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Summer camps .... what did you get!

Hey there CSM Wilson. I've also been accepted for the Basic Para Course. I might not be able to go though, pendind the dates when para ends and Prep year at St. Jean starts.
wilson i will be your cadets  :salute:
do you know my friends alex gagnon:P
he is in my cadets corps:P
2332Piper said:
No one going to Rocky Mountain eh? Your loss.   ;D

i have one cadet going to rocky this summer, not for P&D though. she is going for Leadership and Challenge it is funny because for the past year she has been asking me about the course. she could not wait to get NSCE and go there.

but rocky is the best cadet camp, bar none
I was lined up for D&C, but dropped for another job perspective. At this stage of my life, saving for college just takes the very difficult priority over cadet camp.  :-\
WO Saorse said:
I was lined up for D&C, but dropped for another job perspective. At this stage of my life, saving for college just takes the very difficult priority over cadet camp.   :-\

Dems the breaks Soarse(btw congrats on the promotion  ;)). I am actually holding out until sunday to find out what course i got. My CO wants to give them out at annualfor some reason  ???. I'm hoping for Adventure or D&C.
I got Staff at Connaught and Rifle Coach at Connaught, so I'm going for Staff

:salute: Falschirmjager  :salute:
I found out last night that Im going to HMCS Quadra (Comox, BC) for 6 weeks ;D. STG2 (Sail Trade Group 2).
I got ITAC (intro to aviation course) in Debert this summer from Jul 4th to the 22nd. Boring i know, but a good advantage for glider next summer  ;D
LongRange said:
I got Staff, F Coy (BASICS!) SecCom/Sgt. Should be interesting.

Are you going to Vernon then? I was a Platoon WO for the basic cadets in 2003. I was pretty curious about what a summer with 3 different intakes of basic cadets would do to me. But it turned out to be my best camp summer ever. Being up in tent city away from the rest of the camp caused all of us Basic staff to become pretty close. It was actually pretty fullfilling to see the change in the cadets in the 2 weeks I spent with them.

I guess one piece of advice I have about being staff for basics is to be as patient as you can. It is the first summer away from home for most of them...so believe me, you will have one interesting experience!! I'll never forget some of the stuff I came across.
Ok, so this is my problem. I failed my NSCE, so technically it should be impossible for me to get onto any advanced course. So last night, sure maybe a bit late however I decided to put in some camp apps for courses and staff. Some of my officers that where at the office for admin night where working on a master list for camp and some how I don't know if it was thought a mix up at detachment or through my good luck. I am on stand by for a course 333506. Since it is 6 digits I know it is some form of advanced camp of exchange. So if anyone could tell me what it is OR if anyone has a list of camp course codes for this year it would be very helpful.
My 3 choices where
1. Cadet Basic Parachutist Course
2. USA Exchange
3. MLE Exchange (england)

Thanks for any help.
I got CLI Adventure at Blackdown, though I was hoping for Drill and Ceremonial. At least I got a CLI, I was a little scared that I wasn't going to get one because my name didn't come back with the rest of the people going for camp.
i just got my final travel orders and joining instructions for whitehorse. i leave on the 25th of June. i am so excited about this.
is anyone else out there going to Vernon for the 6 week D&C course
holla back