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Subsidized Education - ROTP


Yes I am applying through CFRC Kitchener. I really enjoy the people that work there, they've been really good all around. I was told by my interviewer that they'd only pay for my last year of schooling, which is really all I expect. Also mentioned was that unlike those that go to RMC, I don't get a grace year. If I decide it's not for me after any length of time in ROTP funded time, I have to pay it back (not that I will change my mind).

Some of the people at that office are real characters  ;)
So.  This doesn't fit into this topic as you are under a different Plan.  You are CEOTP, or more likely DEO.
Yeah, from what he says it's CEOTP, I believe.

Good luck, regardless.  :army:
Perfect_Clark said:

Yes I am applying through CFRC Kitchener. I really enjoy the people that work there, they've been really good all around. I was told by my interviewer that they'd only pay for my last year of schooling, which is really all I expect. Also mentioned was that unlike those that go to RMC, I don't get a grace year. If I decide it's not for me after any length of time in ROTP funded time, I have to pay it back (not that I will change my mind).

Some of the people at that office are real characters  ;)

Fantastic staff there - I've already promised a few people that if the board selects me for ROTP a case of beer might appear at Kitchener!

Captain T is a great great guy, and Bombadier O as well - very helpful.
Good Luck Clark!
Perfect_Clark said:
I've looked around and haven't found anything on this, there don't seem to be a lot of people like me. I'm in the application process for ROTP at a civilian University (Wilfrid Laurier), but I'm already in my 3rd year. Basically, the CF would only be funding my final year. Does anyone know whether that affects things, basically are they more leniant or stringent on handing out spots when I wouldn't be anywhere near the same timeline as those applying out of High School? I'm not really looking for false hope or anything because I know it's strict as it is, just wondering if it makes a lick of difference.

I was enrolled ROTP after 2nd year of (H)BBA at WLU.  That was 24+ years ago (1983).  Later, I sat in Gagetown waiting to start Phase II Artillery while my cohort was promenading down the aisle at WLU sporting mortar board and tassel.  My obligatory service was 4 years, although one year of that was spent on OJT and Phase training. First posting was Germany and I think my arrival was the first step toward the wall coming down. ;D
Hi There, I'm actually in the same boat (well I've actually left university after I finished my 3rd year) and I've applied to the ROTP civi -u program for this year to get my final year to get my hon. bach. However in order to apply for ROTP you MUST have atleast 12 months of school left (ie 3 semesters, not 2) because you are not obliged to stay in the forces and owe them money should you leave until you start the 1st day of your second year (ie. your 3rd semester) of subsidization. So the forces won't sponsor people who can walk away for free in a year it would be rather foolish. So I had to find a transfer program that would take me 12 months (well 3 sememsters)  of courses to complete just to apply to ROTP.

Many people join at the start of 3rd year and it just means you might not be at the same spot in the training system when you graduate uni as those who started in first year. But that doesnt' mean you can't catch up. You will most likely do your IAP and BOTC with younger students but that's nothing significant. Also now they have started to only do second language training for officers who need it (and usually this is later in your career, where as before DEO's would get 6-12 months of training), so that can save you one summer and then  you will just go straight into doing your phase trainings with everyone else.

If you don't want to go to school longer you can always get a pass degree and go in as a DEO (you don't need Honors for a degree to get in, mind you you may have to do some extra courses later on so that you can do a post grad once you are in the forces, as that is a big plus for promotions past Major now) or you can see if they are willing to subsidize you on condition of a obligatory service agreement from the get go.

Good Luck!
I just got my acceptance last week for ROTP even though I only have 8 months of school left (2 terms), so I'm not sure what happened with your CFRC... In fact I was specifically told that because I only have a year left I can walk away at the job offer time and won't have to repay the money at all (not that I'll do that). Are you sure you heard correctly about the 12 months?
According to QR&O 15.07, the minimum obligatory service period is 12 months.  If you join after 2nd year of univ it is normally 36 months.  Maximum is nromally 60 months, except for Health Service professionals who could have up to 9 years of oblig svc, depending on recruitment allowance, course of study, etc.
Frostnipped Elf said:
According to QR&O 15.07, the minimum obligatory service period is 12 months.  If you join after 2nd year of univ it is normally 36 months.  Maximum is nromally 60 months, except for Health Service professionals who could have up to 9 years of oblig svc, depending on recruitment allowance, course of study, etc.

Well I'm in my third year, so I guess either:

a) the term I'm currently in, Jan-April counts (I did my interview and all that back in November),
b) the summer in which I'm doing BOTQ counts,
c) for some reason the actual 8 months of school is all that counts and it's ok with them.
Your obligatory service normally begins once you graduate from univ.  I would check with the recruiting centre or your ULO/Orderly Room, if it is an issue.  In my 24-years in uniform I seldom rely on memory of a conversation, I prefer written documents and policy manuals to resolve conflicting information.  If it ain't written down you can't always be sure.  Your enrollment paperwork should include the Obligatory Service period and/or date.  This date will appear on your electronic MPRR - Military Personnel Record Resume.
I am just wondering if anyone is in the same category as me. I am doing first year engineering at university of toronto and applied of ROTP. They offer me education at RMC. Anyone?
I say offer them back ROTP at U of T. That way you don't have to redo first year. I was in the same situation, but they gave me a choice to stay or do RMC.
Its your call. You can go to RMC or you can stay at U of T, finish your degree and go DEO later on. Ultimately it is which ever you think will be in your best interest.
Find out from the Registrar which (if any) of your courses are transferable towards an engineering degree at RMC. RMC has a very rigid course structure for 1st and 2nd year, after that it gets more into your specialization.
They may accept your marks and courses for acceptance, but not for transfer (happened to me on the Arts side. I got advanced 9 credits out of 11 courses). If they are only offering RMC, then make sure you get as many transfer credits as you can, it'll make life easier (spares are very rare for my engineer friends).

so does if i get transferable credit to RMC does that mean i wont have to take some of the course at RMC?
checkmate_ca said:
so does if i get transferable credit to RMC does that mean i wont have to take some of the course at RMC?

Yes but don't expect to have many courses credited.

checkmate_ca said:
Can u skip class at RMC?? just wondering lol

This is what I always wonder: Why do people still feel the need to skip class when they get to post secondary? Maybe I'm cynical because I had to pay for my first year, but in general post secondary is there for people who want to be there. That means people shouldn't be skipping because the classes are actually interesting right?