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Stalwart Guardian-Who's going or who has any words of wisdom?

GENOMS Soilder

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So who's going to Stalwart Guardian this August 18-29(correct me on the dates) in Petawawa?

I'm heading off with 11th Field for BMQ and Artillery training this summer, so I am already in, but I was wondering who is going and what they might be doing.

Also if anyone has any words of wisdom for these types of exercises then I'm all ears.
Wisdom for SG- bug repellent, sunscreen, mosquito netting for your cot, watch out for poison ivy, drink lots of fluids.  Watch out for bears, coyotes and large ravens - all 3 love newbies to the ranges.  They will rob you blind,  stealing anything not properly secured and stored. 
Also, be prepared for things to constantly change...expect the worst and hope for the best.  ;D
Ill most likely see you there. Im going also, Ill be with the 49th artillery. So we will most likely meet up.
I'll be playing the enemy force for the exercise.
I've heard somethings on what I'm doing, but nothing in confirmed. so either way, I'll be one of those "hardcore" 1 RCR boys out there shooting at you   ;D
edit; it's been INCREDIBLY hot lately, don't be suprised if it keeps up (when I mean hot, I mean it's around 33 on some days)
Yeah, I heard through the omnipotent grapevine (or the proverbial chain of command...) that our unit (and I can only assume the Lorne Scots) are going tactical for the 10 days, unlike last year, where our hooches were stationary and we had defensive positions. Its my understanding that we are constantly out in the black cadillacs and rucking around the serenity that is Petawawa.

Oh, and Yeoman, I'll see you there. We were told that some 1RCR guys were playing our enemy force, so I look forward to it.
recceguy said:
Cots??? ::)

i hope by cot he means forest floor  ;D

last year, our unit was tactical for the full Ex, I wouldnt see the point in it any other way.

make sure to bring a lot of dry clothing, and line your ruck with a garbage bag, as its likely to rain at least once, or you'll end up in water SOMEWHERES
Bring your cell phone for Pizza, and don't get pissed about the "Only MP's are allowed timmies rule" I got mad, wrote to the "ex director's website" and never got a response.  And remember to look at things realistically, if a company attacks something, and all of you finish the attack with sim paint on you, it was not successful.  Even if you are told it is, a company reduced to the strength of a section minus, is no longer effective.  Play fair as well, don;t wipe paint off, you don't learn if you are bullet proof.
Hey I'm Medical now, we don't go anywhere without our "cots."  For those of you who will be tactical for ten whole days, enjoy the blackflys and mosquitoes in your "camouflage, outdoor, tented, shelters."  After 14+ years of field living in the artillery I have become accustomed to a nice solid cot, a pair of fluffy slippers and my teddy bear.

Enjoy SG05, nothing like the hot, summer nights on the Petawawa ranges.
Bomber said:
Bring your cell phone for Pizza, and don't get pissed about the "Only MP's are allowed timmies rule" I got mad, wrote to the "ex director's website" and never got a response.   And remember to look at things realistically, if a company attacks something, and all of you finish the attack with sim paint on you, it was not successful.   Even if you are told it is, a company reduced to the strength of a section minus, is no longer effective.   Play fair as well, don;t wipe paint off, you don't learn if you are bullet proof.

Sorry about not writing back - I missed that one. If I had seen MPs with Timmies, something would have been done about it.  You are either on exercise, or not.  Forget the cell phone for pizza, and concentrate on training....

Dave - not involved in SG this year
Well before we stood down I never heard anything about me going, ,mainly because I'm in LFWA, but I will be finished my BIQ in CFB Gagetown by the time this starts and will be at the Toronto Airport on Aug 20th... am I eligible for this?
Bomber said:
"Only MP's are allowed timmies rule"

As one of the Meatheads at the Ex last year...and every incarnation since the MilCon days...none of my lads had timmies. And if PPCLI Guy had had to deal with them it would have been after me. We were tactical the same as everyone else...the only thing is we drive to our objectives.
No cots for us either  ;D
I'll be there for a few days as "air Taxi."  My only point -- if any of you get interviewed by the media, please don't act like the guys last year that were featured on "Truth, Duty, Valour."  What an embarassment.  The objective of a media interview is not to see how many times they can bleep you out.  Not cool.

Otherwise, bug juice and hydration.  The sand mites are out and the humidity sucks.
Strike said:
...and the humidity sucks.

Not in the last week or so......surprisingly. It has been hot, but not overly humid as of late. Of course, I've seen it snow here in August before, so who knows if that'll last  ;)
I've heard everything you guys are doing.
have fun, cuz even I wouldn't mind trying some of that stuff.
not sure if you'll see my ugly mug out there now (I caved in, I'm starting my ironman training I guess? and rugby playoffs, since there's like two teams on the base now).
but have fun boys, you will be.
Just a quick question for you guys.

I recently sworn in with the 31 CER out of St. Thomas but was unable to go on BMQ/SQ this summer due to my civilian job, but yesterday the Lieutenant from the unit call me up asking if I was interested in heading up to attend the Stalwart Guardian exercise.  I haven't called yet to say that I won't be attending, but I was wondering what they would possibly have an untrained private doing for a solid week?
