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Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

Right now I am marvelling over NCOs that think their own personal opinion overrides DAODs, CFAOs and the like...
Trying to figure out how I apply for leave for Reserve Force Training in the Public Service. It seems nobody in HR/Compensation knows anything about it. I can't spend another summer in this cubicle!
Moody said:
Trying to figure out how I apply for leave for Reserve Force Training in the Public Service. It seems nobody in HR/Compensation knows anything about it. I can't spend another summer in this cubicle!

CPAO 6.28 refers:

From the Civ HR Adm site (go figure eh?)


1. Purpose
2. Policy
3. Definitions
4. Leave for Full-Time Military Service
5. Leave for Service with Reserve Force
6. to 9. Pay
10. to 13. Procedure
14. to 17. Illness or Injury During Leave Granted

Annex A
Military Leave for Service with Reserve Forces


1. This order prescribes the policies and procedures governing military leave.


2. It is the policy of the Department of National Defence to encourage the granting of military leave whenever possible and to take a leading role in this respect for other government departments and the private sector.


3. In this order:

allowance (with reference to civil pay)
means compensation payable for the performance of special or additional duties provided the duties were assigned continuously for two months or more prior to the period of leave;

CF pay
means Canadian Forces pay and allowances appropriate to military rank and status;

civil pay
means pay and allowances, if applicable, for the civilian position held by the employee;

means Deputy Chiefs of Staff at Command Headquarters; Commanding Officers of Canadian Forces bases and stations; Commanding Officers of lodger units; equivalent positions for field units reporting to National Defence Headquarters; and Directors at NDHQ; regular force means officers and other ranks enrolled in the Canadian Forces for continuing full-time service; and reserve force means officers and other ranks enrolled in the Canadian Forces for other than continuing full-time service, including the Naval Reserve, Militia, Air Reserve, Communications Reserve, Cadet Instructors List, and members of the Supplementary Reserve when attached to another sub-component for duty or training.


4. The Commander of Command/Group Principal may grant leave without pay (LWOP) to an employee for up to three years on call out for full-time service with the Canadian Forces.


5. The types of service, time limits, approving authorities, and pay and leave entitlements that shall be granted under this order are shown at Annex A.


6. When the employee elects to take LWOP or where there is no option, that employee shall receive CF pay and allowances as defined in paragraph 3.

7. Where the employee has the option and elects to take leave with pay, that employee shall receive civil pay as defined in paragraph 3. If the employee qualifies for an allowance this will also be paid, providing the CO certifies that the employee has received the allowance for two months or more before the period of leave began.

8. The employee shall receive CF pay and civil pay for any period of service pursuant to this order while on vacation leave or compensatory leave for overtime worked.

9. Where the employee elects for civil pay there is also an entitlement to CF pay for weekends and statutory holidays.


10. Where LWOP is requested, the employee shall submit to the officer in charge:
a Leave Application and Absence Report (form GC 178); and
a letter from the CO of the reserve unit or military association indicating that the employee will be undertaking training or duty.

11. Where leave with pay is requested, the employee shall submit to the officer in charge:
a Leave Application and Absence Report (form GC 178) and
an Election for Civil Pay for Training or Duty with Reserve Force (form DND 1165 (5-90)) completed in accordance with the instructions on the form.

12. The officer in charge shall obtain the approval of the CO. Where applicable, the officer in charge shall obtain the CO's recommendation and forward it along with the other documents required by Annex A to the Commander of Command/Group Principal for approval. Once approved by the appropriate signing authority, all documents shall be sent to the Civilian Personnel Officer (CPO).

13. On receipt of the above documents from the officer in charge, the CPO shall:
a. where LWOP has been granted and this will affect the earning of vacation and sick leave credits, advise the employee accordingly;
b. where an election for civil pay has been made and form DND 1165 (5-90) was submitted, complete Part III, and immediately distribute the copies in accordance with the instruction on the form;
c. record the leave on the Annual Leave Report (form CGSB 198);
d. report LWOP granted to the Supply and Services Canada (SSC) Pay Office as required by the SSC Personnel-Pay Input Manual and ensure that, where the period of LWOP exceeds six consecutive compensation days, reason for the leave is shown in field 71 of the pay-input documentation; and
e. when form DND 1165 (5-90) is returned by the accounting officer and indicates that no military duty or training was performed, or that there is no record of the employee's attendance, take appropriate action, and place this form on the employee's personnel file. Appropriate action will include notifying the authority who approved the leave.


14. Where the employee is disabled by injury or illness due to service with the Reserve Force during the period of military leave, for the duration of the disability the employee shall receive CF pay only unless that employee is on vacation leave or compensatory leave for overtime worked.

15. Where the disability extends beyond the period of military leave and CF pay is authorized, the employee may be paid civil pay in addition to CF pay as follows:
a. full civil pay, where the absence is charged to vacation leave or compensatory leave for overtime worked; or
b. part civil pay, where the absence is charged to sick leave, to the extent that civil pay exceeds CF pay, and sick leave credits shall be reduced by the number of days represented by the civil pay received.

