I hope they get some decent writers so it's not full of plot holes and over the top spectacles for the sake of spectacles that change the story, such as the new star trek movies were. (Fun to watch as they were)
As far as the prequels I saw some fan edited versions, where they shortened scenes, removed unnecessary flashy crap, and Jar Jar antics etc. Added in some deleted scenes etc.
They went from Cringing bad, to watchable... but not the epicness that IV V and to a lesser extent VI. (knowing that the Ewoks were a stand in for what was originally supposed to be the Wookies who were enslaved to build the second death star and were staging a rebellion really kinda takes the shine off it)
They really were well edited to the point I thought to myself, "Why did I hate these movies so vehemently?" Then I put the original ep 1 in the DVD player... "ahh now I remember"