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St. Jean BMQ - Inspection photos

ill be either bringing a disposable one or buying one sometime during my stay.
My BMQ start monday .. and my digicam come with me  .. ! i can live whitout one near me .. hehehe
DjTino said:
My BMQ start monday .. and my digicam come with me   .. ! i can live whitout one near me .. hehehe

my bmq starts monday aswell; St.Jean?  and what day are you leaving?  18th, 19th or 20th?

I'm bringing my digicam

taking the french course? ill be on the english course and flying out to montreal sat. morning 9:40 AM from Toronto Pearson!

See you there.
Looks tight, guys. I am not a dirt-bag but that's so perfect looking I will have lots to learn.

Out of curiosity, what all can you have that's personal and not specific to the training? I don't see any civvie clothes and that purple box seems so small. What all can you take that's your regular stuff or even optional? And, would it matter if it was there in the first place? I hear conflicting reports.

Some say you're in uniform 24/7 basically, but don't they ease up and let you out after the 4th week?

Another thing someone told me was that you have a special personal duffle bag that you can only get access to on weekends with your regular clothes in it and you can even bring DVDs and stuff for the lounge?

Anything you guys got would be awesome. Thanks

If you are going to bring something personal make sure it fits in the box or it will have to go into civvie lockup, and access to it is sporadic at best.

For the first 4 weeks yes, you are in uniform 24/7.  After that you may be permitted to wear civvies after 6:30 and all day weekends. Like I said above, access to civvie lockup is sporadic at best so don't plan on getting in there either to stash stuff for inspection or to get out some stuff or whatever.  Don't bother bringing DVD's, the bistro has quite the collection of them so dont bring your own, its just a waste of space.
How about a laptop ? Just for use on your own time. Do you think the guys in your room can be trusted ?  ??? That's a pretty sad question considering that we should all be on the same page and be part of a team helping eachother.  :salute:
it has been recommended to me to leave the civvies at home. and that should the time come to buy what i need/ want where i am so i have less to worry about in travel. and to save space.

any comments on that?

i plan on bringing my car or motorcycle down if its summer. mail all my stuff to my self and get on for a nice long ride through MB, On and Que. LOOK OUT SORE ASS!
According to the joining instructions, jeans are not permitted for wear on base or as walk off clothing. Is this being adhered to or are people wearing jeans. (Just not looking forward to walking to Ste. Jean in dress pants. BRRR!)
Don't wear jeans.  When I went to St. Jean I was told by my CFRC to go in a suit and tie.  Bring a couple civvie pairs of pants and shirts because you wont get your kit until midway into your first week so youll be  in civvies for the first few days.  Don't bring your car to the base, even though the parking lots are always completely empty you still arent supposed to bring them. 
I don't intend on arriving in jeans, I'm just wondering about weekends off near the end of training.
I brought my digital camera on my IAP/BOTC/SLT courses and had no problems. I even brought it into the field and got some decent pictures with it. I wrapped it in a wool sock, jammed into the padded carrying case, and sealed it in ziplock bag whenever I wasn't using it.

I'm not sure of what kind of locked personal storage is available to recruits, but I'd think the barracks boxes would qualify. If you take care of your stuff (IE securing it properly), you shouldn't have to worry.
Heyy guys and girls i was wandering what the facility is like at st. jean like are You in Your own room or communal showers everyone in one room sleeeping ,eating area like whats it set up if anyone has any links or something i would really appreicate it.... TY

Mike Hamilton
I doubt any of you will have your pers veh...

on my CFJLC and JNCO... i had all my double kit stored in my car.

i had doubles of EVERYTHING...  except wpn.. of course

It saved my life. Ok.. well.. made my life alot easier.  ::)
The recruiting centre asked if I wanted to arrive by personal vehicle at Borden.

Someone else whose been through BMQ at Borden said that we would have to turn in their keys, and they would return them when you had leave. That would suck!

By the way, are "Camera Phones" frowned upon? or OK? (as long as not ON THE PHONE all of BMQ of course)

don't you have 2 sets of keys....

not like you still couldn't use it as storage!!!!!

My hubby took a camera phone with him to St. Jean a year ago and had no problems. It was great for him to be able to e-mail photos to friends and family while he was away.

Good luck!