16. Where there is a delay in determining the entitlement to CF pay for the period of disability while not in hospital, the employee may be granted sick leave with full pay to the extent of available sick leave credits. When the amount of CF pay is determined:
a. the employee shall repay the amount of that entitlement by cheque to the Receiver General through the CPO or notify the CPO that recovery is to be made from salary; and
b. sick leave credits shall be restored to the extent of the number of days covered by the CF pay entitlements.

17. Where the disability is not due to service with the Reserve Force, CF pay will not be paid to employees after they leave the unit where in training or on duty. Sick leave shall be granted for any further period of absence from the civilian position subject to the normal provisions respecting sick leave.

Annex A is attached below
Wow thanks so much Vern! There were some policies posted on our HR site that our Favourites menu links up to, but none were as specific as your post. I don't know why this is such a grey area with HR and Compensation. The only thing they sent me after a week of bothering them was a link to the "Leave for Reserve Forces Training" blurb that I referenced in my original email to them.  ::)

The Annex was exactly what I was looking for! Thanks again!

We now return to our topic...
Me, I am sitting here at work, being a freak, at lunch hour on a Tuesday arvo.
I just went for a very long run. It was cloudy starting out but then the sun came out in full force, and of course, I had not put on any sunscreen.  ::)  Vern, you'll probably be able to pick me out pretty easily tomorrow night - I'll be the one with the bright red sunburnt cheeks.  :P  I think I'll go lie down for a bit now and enjoy my sunstroke.

By the way, Wesley, what is an arvo?
Celtic girl, having just read your last post and not knowing you or Vern, but, knowing her affection/obsession with chaps, I am laughing at your expense.  Hopefully, you weren't running in chaps and have sunburned 'those' cheeks.  Hopefully, just the ones on your face.
Sorry, my bad, couldn't resist.  ;D
Celtic girl, having just read your last post and not knowing you or Vern, but, knowing her affection/obsession with chaps, I am laughing at your expense.  Hopefully, you weren't running in chaps and have sunburned 'those' cheeks.  Hopefully, just the ones on your face.
Sorry, my bad, couldn't resist.  ;D

LOL  ;D  I can assure you that I do not go running in chaps nor in a thong bikini, so it is definitely not 'those' cheeks that were burned. ;)
'Tiz 0800 h on a Wed morning. Its cloudy, about 14C, supposed to rain.

Trying to sort out a medical waiver (knee) for the field.

Seems to be a lost cause today.

Mornos brings 2 hotdogs w/mustard, a drink and a cookie. Can't wait!!!
Moody said:
Wow thanks so much Vern! There were some policies posted on our HR site that our Favourites menu links up to, but none were as specific as your post. I don't know why this is such a grey area with HR and Compensation. The only thing they sent me after a week of bothering them was a link to the "Leave for Reserve Forces Training" blurb that I referenced in my original email to them.  ::)

The Annex was exactly what I was looking for! Thanks again!

We now return to our topic...

Nemo problemo.

Funny that I took that refernce and quoted it right from their very own website.

Para 10 clearly states what you need to do to apply.

Sometimes -- I'm glad to hear that red tape is the same everywhere and not just here!!  :)
Celticgirl said:
I just went for a very long run. It was cloudy starting out but then the sun came out in full force, and of course, I had not put on any sunscreen.  ::)  Vern, you'll probably be able to pick me out pretty easily tomorrow night - I'll be the one with the bright red sunburnt cheeks.  :P  I think I'll go lie down for a bit now and enjoy my sunstroke.

By the way, Wesley, what is an arvo?

I'll be in jeans. Boots. And a shirt.

Red hair.

What time?
NL_engineer said:
There is no way to miss her  ;D, and she will order French onion Soup  ;D

Don't give away all my secrets.

I'll order something different than my Friday night ritual now just to prove you wrong!!  ;D
ArmyVern said:
Don't give away all my secrets.

I'll order something different than my Friday night ritual now just to prove you wrong!!  ;D

So next time we go for beers, you are going to show up the bar flys at Griffins up ???
NL_engineer said:
So next time we go for beers, you are going to show up the bar flys at Griffins up ???

I couldn't do that on Friday ... the girls already have my menu chosen when I get there ... and it's half cooked already!! They'd be pissed.
ArmyVern said:
I'll be in jeans. Boots. And a shirt.

Red hair.

What time?

I figured I'd let you pick the time since you are the one juggling work and kids. I don't think the dog cares what time I go out, so long as I come back. ;)

Jeans and a shirt - me, too. Long blonde hair and sunburnt cheeks.  ;D

NL Engineer said:
There is no way to miss her  , and she will order French onion Soup 

Will you be joining us as well?