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Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

Sitting here with my Gr.10 Applied's watching the NFB video "Turn of the Century" for like the 25th time (I can probably quote all 25mins of it). Thank God I'm on prep last period and it's Friday, so I can just shut it down. 5 days down, 85 to go  :P
Just got home from work. 

*Pouting like a little kid*
Stupid Ski Martock needs to get their own damn Tim Horton's, so all those ski and snowboard type folks don't flood mine when I'm trying to leave on time.

Hehe.. on a slightly related side note:
Did you know that powdered Spic n' Span in a chemical? I didn't. Do you know that the residue of the stuff I use on the mop head to keep it from freezing in the freezer should not be mixed with other chemicals.. like Spic n' Span? I didn't.
  Turns out I shouldn't have skipped chemistry class when I was in school, because mixing chemicals is apparently not the brightest idea, and the residue of the freezer stuff on the mop head mixing with the Spic n' Span that I use to mop the rest of the kitchen lets off some Gawd awful fumes (or so I'm told. Personally I kinda liked the smell *twitch twitch*).

After a night on the swill and at a barbie, woke up to news of the Victorian fire storms to our south. 35 people incinerated. A dark day for Australians.


Most of the bodies were discovered in towns northeast of Melbourne - six at Kinglake, six at Kinglake West, four each at Wandong and St Andrews, three each at Humevale and Hazelwood, and one each in Arthurs Creek, Strathewan, Upper Callignee, Jeealang and Bendigo.

At least six bodies were found in the one car at Kinglake, with reports that others may have been trying to escape the fire in cars.

Police have not yet given the gender or ages of the victims, but one Kinglake resident said three members of the same family, believed to include a 14-year-old girl, a nine-year-old boy and an uncle, had died in the same house.

"It rained fire," another Kinglake resident told Sky News.

Strathewen resident Mary Avola said her husband of 43 years, Peter Avola, was among those killed.  "He was behind me for a while and we tried to reach the oval but the gates were locked," she told Melbourne's Herald Sun.

"He just told me to go and that's the last time I saw him."

Firefighter Richard Hoyle described the scene as "a holocaust".  "The road is riddled with burnt-out cars involved in multiple collisions and debris," he said.

Raylene Kincaide, of Narbethong, said her home had been destroyed and there was little left of the town.  "Everyone we know has lost everything they had," she said on ABC radio.

More than 20 people have been admitted to Melbourne's Alfred Hospital with burns and three are in a critical condition.  Seven of the injured have burns to more than 30 per cent of their bodies.

Anyone concerned about family or friends in fire areas should call the CFA on 1800 727 077.

Premier John Brumby has described the disaster as "the worst day in our history".  He called the bushfires "a monster that couldn't be controlled".

The CFA said the communities of Kinglake, Kinglake West, Toolangi, Glenburn, Strathewen, Chum Creek, Dixons Creek, Castella, Pheasant Creek, Doreen, Yan Yean, Woodstock, Mernda, Mittons Bridge, Hurstbridge, St Andrews, Panton Hill, Arthurs Creek, Smiths Gully, Christmas Hills, Healesville, Yarra Glen, Coldstream, Tarrawarra, Steels Creek, had been and still may be directly impacted upon by the fire.

The worst bushfire to strike Victoria was the 1983 Ash Wednesday disaster when 47 people were killed in the state.

General information on fires and fire locations is available by calling the Victorian Bushfire Information Line on 1800 240 667. The CFA is also posting updates on Twitter.

Donations for those affected are being accepted by the National Australia Bank and Bendigo Bank.

The Australian Red Cross is accepting blood donations.


Drinking Shiraz, surfing the net ... and baking 2 X Pumpkin pies (I had a sudden craving).  8)
ArmyVern said:
Drinking Shiraz, surfing the net ... and baking 2 X Pumpkin pies (I had a sudden craving).  8)
Craving, eh?  Are you in a "family way"?  >:D


Actually, now that you mention it, I too could go for "baby poo" pie! :-)
Pumpkin pie?!?!

Damn... Ok, now I am craving pie... That is what I am doing... Maybe a run, then to the store (when I try to bake, it is a war crime... I can cook though for some reason.).
Burp... digesting a huge luncheon of Roast beef, yorkshire pudding & gravy followed by blue cheese  All of that washed down with some good wines, port & capped off by a snigle malt.... A WONDERFUL SUNDAY AFTERNOON!
watching the grammy's and being inundated with stupid questions.
Watching "1000 Ways To Die" on Spike. The worst death was the guy locked in the large commercial dryer who was tumbled and cooked at the same time.
Looking up used listings and fantasizing about my future sports car when I start making some decent money..
Problem is, I don't fit in half of them!!  >:(
Thu, 1900h, its hot and sticky and I am sweating doing nothing but breathing.

Gotta love these tropical late summer's evenings  ;D
well it is just turing 5am in the Ottawa and watching movies at work with my feet on my desk. In a few minutes I think i will make some fresh coffee after working a 8 hours of my 10 hour shift. 
BernDawg said:
TD, Sleemans, Internet, underwear you get the picture......



Ready to hit the pub!
just moving some $$ around and waiting for a package to arrive in the mail from BC...  :-\
Slightly frustrated at not being able to reach my file manager today - will try again on Monday.
Also - going to finally get out of my jammies and head to the Independant for a couple things.
PMedMoe said:


Ready to hit the pub!

Yeah.... after some consideration I realized that not all of the site members could extrapolate that I was in fact just surfin' Army.ca.  Ooops  ;)