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Suburban ladder assemply


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I know its probably a long shot, but I do remember an amateur photo existing of a black armored Chevy Suburban with a ladder assembly on it.  Does anyone have any photos of this vehicle, or anything similar?  I just finished reading "JTF2: Canada's Secret Commados" which talks about this vehicle, and it sparked my memory of that photo, which I am now unable to find.  Any help you guys can give me would be greatly appreciated.
I saw a suburban like that all the time when i was at connaught...

though it was being driven by members of the Queens Cowboys Tac Team.

sorry, I didnt get pics though...
It very well might have been used by the tac team down there.  Its just mentioned the JTF2 one because it was the only one I knew of that had a full mount/assembly for the ladder on a Suburban.
and im just saying there are probabbly pics of vehicles like that out there...

if JTF-2, and the RCMP use it, its a safe bet that there will be other agencies that would have something similar..

have you tried a google search on it?
it's a large SUV. Painted black. With a ladder on it. What more do you need to know? This thread is silly.
What it really needs is a picture of a bunny with a pancake on his head. Or a pirate.
Just for you paracowboy ;)


How about Bunny the Pirate? Maybe she had pancakes for breakfast:

Captain Morgan's got nothing on that Captain Anne...

Yar, Truly she be a fine woman, with much booty to be a plunderin..... Yar....

and By booty I be meanin the Treasure.... yar..... avast, get ye filthy minds out of the bilge.... yar...