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Starting the Journey!


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Hey guys,

I figured it would be a good idea to document the journey that I'm seriously thinking about starting! I see it as a way to keep myself accountable and keep track of my progress as I move forward.

Right now, I'm seriously considering joining the reserves for Med Tech. I'm also interested in Imagery Tech, but I know that it's closed at this point. I'm hoping to apply throughout this school year and be ready to do my BMQ for next summer, but we'll see how things pan out!

I'm planning on working on my fitness (I'm not a couch potato or anything, but I've still got a ways to go) and I'm going to implement a plan for sorting out a few nagging injuries I have while I'm in school. That's my biggest concern right now, the injuries. I'm worried that I might be prevented from joining the CF due to them, but I can only work on making them better and apply to find out!

I feel like joining is something that's really going to push me hard to be my best, and not let me back down from being my best. I also feel like joining as a Med Tech is a great idea because I live in this constant battle between wanting to pursue something medical and some arts/teaching related, so I figure why not do both? I'm in university at the moment doing a BFA in visual arts, and I'll be starting my first year of teacher's college this year as well! This way, I can have the best of both worlds.

I figure this should be a very interesting journey and I'm looking forward to starting in earnest soon. I'm planning on visiting my local CFRC and asking a few questions and I can't wait. It's an exciting prospect. It also helps that there's this great community to answer questions and push us all to achieve our goals.

I'll keep you all updated as I move along :D
To keep yourself accountable/track progress start a journal... either a paper one or make your own blog.. or post on facebook to keep your friends updated.. 

-Skeletor- said:
To keep yourself accountable/track progress start a journal... either a paper one or make your own blog.. or post on facebook to keep your friends updated..

I second that motion.
It is always an excellent idea to keep thorough records of your progress through a career, etc. You don't realize how it can benefit you later on down the road. An accurate, detailed personal portfolio will leave a very good impression on any potential employer.
Thanks guys, I appreciate the encouragement!

I'm hoping to get the the recruiting centre some time this week,  but I've heard they can be pretty dead in the summer, so I might get luckier if I go some time in September. Last time I tried to go, they were closed even though a sign on the door said they were open for recruiting at the time >_<