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Split Path


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Okay I have a real dosey of a problem here. I have recently decided to transfer to the infantry and should be there in the fall to winter period. Although I really don't think I can keep up with my training scheduals because in the big picture I want to eaither be a pastor or a Padre for regs and all my religous training hits right in the summer. If anyone has experianced anything like this and could help me make an informed decision as to which road I would appreciate it. If you just want to throw out some pros and cons to each situation I would thank you for that to.  I am 18 currently and just started on a degree so I can't start my padre training yet, so anyway thanks for all the help you guys have to offer and if it comes to release can i get some facts on that to or some direction where to find those facts.
Zer02005 said:
Okay I have a real dosey of a problem here. I have recently decided to transfer to the infantry and should be there in the fall to winter period. Although I really don't think I can keep up with my training scheduals because in the big picture I want to eaither be a pastor or a Padre for regs and all my religous training hits right in the summer. If anyone has experianced anything like this and could help me make an informed decision as to which road I would appreciate it. If you just want to throw out some pros and cons to each situation I would thank you for that to.  I am 18 currently and just started on a degree so I can't start my padre training yet, so anyway thanks for all the help you guys have to offer and if it comes to release can i get some facts on that to or some direction where to find those facts.

I'm a bit confused on your exact situation.
Are you in the military now?  You state  you are "transferring".  From what?  Have you already applied?
If you want to be a Padre, why are you applying for Infantry?
I was....or I guess I still technically am a sig op. I have been for a little over a year now but again training was a problem(I blew out my knee in BMQ) and I got my transfer in this summer to infantry which is a huge rant about how I can actually fit in some of the training but I will always have the summer issue. So really I've been in the system but not used very well do to a year of employment without training. Also Padre is only a reg force trade and also requires 2 years or something in a religious teaching position(I think I could be wrong on setails) So I really don't know wheather I should take this infantry position or release and fullfill my training in ministry then re-join as a reg.