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Some Weird Swerve About Deployments [from the Coronavirus thread]


Army.ca Myth
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[quote author=stellarpanther] 
but people are worried and more and more are talking about RTUing including staff. 
What would they do if they were put on work up training for a warzone?

Maybe these students and staff could flood the CDU and get Covid19 chits.
Jarnhamar said:
What would they do if they were put on work up training for a warzone?

Maybe these students and staff could flood the CDU and get Covid19 chits.

You do raise a good point but I think a lot of Reservist join thinking it's an easy part time job and don't take the thought of being forced to go to a warzone seriously.
I'm hearing that some regular force courses with September start times have been delayed for now due to COVID.
PuckChaser said:
Someone will eat it if someone tests positive.

Here's the thing: Is your son confined to base? Are the staff confined to base for the duration of the course? If not, then there's a chance someone could catch COVID-19 from one of the 4500 Canadians across the country that have currently tested positive. I'm willing to bet your son and his coursemates would be bitching and moaning if they were confined to barracks for the duration of the course and isolated from the general military population. Just wait till they all get shack hack and someone panics thinking its a COVID-19 outbreak.

I'll ask him tomorrow if I talk to him about whether they're confined to base.  They should be in my opinion.  They were originally saying they might get a weekend off which would be a bad idea especially if they choose to go into town or go home and see their friends etc.  I personally think that they should be tested prior to leaving the course make sure he doesn't bring it home.  I already told him that he's going for a test the next day after he gets home.
stellarpanther said:
You do raise a good point but I think a lot of Reservist join thinking it's an easy part time job and don't take the thought of being forced to go to a warzone seriously.
I'm hearing that some regular force courses with September start times have been delayed for now due to COVID.

Most of the Reservists I know join specifically because they wanted to go to fight in a real war for their country, and stuff like that.

They quit when they find out that they can't.

But I'm Infantry, so....
daftandbarmy said:
Most of the Reservists I know join specifically because they wanted to go to fight in a real war for their country, and stuff like that.

They quit when they find out that they can't.

But I'm Infantry, so....

Totally agree.

When Afghanistan was in full swing, I was assisting in recruiting at my unit.  We had people coming in regularly, wanting to sign up & deploy as fast as possible.

When combat operations ended in 2011, there was a noticeable drop in the number of applications, and a noticeably increase in the number of people VR'ing. 
CBH99 said:
Totally agree.

When Afghanistan was in full swing, I was assisting in recruiting at my unit.  We had people coming in regularly, wanting to sign up & deploy as fast as possible.

When combat operations ended in 2011, there was a noticeable drop in the number of applications, and a noticeably increase in the number of people VR'ing.

I was a Rifle Coy OC through the AFG thing, and beyond. We went from 30 on parade to 80 then, when it all shut down, back down to about 30. About an equal number went Reg F, or got out altogether.

daftandbarmy said:
Most of the Reservists I know join specifically because they wanted to go to fight in a real war for their country, and stuff like that.

They quit when they find out that they can't.

But I'm Infantry, so....

I can openly admit I was in that boat, but I am a weapons tech, and a patient man. Just because I missed the last war, doesn't mean I'll miss the next.
Wow... the Reserves have really changed since I was in it years ago.  It also seems to be quiet different than the Reg force, I'm sure it's different in the Combat arms trades but a lot of people in the Reg force do everything they can and come up with every excuse possible not to deploy or sail.
I'm sorry but I don't think all these Reservists are volunteering to go because they're super patriotic, they're doing it for the money and join the Reserves because they don't want to deal with or can't handle normal Ref Force life.  If they're so interested in fighting wars, they should become a mercenary, then they can fight in all the wars they want.

People want purpose and be involved and deploy.  It isn’t just about fighting war.

All sorts of things motivate people to join.  Money, sense of duty and purpose or just want to be in the thick of things.  Or belonging to group or just the respect they get being in uniform.  And yes, some people just want to be able to legally kill. Some can’t get a decent paying job anywhere else.  Some are forced into it by their parents or by necessity.

