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Special Evaluation Course PFT

If it can answer all your questions about timing:
Dec 04: complete BOTC
March 05: completed SLT
End of August 05: completed the last PFT with Bombardier (that was weird getting class while they were taking everything out)
October-November 05: AMT, BASIC SERE and SEA SURVIVAL
April 06: got on BFT.

About Moose Jaw: Class are running now at 13 candidates. About the last course who just came in, they are 13 in total and its 10 canadians and 3 italians. Courses interval is around I think a month down to 3 weeks like my course. Most of the RMC guys are coming this summer. About your waiting time for your next course it is depending what is your choice. If you want to go jet, I'm not 100% sure but the waiting time is very short not to say none... If you want to go helo, friends have waited around 5-10 months to get their course. The only thing that I know about the helo course it's that the glass cockpit will be in or is already in for training since we get the Cyclone. For the multi's guys, when I was doing PFT guys on multi course had wait 3 years to get a spot on the course... I hope the situation is better right now.

About PFT: Please be gentle with Speedy  ;D Watch him when you guys will play the krud game! (sorry dont know how its spelled). The Grob seems to be a real nice plane! I was sure that there was already a course in progress in Portage since I've talked to an instructor who was visiting us for a graduation and he was telling us that there was a course on.... maybe 0600?? Are you getting 'box' time now in PFT? Anyway I wish you good luck for your course!!!
Cheers Pipstah,

From what I understand there is currently a serial going through, and another two beginning in June. The first couple of serials are running with the Slingby's syllabus. The Small Evaluation Course will be using the new syllabus. I may be wrong.

I don't know if we will be getting box time.

The fellas I went through BOTP with are not slated to go to PFT until September or January. Somehow my name got pulled to go early. Based on my message, I guess there were 8 added openings for Canadians in the September and October BFT serials. Once again I got lucky.

I'm going flying this weekend in a 172. I want to get some of the dust off my log book with some upper air work, and circuits. I wonder what the right seat feels like....
you will see that for the circuit it is not the same as in the civi world... if they say at that point you turn... its there you have to turn! They want you to fly a very precise circuit pattern and you will know it pretty fast when you are getting out of the pattern  ;D I'm sure the instructors could fly the pattern with their eyes closed since they have done that so many times hehe  ;D Oh in case I didnt tell you that yet... try to have fun in Portage keep a positive attitude and good luck!
As Zoomie stated, you begin waiting for PFT after SLT. Is that also the case if you have a PFT bypass and go straight to BFT? I imagine it would be, however can anyone confirm?

About Second language training, I've seen no english pilots while they were waiting for PFT... most of the english pilots got right in PFT after a short waiting and they bypass second language training. Maybe they will have to do the course after they got their wings... My friend skipped the SLT and PFT...he got in BFT just a course ahead of me and I had to do everything.... but it will prolly change soon since the class are getting bigger at Moose Jaw.
My question is a little more geared toward finding out after what course do they typically put you on the waitlist for flight training?
maniac779 said:
As Zoomie stated, you begin waiting for PFT after SLT. Is that also the case if you have a PFT bypass and go straight to BFT? I imagine it would be, however can anyone confirm?

Confirmed. You get placed on the list after SLT. It is a Moose Jaw list.

For example if your number is 81- that is you are behind 80 other people for Moose Jaw- regardless of whether you have a PFT bypass or not.
Bograt said:
Just got my attached posting message this morning. I am going to Portage for the Small Group Evaluation Course beginning 20 June. There are just 12 of us (4 RMC'ers).

Finally after a lifetime of waiting to join the air force, and an equivalent amount of time waiting to get on course, I am about to start my CF flying career.(I am no longer a filing cabinet mover/ or a VNC alphabetical orderer) Provided things go well, I will be off to the Jaw in January.

I have downloaded the cockpit of the new Grob 120, and I am not sure where one puts the quarter.


