrating to the bin rat (a civvy, by the way) that the combats needed to be exchanged (no rips or holes, just could see through the ass of the trousers and back of the shirt - unsat for the CSM), they finally coughed up a set of combats. At the same time, down the counter, an Air Force tech was getting issued a set of combats, brand new in the wrapper. The Patricia got a used set.

The Patricia asked "why does he get new ones and I get used?"

Bin Rat reply: "because they don't wear them out as fast as you guys."

I couldn't think of anything to reply that wouldn't have got me charged.

You guys should try clothing stores at NDHQ. Thats an interesting place, lots of 'badass' privates.

I went down to try and exchange my one size too big combat boots and was met with much scepticism. The private didn't seem to understand that I could be issued the wrong size boots due to kit shortages, and didn't want to issue me new boots. He finally relented, but the bad attitude that I got from this guy...

Saw one method of getting a satisfactory reaction out of supply.

Have one of your friends wait back at the lines beside a phone. When the bin rat gives you a hard time, pick up HIS phone, and call your bud back at the lines. The guy  in the lines, without ever clearly stating his rank or name, goes on a 2 minute tirade, gives the guy a solid jacking, and takes the bin rat's name, rank and svc number, right along with the classic WHO OWNS YOU???

End result?

No body lies, you get your kit, and he always wonders which CSM tore a strip off him.

Saw it work once, and fail once. 
Heres one that happend to me.

I walk up to the counter.
Said Hi and smiled.
made some light talk.
told a joke.

Asked for a peice of kit.
I was told no.
I asked why.
Hey, wasn't entitled to it because it isn't on the scale of issue for my job.

Oh well I thought no real use for it any how.

Asked to exchange some pants. They gave me a used set. I asked for a new set because I wear them till they are totally useless  and I'm pretty hard on them.and I don't want to come back here in a week.

I smiled as I said this. And I was quite nice. So I got my new pants.

Hey isn't that easy. Stop demanding things. Be nice and ask questions.

If you are a 011 or a 022 or something and you need a rcusack you will get one. HECK I belive they will order one in for you if you need it. But if you are a 011 or a 022 or something working in the museum or as the barrack warden. DONT ASK!!! YOU DON"T NEED IT.

And if you do think you need it and they don't give it to you . Take it up your chain. Because all this new kit is coming into the sytem don't get antsy because you need it now. There are plans on how this stuff is going to get to you. And supply is given odrders every day to recall kit and issue it to essential users only.

So relax and if you don't like the system. Then re-muster to supply work your way up the chain and try to change it.  Or shop somewhere else.
I always get a laugh out of reading people's complaints about the supply system because:

- There's probably about 5 pieces of kit in the whole CF issue system that's worth anything in the field.

- Three of them are new CTS items that offer 0 improvement over the old stuff.

"Waahh they won't give me a goretex jacket!"  :D You like being wet I suppose?

"Waah they won't give me CADPAT! (few month ago)" Right, because there are so many things that no hook militia ptes can't do unless they're wearing CADPAT. ::)

"Waahh they won't give me a TV and I'm stuck with webbing!"  :D  :D :D

To this day I'm still using the old webbing and the old windpants, and I have pretty much every single thing ever issued in my basement. Really guys, there are so many other things that DO need people to complain about, save yer energy for the stuff that matters.

Actual conversation at clothing stores:

Britney: I would like to exchange this utility pouch for a C-9 ammunition pouch please.
Supply tech: That is a C-9 Pouch.
(10 minutes of describing a C-9 Pouch, drawing pictures, demonstrating that a C-9 drum cannot actually fit in the tily  pouch)
ST: Sorry, but in my 13 years of regular force service I've never seen this item which you have described.
B: I see...but, wait, there is one on that shelf over there! (points to one of several dozen in a distant shelf)
ST: Ahh, those, I can not issue you those pouches, as they are obsolete and unsafe.
B: Unsafe.
ST: Yes.
B: And why is that? Because I can carry ammo in it?
ST: The grenade wings are designed for an older type of grenade no longer used, if you attempted to use a newer grenade in it it may fall out and explode. If you already have one of these pouches you must return it immedietely.
(I could not tell, at this point, whether the ST outranked me or not, as he was not in uniform, but I certainly don't have 13 years of regular force service, so I decided not to press the "issue", so to speak, and deferred to his better judgement. QM at the unit will have to find me my pouches)
B: Very well, I would also like to exchange this rucksack bag. (holds up rucksack bag)
ST: What is a "Rucksack"? Do you mean a buttpack?

My bitch is I'm Army (Eng.) attached to a Air Force Unit in B.C. I try to get kit,I'm told I have too go and speak with Air Force about it and the Air Force gives me the same run around. ::)
So any one in Green watch when I'm around. ;)
So looks like the supply system is messed but is there anyway to fix it ?
Also Mover you said your wife and friend are both SupTechs in Greenwood where you are posted , I doubt you have any troubles getting items issued if they have them.