I’ve seen all types for all sorts of reasons.  Patriotism is not the only be all end all.  A lot of it is a mix. 

I can say this. There is no shortage of troops in my unit that want to deploy.

For whatever this is worth, take a look at Strange Battleground, the official history of the Canadian Army in the Korean War. In 1950. when the composition of what became the Special Force was being debated, the CGS came down against a normal three year engagement because [paraphrasing here] people who would enlist to fight a war were not the type we want in the regular army.

A fellow lieutenant in 1 RCHA commented, "No, what we need are the good, steady administrative problems".
Remius said:
And yes, some people just want to be able to legally kill.

During World War II, Oscar Levant appeared before the draft-board examiner. “Do you think you can kill?” the official asked. “I don't know about strangers,” replied Oscar, “but friends, yes.”  :)
I served with a guy who volunteered to go to Afghanistan "because he wanted to kill someone." He ended up in BG, but not killing anyone. He quit the army very soon after, only to rejoin as an officer a few years later.

I personally didn't join with the intent of deploying. When I put my application in we were still in Kabul and sending reservists on deployments was not a big thing (we had one officer go). When I was sworn in, we still weren't in Kandahar yet and Bosnia was pretty much done with so the prospects of deploying were slim.
CanadianTire said:
I served with a guy who volunteered to go to Afghanistan "because he wanted to kill someone."

Anyone who openly says this should be referred to mental health and possibly released.  No sane person says these kinds of things.  Anyone in a leadership postion who knows about this and ignores it should also be replaced.

stellarpanther said:
Anyone who openly says this should be referred to mental health and possibly released.  No sane person says these kinds of things.  Anyone in a leadership postion who knows about this and ignores it should also be replaced.

That happened on my MG course.  Guy put it in his auto biography.  Was escorted off the range.  Don’t know what happened after.  Mind you he wrote far more than wanting to just kill someone but it was all under that theme.
I think a split is required here, possibly starting with reply #3268, as it has to do with training.  Just my  :2c:
stellarpanther said:
Anyone who openly says this should be referred to mental health and possibly released. No sane person says these kinds of things.  Anyone in a leadership postion who knows about this and ignores it should also be replaced.

Especially if they're a cook.

031 Riflemen? I can work with that.... mainly because sanity is somewhat subjective on the other side of the Line of Departure :)
Remius said:
That happened on my MG course.  Guy put it in his auto biography.  Was escorted off the range.  Don’t know what happened after.  Mind you he wrote far more than wanting to just kill someone but it was all under that theme.

Glad to hear that.  It's one thing to say you would have no problem killing the enemy if necessary and that's probably what you want to hear but something else to have a desire to kill people.

On another topic, I was just reading this article about when civil servants can be expected to be back in the office.  It might also shed light on when all CAF mbr's will return.  It sounds like it could still be a while. 


My department is starting a phased approach. Mid August for the first phase.

My section is slated for sometime next May.  But some will be working from home permanently.

Strict guidelines are in place for entry and exit.  Some people with premium or handicapped parking will not be pleased.
stellarpanther said:
I'm sure it's different in the Combat arms trades but a lot of people in the Reg force do everything they can and come up with every excuse possible not to deploy or sail.

That is not my experience for CA trades outside of the Combat Arms, must be an Ottawa thing. Some people sure but vast majority want to deploy

MJP said:
That is not my experience for CA trades outside of the Combat Arms, must be an Ottawa thing. Some people sure but vast majority want to deploy

Well I have a friend who's a medic in Edmonton and he said when word of deployment comes, medical starts seeing a surge of people who've suddenly decided to get that long waited minor surgery they were putting off or injuries that require a specialist consult start increasing, people start accidentally shutting doors on their hands or feet etc. It's the same in the Navy.

Anyone who says it isn't a problem is either fooling themselves or lying.
