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Speeding / Traffic tickets during application [Merged]


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Hey, On my way to apply to the recruiting centre, I was stoped by a police rader trap and got a speeding ticket and my car towed. I was going to go down to the recuriting centre to apply today instead, though just now i saw on the 39cbg site "Be free of any legal obligations".

Does that mean i cant apply and join untill I pay off the ticket? or does that mean I can only not join if I decide to dispute the ticket?
Im not employed right now, and the cf reserves was going to be my job, im just a student and got this outrageous ticket for $368 and its going to be hard for me to pay it off.
Traffic Tickets do not give you a Criminal Record.  You should be OK.  As you found out, Speeding really hurts the pocket book, so it may be wise to slow down on your way to the Recruiting Centre.  ;D
Based on what I read on another thread, Military Police aren't fans of speeding either.  ;-)
You should be okay, provided that you pay the ticket promptly and that you don't get a criminal record (ie you were doing 250 in a school zone or something).
burning_arc said:
Im not employed right now, and the cf reserves was going to be my job, im just a student and got this outrageous ticket for $368 and its going to be hard for me to pay it off.

Perhaps you should have considered this prior to speeding.  No sympathy here.

By the way...they towed your car for speeding?  First time I've heard of that happening.
Nothing to worry about; everyone speeds, just unfortunate that you got caught (perhaps you might be a good candidate for a radar detector lol).
Do the crime & you do the time.........

Did Road Safety for a while.... got to see 1st hand what some dumb bastards will do with a motor vehicle.... even with their loved ones on board!!!!

Hope you've learned a lesson.

O, you just made me remember that i have to pay my 6 parking tickets before i leave to basic THX.

Wolf  :cdn:
I was recently driving for Med Hat Ab back to Toronto to get to basic and got stopped for speeding, I was doing 105 in a 90 coasting down a hill.  you know the drill power up the hill, get to the top let off the gas and coast down the hill. Meanwhile the guy in front of me had just passed like i was stopped going up the hill, and he sped away, sometimes justice really is blind.  Oh well it was only 50 bucks and no points.
$#!@ happens i guess.  just thought id share

:salute: :cdn: :salute:
that's tough Winstone...
but 50$ isn't 368$
Have had a couple of speeding tickets over 30+years of driving and have had no problems accepting the fact that I was in the wrong - paid em up within 10 days of receiving and have done my damdest to obey....

Note that things aren't always "fair", got nailed by the Fla state troopers. was traveling in full rush hour traffic outside of Tampa. With cars all around me, I could not drive faster than the rest of em and the Trooper decided to go for (what I figure) was a car rental with out of state driver.... His point, when I asked why me? a vaild point BTW was.... I can only stop one car at a time....and I was "it".
beach_bum said:
Perhaps you should have considered this prior to speeding.   No sympathy here.

By the way...they towed your car for speeding?   First time I've heard of that happening.

i think if your more then 50-60 k over the speed  limit they tow your car and can suspend your license since your an obvious hazard to the safey of others and yourself, ive heard of this happening to at least 10 people i know (and yet my record is clean  ;D )
I am sure this has been addressed in full many times,although i can not seem to find some information about it .I am going through application process and just recently handed in my fingerprints (about 1 1/2 months ago).I was arrested once about 10 yrs ago for having a few joints on me..i was upfront about this at RC..hopefully no issues there.Also  I have never been arrested or gone to court since that time.

My question is..i was charged numerous times with drinking out of residence and open liquor in a car a few times...as a passenger..all taking place over 6 years ago.I was not working at the time and did not make an effort to pay off these fines.I know they are out there somewhere and will come back to screw me over..most likely during this application process.

Should i contact the local OPP..and find out more about these fines and make arrangements to rectify the situation before my app is held up any longer?Or do these fines get sent off to a collection agency somewhere?It did not show on my equifax report.

Regardless of your application, I would think the ethical thing to do would be to contact the OPP and take care of it.  Take responsibility for your mistakes, pay up, and carry on.
LeonTheNeon said:
Regardless of your application, I would think the ethical thing to do would be to contact the OPP and take care of it.  Take responsibility for your mistakes, pay up, and carry on.

Even in the time before computers (whatever did we do before we had em?) they caught up with you.
I got a speeding ticket in 1974 when I was travelling to Alberta on holiday.....just newly graduated from University and short on cash I didn't pay the fine. When I applied for the military in 1977 the security check turned up that I owed this fine and I had to pay it before my application went ahead. By the time I paid it there was interest applied...it hurt at the time but hey....30 years later it was all worth it!! ;D
Thank you for the advice fellas.

I have contacted the O.P.P...and unfortunately they can not help me at this time.They basically said i would have to wait for the results of the security check and once these things come up take it from there and make arrangements to rectify the situation.Which is a blow..because i was hoping to get a head start and work on getting things sorted out and have some proof of this on paper when i FINALLY have a request for an interview.
Just tell him you misplace the tickets.. don't even bother giving them your life story. They don't need to know.
TN2IC said:
Just tell him you misplace the tickets.. don't even bother giving them your life story. They don't need to know.

Now here is good, solid advice that we want to give new soldiers -- LIE! 

Your leadership leaves much to be desired. 
SamIAm said:
Now here is good, solid advice that we want to give new soldiers -- LIE! 

Your leadership leaves much to be desired. 

Well he did misplace them right? Or am I misunderstanding this?  And I am sure my leadership is fine. You are welcomed to ask any of my troops I"ve taught.

I misplaced a few of them..the bottom line was i was young and dumb and just simply neglected to pay them hoping they  would go away..out of sight out of mind i guess.This however is no reflection of the person i am today,nor the type of work ethic i aspire to..i have learned allot since then.
At no time was it indicated that the tickets were misplaced.

Moreover, I already know your reputation for instruction.