Is the Golden Rules of the CF to make 3 Friends 1 a SupTech 2 a Admin Clerk and 3 a MP.
1 get the kit you need
2 wow now that you have a admin clerk as a friend you paper work seams to get threw faster
3 and of course who really likes paying speeding tickets on the base

sigtech said:
So looks like the supply system is messed but is there anyway to fix it ?
Also Mover you said your wife and friend are both SupTechs in Greenwood where you are posted , I doubt you have any troubles getting items issued if they have them.

Is the Golden Rules of the CF to make 3 Friends 1 a SupTech 2 a Admin Clerk and 3 a MP.
1 get the kit you need
2 wow now that you have a admin clerk as a friend you paper work seams to get threw faster
3 and of course who really likes paying speeding tickets on the base


Actually if I don't need them I don't ask for them. The scale of issue for my trade is pretty straight forward and there is no need for extras. Besides I am airforce what more do I need besides a jacket, safety boots work gloves and ear defenders.

In answer to your questions 3. remember you get more flies with honey.
1.. it doesn't hurt. At least when you ask a question you get a no crap answer and understand why you as an infanteer have no need for a flying suit.
2. If you saved your receipts and went though your claim before you went to the clerk. handed in a COMPLETED organised itinerary. Maybe you would have your claim done in 3-5 days like everyone else. Its done by computers now. It should take the same amount of time for everyone. Unless its a bulk claim.
3. No one likes paying a speeding ticket. You wouldn't have this problem if you SLOWED DOWN AND WENT THE F***ING SPEED LIMIT. ;D
mover1 said:
3. No one likes paying a speeding ticket. You wouldn't have this problem if you SLOWED DOWN AND WENT THE F***ING SPEED LIMIT. ;D

Sure would save the pain and suffering of being freids with an MP  ;D
mover1 said:
In answer to your questions 3. remember you get more flies with honey.
1.. it doesn't hurt. At least when you ask a question you get a no crap answer and understand why you as an infanteer have no need for a flying suit.
2. If you saved your receipts and went though your claim before you went to the clerk. handed in a COMPLETED organised itinerary. Maybe you would have your claim done in 3-5 days like everyone else. Its done by computers now. It should take the same amount of time for everyone. Unless its a bulk claim.
3. No one likes paying a speeding ticket. You wouldn't have this problem if you SLOWED DOWN AND WENT THE F***ING SPEED LIMIT. ;D


Thanks mom.

Unfortunately, you seem to live in an unrealistic utopia - probably an air force base where the majority of people actually do their jobs on a daily basis. You also point out that you only need boots, gloves and ear defenders. Exactly. You have absolutely no concept of how difficult it is to do your job with broken kit, and then be told by someone who can't even identify it that it does not need to be replaced or issued.

And the supply system has been looking up recently - when 1 GS Bn was issued the new gore - tex bivy bags a few years back, but the field units were not - complaints were made, and the wogs were made to turn theirs back in, so that those who needed it could have them issued.

In addition to this, I find that dealing with bin rats is alot like dealing with children. You just have to be firm, polite, fair, and perservere. Never allow for the possibility that you might not get your issue or exchange. It is just a matter of ensuring that they do their jobs to your satisfaction. ;)
GO!!! said:

Thanks mom.

Unfortunately, you seem to live in an unrealistic utopia - probably an air force base where the majority of people actually do their jobs on a daily basis.

I work on the same base as mover1 does and it is indeed an airforce base but it realy doesnt run as smoothly as you seem to beleive.  And as far as your comment on having no idea what its like to do a job with broken kit....let me tell you where you can shove that.  We have to deal with the same issues you do.  i have been issue unservicable kit, the wrong kit, and when i got issue my aircrew kit in gagetown, it was an uphill battle to explain to the bin rats there what the kit is and explain to them i realy do need it.  Here we have had to deal with the fact that the ONLY aproved flashlight for flying isnt in stock and try to conving thet supply guys that they realy need to hurry up and get some for us !!  I spent 11 years in the combat arms so i can tell you with absolute certainty that the army doesnt have the monopoly on supply problems and having to make due.  I see where you are comming from but get over yourself a little.
Thanks AESOP. you were all over him like a Nav on a box lunch. Made me tear up a little.

I was on both sides of the fence. I used to be combat arms. I went to the woods with broken kit. Toughed it out. Got the T-shirt.
Married a sup tech. Who works in the HPR cell. So I some of the reasons why nothing is in stock when its needed.
I was issued sockes in Shilo but I cannot exchange them here because they are not on the issued kit list for the AF. The same with underwear and long johns. WE can't get Fleece and a lot of the cold weather under garments are for Aircrew only. So we did what we did before wear our pink civvie ones and move on.

Sorry I live in an unrealistic utopia. Where "a majority do their jobs on a daily baisis". WAIT . DOES THAT MEAN THE WE HAVE PROFESSIONALS IN OUR RANKS.
As for teaching bin rats like children. I think you deserve some lessons in manners young man.
I'm new to these forums, so pardon the attitude in my question. Why does the Air Force and non-combat arms units need cadpat Gore-tex rain gear? ???