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Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

Reading the comments about John Babcock on CBC.ca.  I keep asking myself why do I bother with cbc.
Lotsa things

- Feeling godly after having slept a good 10 hours.............  :D

- Planning move move to Edmonton on CTing to the regs..

- Planning out my week, taking into consideration: my kickboxing class, gym time, my friend who's back in town, my outing to Wild Wings and death by 6-alarm wings......

- Wondering if I would have looked better in Naval DEUs.

- Thinking of getting time with a physiotherapist to figure out my running technique, so I no longer get sore in the knees.
Anxiously waiting for "THE GAME" ...  like the rest of North America!

Go Canada!  :cdn:
leroi said:
Anxiously waiting for "THE GAME" ...  like the rest of North America!

Go Canada!  :cdn:


Also just going over this fitness set-up that I found off a link by someone on this forum :) So it looks like tomorrow I will start to follow this fitness routine!
Monday, 01 Mar 10, its the first day of fall, and the METREP is wet, rain and storms. Its just after 0500, and off to work soon.

Just watched possibly the most nerve wracking game of hockey yet.  Good job boys!  How do you spell clutch? Sidney Crosby.  :cdn:
Well, thought I'd get out for a jet ski today, since its fall, best to get things like this before winter (ha), considering it was a cool 31C today on a semi cloudy Sunday.

So headed up to Mission Point, then down to Scoopy's, over to the Banksia Canal heads by my place, then up to a mate of mine to see how his boat repairs are going, then home.

Overall a great way to spend a morning, and I only have a sun burn to show for it.

Here is a few pics for you lovers of the snow and cold
A few more...

Gotta love that hat eh  :nod:

Then home to do post Sea-Doo maint, then some R n R, watched Jaws, and now relaxing, pondering what to cook on the BBQ. Chook, snags, rissoles, or steak??

Its just coming up 1600h.

Love the toys =D Those things are so much fun.. but here in Canada, we got laws and cottage groups that will try to ban you from using those on smaller lakes :(
Kat Stevens said:
Nobody likes you, Wes.

I was just going to say that.  Nobody really likes you.  I mean, we like the snow, and cold, and the -5 billion degree wind chills.  We do.  Honestly

It might be cold there, but its Sunday, here its 0511h, Monday and I have to work.

Enjoy your day off, ha!

Great times - bad call kharma week topped off with the stove/oven trying to burn the house down Thursday night and now me having to buy a new one (thank you Canex), 14 year old deciding he didn't like being told of his shortcomings from a job I had him do on his day off school so he legged it and haven't seen or heard from him since except via informants (RCMP looking out).  However, on the bright side, have a couple of weeks down here at the FDU to look forward to and relax a bit.  Oh I forgot,  I'm unit Duty Officer this week, so have to carry around 2 electronic leashes as well as my own personal cell phone  :D.

Its Saturday, just coming up to 0915h. Its fall, raining and a crap 22C. A cyclone is brewing off the island of Vanuatu, and heading this way, picking up speed as it goes. We have been experiencing gale force winds since last night, and horizontal rain this am, which is so forceful it comes thru keyholes in locks.

Summing up, I hate days like this. Last night went out for a 18hr slow cooked steak at Morayfield's Hog's Breath Cafe, had that along with to JD/Coke, garlic/herb bread, and chook tenders, then to Richard's to watch a 2005 movie 'Running Scared'. Home by 2300.

Might be a good day for a movie?

Anyways, I am feeling the 'need for a feed' on some totally yumm'd out pancakes, smothered in butter and that great Canadian standby, Bee Hive golden corn syrup (of which I must jealouly guard and ration out - I am down to my last litre).  Ha, it cost $73 to ship two 1 litre bottles last time.

This with some nice thinly cut crispy bacon, and fresh cold milk would top off a good morning.
I had to go the St. Laurent Mall after work today.  I forgot it was March Break.  :-\  Lots of kids roaming the mall, thankfully, not too many in the store I went to (Sport Chek).

As I was leaving, I saw a mall security cop.  The girl looked so young I had to do a double take!  :o
She looked like Lindsay Lohan used to (before she went all skanky) and I checked around to see if there were cameras filming anywhere.  ;D

A cyclonic Sea Doo adventure this afternoon......

TC Ului  apparently will make landfall to our north someitme early Sunday moring AEST. Already there is 4 to 6 metres swell (that 19ft waves) locally, with a teenager being killed to our south after his surf life saving boat capsized over a 4 metre breaker, and he hit his head somehow.

That being said on the calmer side between the island I live on, and the mainland the swell is only about 1.4 metres, but was still 'hairy' on the Sea-Doo, but fun, and not too dangerous. Only on the water for about 45 mins.

Tonight is Thai take-away, steamed white rice, garlic tiger prawns, and chook satay, swilled with CC and ginger ale, ha! Then a swim and bed.

Don't know about the tidal surge either, but as of tomorrow morning, I'll ensure that all potential 'missiles' are secured in my shed and garage. I live 125 paces from the water on an island which is only 2 metres ASL, ha!  It looks like the storm will hit the state midships, but our area is feeling the effects now, and we are lucky this island will be unlikely out of the TC's immediate path.

METREP is 28C, windy with building clouds over the Coral Sea.

The joys of a tropical lifestyle....  Gotta love it  :nod:


Sitting and waiting, counting down the days before deployment.  Of course there is alot of last min things to do that  should of been done by now...... Ah well.  OWDU keep us informed. At least let us know if your house becomes Waterback property. ( differs greatly from waterfront don' yah know)