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Spiritual Issues

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Jungle said:
As for people like ravanosh, who insist that my life has no meaning, well... he is more proof that there are brainwashed radicals in all religions, who believe that their's is the one "true religion", which upholds the only "true values" and adores the only "true god". And he is asking us to widen our horizons ??  ::)

I did no such thing! There is a huge difference between establishing the concept of atheism as a philosophy and accusing atheists of leading empty lives... your jumping to conclusions and missing my point.

If you look at my posts you will see that I have never claimed to believe in any "one true" anything. Every religion has a piece of the puzzle, and I study them all as much as I can. My focus has been and always will be on spirituality, not on doctrine.

I am an open-minded theologist because my experience does not allow for the absence of spirituality in my philosophy. If you are a spiritual "atheist", then you obviously believe in something (the miracle of the natural world, the sanctity of human bonds etc. all of these are reflections of something greater than us) and there are so many ways to define and conceptualize the concept of "God".

Atheism may counter anything from the existence of a deity, to the existence of any spiritual, supernatural, or transcendental concepts. It is the broader atheist I am addressing, not those with any manner of spiritual inclination.
Ravanosh said:
accusing atheists of leading empty lives... your jumping to conclusions and missing my point.

So you dont remember saying this :

I must admit, however, that atheism seems flawed based on my analysis, as it implies that there is no real meaning to life. Correct me if I am mistaken.

Good thing i quoted you.

Ravanosh said:
I am an open-minded theologist because my experience does not allow for the absence of spirituality in my philosophy.

You have chosen your theology, let others choose their own.

In seven pages you have found no converts to your personal viewpoint, neither have you changed your own.  Leave it at that. Choosing to embrace spirituality, based in religion or otherwise, is a personal choice, with no definitive effect on the quality of the person as a soldier, sailor or airman. No-one is asking you to "allow for the absence of spirituality in [your personal] philosophy". You will not be oppressed for your views, but you will be expected not to try and force your views on others (no matter how gently, politely or subtly you think you may try to do so). Find peace for yourself within your own concept of spirituality and let others find peace with their own.

Good link 48th regulator, that video addresses some of the fundamental flaws in Christianity (namely that a partial and petty God could exist).

Something I would like to put forward for consideration: if our beliefs determine our afterlife, and you believe that no afterlife exists, might you not be taking a considerable risk?
Ravanosh said:
Good link 48th regulator, that video addresses some of the fundamental flaws in Christianity (namely that a partial and petty God could exist).

Something I would like to put forward for consideration: if our beliefs determine our afterlife, and you believe that no afterlife exists, might you not be taking a considerable risk?

My challenge is when Science and Religion mix.....



Ravanosh said:
might you not be taking a considerable risk?

I dont beleive there is an afterlife so what the heck do i have to worry about ? What risk am i taking ? That i might end up in hell instead of heaven ?


Since i dont beleive there is an afterlife, how can that beleif determine my afterlife ?

CDN Aviator said:
I dont beleive there is an afterlife so what the heck do i have to worry about ? What risk am i taking ? That i might end up in hell instead of heaven ?


Since i dont beleive there is an afterlife, how can that beleif determine my afterlife ?

The risk:
You believe that there is nothing after life ends, so that is the what you end up with - nothing. You cease to exist because that is what you believe should happen.
Ravanosh said:
The risk:
You believe that there is nothing after life ends, so that is the what you end up with - nothing. You cease to exist because that is what you believe should happen.

Is what i am saying so complicated that you are not capable of understanding what i say ?

I beleive there is nothing after.........if beleiving that leads to nothing after, why the fuck should i be worried ?

I'm not risking anything.............

Just leave it alone. Just because CDN Aviator is forming statements as questions I don't think he is seeking answers.

Just let it go man.
FINALLY !! The definitive guide to choosing the religion that suits you best:

Guess I'm a Mayan then, who knew!

Time to brush up on my libations to Kinich Ahau and Kulkucan.

Also, would anyone like to join me while I dress up like a wayob and dance with Tonsured Maize God? Great fun will ensue!
Nemecek said:
Also, would anyone like to join me while I dress up like a wayob and dance with Tonsured Maize God? Great fun will ensue!
Naw, as a boring, generic Christian, I'll just eat some bacon and watch.  Because I f*cking LOVE bacon!  ;D
Jungle said:
FINALLY !! The definitive guide to choosing the religion that suits you best:

First of all, this is f*cking hilarious!  I love it!  But for those who would take offense from this, yes, I realise that nowhere does it talk about morality, which is the essense of religious spirituality (the theme of this thread).  Having said that, a good sense of humour is, I believe*, one of God's greatest gifts to us.

*This is my belief.  Once in a while, I'll let out a belief every once in a while.
Ravanosh said:
Something I would like to put forward for consideration: if our beliefs determine our afterlife, and you believe that no afterlife exists, might you not be taking a considerable risk?

This is a rather bizarre warping of Pascal's Wager, a rather thoroughly debunked argument.

I think Captain O'Leary offered the best advice to you, Ravanosh.
I believe I have one final method of illustrating my point.

A question: What existed prior to the beginning of time as we know it, and the creation of the universe as we understand it?

If one replies by saying "nothing", then the implication is that "something came from nothing", a statement that can be disputed by logical reasoning. How does one generate "something" from "nothing"? They are mutually exclusive states.

Therefore, "something" must have always existed, from which to generate the reality that we currently perceive.

Provided no one disputes this logical deduction, I will carry this line of thought forward to more interesting considerations.
No, you won't.  I am certain you can find another piece of the Internet more suited to the discussion you appear to feel a need to participate in.

Milnet.ca Staff
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