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Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

Yeah, so I walk in to work after a pretty long, dramatic weekend with the EX girlfriend... and get to my desk, boot the computer, start Outlook and the exchange server is down.  So in effect, I have come in to work for nothing.  If I can't read the emails I have to treat then I am useless.. I am going to adopt the fetal position under my desk, talk to you all later.

Having coffee and catching up on today's news. I was going to head to the gym today, but the little one came down with a cold and stayed home from school to recover. I guess I'll have to do an at-home workout.
Watching my class play rockband  :-\. Should have called an ice day as so far 4 hours in to the day all that has happend is rockband.
Watching How The Grinch Stole Christmas.  My favorite!


Gives me a hankering for roast beast and Who hash.  ;D
Just set up my prelit tree, gonna throw on the rest of the stuff tomorrow (maybe) lol
After a long hot day at work, this was followed by a few CC and LA Max colas, complimented by a Eagle Boys $4.95 bacon and cheese pizza (if you are hungry RIGHT now go here http://www.eagleboys.com.au/), followed by a marathon grass cutting session, a swim to cool off, and another CC and LA max cola, and now on here, all in teh lat 84 minutes.

A lovely evening here about 28C the sun is setting, little wind palm-tree wind gauge says; slighty blowing.

Only 2.5 work days to go, then holidays. Its been 3 long yrs since I had some decent (3 wks) time off this time of the year at home.


I'm still musing over the fact that "Esquimalt" spell checks to "Asexuality".

Hey OWDW - sounds nice. I love the heat - hate the cold. On the flip side, 9 days till Christmas and my snowblower is still a virgin!!  ;D
To cold to work outside so I am painting the concrete walls of our apartment boiler room.
Why you ask? Because I have a work bench in there and my military mind demands all things be neat and in proper order.  :salute:
Baden  Guy said:
To cold to work outside so I am painting the concrete walls of our apartment boiler room.
Way too keen!  ;D
I've just knocked off work for the day and am drinking tea while constantly blowing my nose. 3 Days till Christmas leave and i've got a really bad cold. Has to be the worst bit of luck EVER.
Oh, and i'm working on my AFV id so that one day i too can match it with a few of the big boys here. It's a big ask though
Me, just marking time til dismissal in 37 minutes, then home to God's Country AKA bribie Island www.bribie.com.au

Hummm what will I cook for tea tonight?Too hot, might do the Maccas thing. ya at bribie Island rd at Caboolture, or wait, Hungry Jack's maybe.

I have just started sending my pictures in to be used by CTV for the sunday morning Christmas special for the troops in Afghanistan...keep your eyes peeled, I should even get my name in the credits!!
Thu, 0718 h, 18 Dec, and its already hotter than the hubs of hell outside. I am sitting in a nice air-con office here at a certain Infantry Battalion, auditing their GM120's (81mm mortar log books), ensuring the EFCs are all correct along with other entries, got a whole stack to do.

At least I am inside, not basteing like some turkey on Christmas Day.

Going down to me gal's place (whom just got home for xmas break from University)  ;D
Watching Merry Christmas Mr. Bean


Seriously thinking about taking an extra day's annual leave and trying to get to Kingston on Thursday before the (possible) storm hits on Friday.  Just got most of my stuff packed up in preparation for it.  Emptied the fridge of anything that might go over in the next two weeks, so I'm all ready to go.
ArmyVern said:
And I'm just packing up for the long drive back to Gagetown from Borden ... the weather is the shits.



Drove right past Oromocto on our way to Quispamsiss. The roads were clear of snow and traffic. For most of the drive we were one of only a few vehicals on the highways. About 20cm of snow was dumped on us today though. The return trip to Borden will be far busier.