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Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

Yrys said:
Didn't you see before  worms getting out during and after rain?
They don't seem to like a flood in their homes and cities...

Oh, I've seen then when it rains, it just seemed like there was 10 times as many out yesterday and all trying to get into my garage!!  Would have been a great time to collect them for bait!!  :D
Monday, 27 Oct 08, 1250 h, just had lunch.

Its hot, its sunny, its Australia, and when I get home, I am going for a swim.

Not a bad day at the 'orafice', going rather smooth after 2 days of Duty Officer.

Back in dear ole Saskatchewan, its still my Birthday for a few more hours :)

Happy B-Day OWDU...lookin' great by the way  ;)
Hope you had a great one!!!

Cheers n' beers...

HL, if you were local I'd take you out for dinner!  Better yet, cook you dinner!!! For the record, I make a mean steak.  ;D


As things slow down here on the Wing, I am watching the rain fall and the helamacopters fly round and round, up and down.  One chopper has been hovering in the same spot for 10-15 minutes now.

I think he may have broken down and is stuck there.
Overwatch Downunder said:
HL, if you were local I'd take you out for dinner!  Better yet, cook you dinner!!! For the record, I make a mean steak.  ;D


Ahhh...tks Wes...I bet you make a mean steak ;)  Sask is closer than Australia ;)
I am home with My Boys...chattin' to My Girl Child and thinkin' about headin' to the gym in Shearwater...on EX there tmr too!!!


Baking fresh bread and.... being a freak doing so.

This bread is special, an experiment...

Diced bacon and mozza cheese added.

Mmmmmmmmmm. Taking it into the lads in the morning for evaluation.

Overwatch Downunder said:
Baking fresh bread and.... being a freak doing so.

This bread is special, an experiment...

Diced bacon and mozza cheese added.

Mmmmmmmmmm. Taking it into the lads in the morning for evaluation.


Sitting here in Montreal with the wind howling and all this white S..t falling and getting Green with Envy

FastEddy said:

Sitting here in Montreal with the wind howling and all this white S..t falling and getting Green with Envy


So you probably don't want to know that it is a breezy 11 degrees with some sun here in Shearwater then.   8)

Having a scoff, watching the news, heading to Immunization Parade at 1300 hrs, and looking forward to a 4 day weekend.  If the weather cooperates, looks like Sunday is going to be spent on the Kenomee Canyon Trail.  The fall hiking season seems to be quickly coming to an end.
I'll take Montreal at the peak of the ice storm over anything in Nova Scotia!
Dolphin_Hunter said:
I'll take Montreal at the peak of the ice storm over anything in Nova Scotia!

You know about karma and all that...if you say that too often you might get that little message that says 405 vice 407  ;D
Considering my job, there is without a doubt that a tour of NS is in my future.  Which would be fine, most of my family lives there.

As long as the message doesn't say 423.
Just back from CO's coffee...got a BZ via the Base Commander for a tasking I did  :)
This military stuff is still so new...who knew you get recognition for doing your job...

Doing workup trg tmr for EX in NL next week...can't wait...should be great trg and an awesome time  ;)

Headin' to the gym in Shearwater shortly...

Cheers n' beers,
