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Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

Hey, its warm and sunny here, so doing laundry, watering the grass, and cleaning the pool, and ya, getting some groceries too.

Gotta love a tropical spring day, around 27C and not a cloud in the sky.

I got two days of 'Chockoness' (Sat and Sun) mainly a the GBTA for 11 Bde's Milskills comp, so a 0430 h dep from home to make it into the Unit.

Not a day of till next weekend.

HTFU or what, ha!

'Choco Extrodinaire'
Just said "No thanks" to two very nicely dressed ladies on my step, one with a bible in hand. 

I didn't even open the door, just so not in the mood today.  :P
Bee Gees? Ick!  I'd rather have to deal with two "well-dressed ladies with bibles".  (They also probably had a Book of Mormon with them).


I'm young, it's history for me  >:D !

... and you could discuss religion to them,
try to change their view of the Bible...
Midnight Rambler said:
Bee Gees? Ick!  I'd rather have to deal with two "well-dressed ladies with bibles".  (They also probably had a Book of Mormon with them).

I'm thinking they were Jehovah's Witnesses.  Mormons usually send men around.  And I would have much rather listened to the Bee Gees than to them.  :nod:
Just baked a cake mix vanilla cake and enjoyed some. Spending my day and evening between the couch surfing channels and browsing online, researching and looking for homebased work possibilities that are not "self employment" type jobs. I need to find work that I'm hired as an employee and paid wages with all the usual deductions and is within all other regulations when home based. Challenging??? I'm not highly skilled but can see myself doing officey type work for a business employer. For those who might be wondering why home based work, I have some physical issues with rheumatoid arthritis that are disabling and there ain't no cure (just managing it) but can still be useful.

Feeling sorry to see summer going which means winter is coming and winter lasts a LONG time  :crybaby:

Wondering what people are doing with their Saturday night  :nod:
Sunday morning here in KAF, and yet another Ramp Ceremony just after sunrise. 3 more on the way home.
:salute: :salute: :salute:
Sometimes I do hate this job.

WrenchBender said:
Sunday morning here in KAF, and yet another Ramp Ceremony just after sunrise. 3 more on the way home.
:salute: :salute: :salute:
Sometimes I do hate this job.


:cdn: :cdn: :cdn:

Just logging in briefly.

What a busy weekend. 

Tonight for supper, I decided to make a cold plate; it seemed the easiest route to go given how busy this weekend has been, plus I didn't have the energy to make much else.  At least a cold plate is filling, quick prep and only a few dishes.

It's early, but I'm off to bed.  Hopefully, I'll sleep right through to the alarm tomorrow morning, as I sure could use the extra couple or few hours of sleep, though this might be wishful thinking.

How about everyone else; how did your weekend go? 



Sorry to hear about yet another Ramp Ceremony; I'll be sure to add the fallen and their families to my prayers.  Hang in there!
Having a very lazy Sunday.  Enjoying the sunshine through the window.  Fall is in the air..... :'(

First attempt at making beef jerky, not sure how it will turn out.  But I have a few soldiers heading over on the next tour that will appreciate it no matter what it takes like... ;D 

That's one thing I love about soldiers serving overseas: if it's homemade they will eat it, love it, and REALLY appreciate it!  :yellow:
At work...oh, wait...that was the same response that I put in last time I posted here.

Oh well.
I have been busy with courses, training, appointments, duties and life in general.  The first couple of months of fall, give or take, always seem to be espeically busy, but then things usually tend to simmer down.  Other than that... ... ...

I just finished up with reading some of the several threads throughout Milnet I have been trying to catch up on (always lots of 'education' to be found on this forum).

Back to it I go!

Have a super week everyone.

I got the day off work, but not the way I would have liked.  The better part of a pot of boiling water landed on my foot last night and melted away the skin on the upper left part. 
And of course, it had to land on the foot that get's operated on every few months, so infection is the main worry.

uncle-midget-Oddball said:
I got the day off work, but not the way I would have liked.  The better part of a pot of boiling water landed on my foot last night and melted away the skin on the upper left part. 

I find it rather comforting to know that I'm not the only that's done this before  ;)
However, it sounds like your injuries are a little more severe than mine were, hope it heals fast.

Right now, I'm sitting at school. Doing homework (or convincing myself that I should be doing it) and waiting for classes to start in an hour. Off to go finish homework from Business Math, oh joy!
Braver Stronger Smarter said:
I find it rather comforting to know that I'm not the only that's done this before  ;)
However, it sounds like your injuries are a little more severe than mine were, hope it heals fast.

I'm glad some good came from it.  ;D
But personally, I would find it quite concerning, not comforting that more people do this.

sitting here at work listening to tunes......33 degrees out side. pretty hot in here.... and i ramble on and on
Draining and disassembling leaky waterbed and  carrying it out to storage shed down 2 flights of stairs!
Damn cat! New bed arrives tomorrow.


edited for grammar