Bograt, have been following your posts for a while now and I am excited to see you are, for lack of a better term, getting off the ground. Good luck and let us all know how it went.

On a side note, and forgive my civie enthusiasm but a 260hp, +6 -4G aircraft sounds exciting; quite the step up from my beloved Eclipse. There is a local school here in Ottawa that uses the Grob 115C for some ( and to what extent I'm not sure ) aerobatics training. I have often wondered how she compares but referencing the site Slayer provided, she is not the same machine with a Lycoming I/O320 that produces 160HP at 2700RPM (according to the manual that is).

Good luck to all going or soon to be heading to PFT! I'd love to hear the stories...
Update of PFT 0601 end week 2.....

I'll keep it short to just fill in the major points.

We are in the new Hangar #1 (old hangar floor thought) with temp. class rooms and lounges.  We share the hangar with the instructors and the Nav students who are here to get 6 VFR Nav famil flights.  They put the 9 Grobs, the King Airs and all the Jet Rangers to bed here too.  Hangar #2 is knocked down and being rebuilt.  The Main Admin/Training building is being finished, but won't be ready for a long time.

We are using the old ground and flight training sllyabus but slighty modified.

Pretty much everything course wise is electronic and we were issued gucci Dell XPS M1710 laptops  we keep for the course (looked up the price... $2800 each :o )  We are using the old Power Point presentations and its rough cause alot of the bugs haven't been worked out... also some of the "newer" old slides were deleted when the contract changed hands so some stuff is missing.  The biggest ***** of all is that we just got a copy of the Checklists, and we don't have the AOIs.... we do have the aircraft manual though.  Its taking awhile to get everything approved, and once one piece of info comes out it needs a revision or a correction..... expect a pain in the *** for the next year while all this electronic crap is ironed out.  Also, the brief/debrief runs will be fully kitted out with electronic gear, computers, smart boards and widescreen plasma TVs... eventually they will be using the cockpit video systems.

We had parachute training on Wednesday.  It was some dude from a jump club who has like 5800 jumps under his belt, so he knows what he is talking about, however it varies from the stuff you will learn on AMT and Sea Survival.

We've already done 2 prog tests and had 2 finals... this coming week we have 4 finals  :o :crybaby:  but that will signal the end of Ground School!!!!

June 19th PFT 0602 starts, June 20th PFT 0603 starts with the completely new ground and flying syllabus.  Also, and more importantly, PFT 0601 goes flying for their first flights :D :D :D

My suggestions to those who are waiting... read the Air Command Weather Manual (although they are cutting MET down from 21 classes to 5), the Manual of Instrument Flying and also find a copy of the Aerodynamics manual  (forget the DND name for it) to get prepared for the ground school.
Also, if you got questions about the Red Pages email me  ;)

So to sum it up, we are all having a good time, love being around the new planes and can't wait to pop the cherries on them.  We had a good time last weekend cause the airshow was in town and this weekend some of the dudes went to play some paintball.

Until then, we will be crunching the books.......
Have fun over there slayer! It's good to know that Portage is back on track!
I dont know why but I'm pretty sure that I know what Bograt has asked to Slayer ;D

I don't know what you are alluding to... Slayer has several wonderful muffin/scone recipes that I am dying to try. His Pineapple Strudel is the best east of Moose Jaw.
They've replaced the Slingsby already? They're not even three decades old yet.

I went through on the first batch of Musketeers in early 79, and saw the Slingsbys delivered in sea containers, like huge kits, while I was on the Jet Ranger Instructor Course in 92.

We were living in old condemned H huts, with above-ground steam heating that rattled and banged all night long. A photo of a brand new minimum security jail "cell" appeared in the Winnipeg paper one day - bigger, modern, and a taxpayer-provided TV was quite prominent. They probably had maid service, too.

The fanciest piece of instructional kit was a black-and-white VTR (Tape, not cassette) that seemed to eat the first few inches of tape each time it was loaded so movies got shorter and shorter.

And it was uphill both ways to the flight line...