Correct. See
here, at page 78.
Very much worth watching:
Thanks for the paper Svanen. It unfortunately tends to focus mostly on the overseas awards especially the confusion around Afghanistan service awards and the differences occurring depending on rotation, area deployed, Armed Forces served under and multiple changes to the award criteria mid mission.
The paper does have 6 criteria for consideration (Table 4-1 on Page 43)
- Compatibility - Any specific proposal must be compatible with the existing system of Canadian honours.
- Duplication - No new military honour should duplicate the existing national honours.
- Eligibility - No new military honour should adversely affect the eligibility of military personnel for existing awards.
- Respect - Fundamental to the concept of honours is that they carry prestige. Their raison d'être is to recognize an accomplishment commanding the respect of members of the military, the general public and the person honoured.
- Equitability - Non-recognition of this factor could produce the negative effect of dissatisfaction rather than improve morale. If an honour is bestowed for duty under certain circumstances, similar duties and circumstances should also be rewarded.
- Credibility - This factor is related to respect. To be credible, an honour must represent a worthy endeavour. It must not represent routine duty.
When it comes to Domestic Operations it ultimately I think boils down to the question - are Domestic Operations "routine" duty or not?
I believe that while the CAF has and continues to do very well in responding to requests for aid there are significant operations that members and the CAF as a whole have under taken that are not "routine" and deserve recognition. The criteria for such awards would need to be carefully considered but is separate from establishing the "Credibility" of such an award.
For reference on my incomplete list of Missions/Operations for domestic response seem to show 3 key dates:

1970 and the FLQ Crisis which also resulted in several other missions (Montreal Olympics for example)
1989 and the start of the break up of the USSR/end of Cold War
2008 and the creation of Canada COM which included a joint Civil Assistance Plan.
Or if you prefer an estimate on the number of CAF members involved:
All I know is the CAF has been punching above it's weight on domestic operations for a long time and it's not well acknowledged.