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Strangest request since I've been home.

Well, I'm definitely going to try to make the most of this experience and push for the troops, the CF and for Army.ca.

I'm going to have to side with HoM on defending the FAC's and US Pilots though... Things could have been a hell of a lot worse if they weren't helping us. And Like I've told everyone else; Giving how close the support was, something was bound to happen, it could have been a million times worse. When I do discuss what happened to us, I'll do it as tactfully as possible, without laying or conceding blame.  I don't want to step on toes or make families of the effected upset. But I will mention how I was wounded, and I'll try to represent our Forces as honestly and honourably as I can.

(sorry to get all political...)


- Piper
I wasn't refering to you, I am worried about the public address intro's.......
Re milnewstbay and Mr Monkhouse's posts.

Frankly I never thought about the journalistic spin, although I think it unlikely, one should be careful here.

Is there a CF involvement in this? or did they just 'give you a call'?

Is 31 CBG, 2 CMBG or LFCA sending a PAffO? should they?

There is a spin here, especially with the blue-on-blue aspect of it. It would not do for you to get sucked into that debate by some numpty reporter or a careless introduction. It would appear to devalue your service. Tread lightly.

Piper: Ref your last post, 0.02, That is the position I would take if I was in your boots. BZ.
Me, same as Bruce re:  intro messaging, although keeping it in mind ANYTIME reporters are around just in case never hurts.  Don't sweat the details too, too much, just keep it as amental Post-It note in the back of your mind.

To avoid sounding like the doomsayer, though, in spite of being misquoted by media, in a case like this, I think the story will most likely be, "We're playin' this one for the hometowner who did his duty".

If all else fails, a good fall-back message could always be:  "I'm here to enjoy a football game - all I'm gonna say right now is that I'm glad to be back, and we should all be thinking about the men and women still in the fray trying to make life better for the men, women and children of Afghanistan."

Again, enjoy!
Hey,  just a thought.  Do you have an army.ca tee-shirt?  I think that would win the contest,  or at least be top three.  ;D
milnewstbay said:
If all else fails, a good fall-back message could always be:  "I'm here to enjoy a football game - all I'm gonna say right now is that I'm glad to be back, and we should all be thinking about the men and women still in the fray trying to make life better for the men, women and children of Afghanistan."

Well... this has all been organized by the LFCA PAFFO, who requested someone from the PAFFO from 31 CBG, who, for some reason, likes me, and submitted my name.

I have been well prepared for dealing with media and have learned a great deal of escape lines in the event that media might get pushy.  Besides, most media get a briefing before they're allowed to 'officially' interview soldiers... and most reporters already know what kind of answers they'll get to questionable questions.

As for the intro; I was asked today to submit information to my AO about my life (short Bio), who will mull it over and submit a bio to the PAFFO who will chew it up and spit out something media friendly and safe. So, I'm not too worried.

Thanks for the concern though.
Most of all, just enjoy yourself. And give people the opportunity to show how much they care.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned that you should get the game ball. Piper with all the good things you are doing for the guys back in A-stan it wouldn't be self-deprecating to get a little trophy for yourself. And if not, hey, I'm sure the RCR Mess would love to have a team autographed Argo football siting on the mantel.

When and if you get the opportunity to meet the Argo cheerleaders walk up to one of them and look her in the eyes and say to her " You are a thief" When she ask you what do you mean. Tell her" You are a thief because you just stole my heart".

That line worked back in the 60's, may get you a kick in the n*ts now. ;D
GUNS said:

When and if you get the opportunity to meet the Argo cheerleaders walk up to one of them and look her in the eyes and say to her " You are a thief" When she ask you what do you mean. Tell her" You are a thief because you just stole my heart".

That line worked back in the 60's, may get you a kick in the n*ts now. ;D
Yeah, baby!  (in Austin Powers voice)
Or, you could walk up between two of them, and say "I hate to come between the two of you....hey, who am I kidding?  Giggidy!"
Heh.. if they gave me the game ball, signed, I think it would have to go on tour around all the units involved with the task force... the I'm pretty sure it would end up in the Kyrenia club at some point.
But I think the chances of getting the game ball are pretty slim, and I don't want to push it that much.... I'm probably going to feel awkward just asking for photos with the Regimental flags. But if they offer it, who am I to say no.  ;D

As for the pick up lines; thanks for the tips, guys... but even if it worked on the Argo girls, my fiance would probably tear me a new one.

Oh well.. she can't stop me from looking... heh.
RHFC_piper said:
Oh well.. she can't stop me from looking... heh.

Yeah she can…. But only if she catches your eyes wandering. Ask Hit or Miss to loan you his spare Oakleys. 8)
Remember you are ther representing the Military. Not anything else, including this website. Be gratefull of the priviledge they have bestowed upon you. Get your Pictures with the Unit flags, maybe a few signatures, hand out the shirts to the Captains and have a great time.
Good luck and hopefully they will show the game for the boys over seas to see.
RHFC_piper said:
So that’s the plan.  Toronto Argo’s vs. Montreal Alouettes, 28 Oct. 06.  Game starts at 1500h.

Hey, maybe all of us potential "Kingston Meet and Greet" folks can make this H-hour for the M & G as a great way to start off the day?

Just a thought...

Good on ya Piper.  :salute:
Piper, let me know if your Army.ca coin doesn't show up before the 28th...I'll drop by and let you borrow mine as I zip from Borden through T.O. to Kingston on Friday 27th.  We'd just have to figure out which side would be heads and which is tails.  The pitch for Army.ca could come indirectly when the Ref asks what is heads/tails...you could say (don't forget to lean over and speak into his microphone ;) )..."ummm...the Army.ca side is Heads."

p.s.  The Argo girls are actually called "Blue Thunder"....although that name doesn't quite help my "fitness appreciation mode."  I can't help but think about having the breadbowl with chili at Timmies with a name like that... ;D


I'll keep you offer in mind, thanks.... Cheers
  Just give 'er.  Enjoy your limelight.  Live the day, this day is for you, make us all proud of what we do and stand for; even if it involves getting hugs and pictures with the Argo Girls.   ;D
  Accept, with humility, the souvenirs they give you. We stand with you. :salute: