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Soldiers kicked out of military

Kiwi99 said:
48th, PM inbound with more details for ya.  Heads up!

Cheers brother,

PM received, and replied.

Hopefully we are on the same page, and you understand my questions.


My 2 cents.

Reasons not to deploy, well if its warranted such as  'ill health of a family member', or something similar on compassionate reasons, yes, but its when you got through the hoops, and then wimp out for some other limp dicked reason, sure don't send them, but they knew the risks, on joining, and the work-up trg for the mission, and the admin/trg time to get them where they are prior to going over.


My view is you want personnel there who want to be there, and be there for the group as a whole, if not  - piss off. They become a liablility instantly, and a morale problem for the rest of us.

I was injured on my tour, kept my mouth shut until not long before we left, and I was asked if I wanted to return early. No way. We left as a group, and I WILL be returning with the same group. There was no way I was going home early!

We did send men home, but for what anyone of us would consider genuine compassionate reasons. No one went home for any other reason. Some even broke into tears upon their farewell, because theyt did not want to leave their mates!

Thats dedication and loyality.

Again my 2 cents.

RHFC_piper said:
Some days I wish I could post all the fantastic things which happen in my office... All the amazing things people put on their applications and all the awesome questions I'm asked.
them the truth, which sends lots packing.

I did that type of R&S work for only about 2 months, but with serving Reg and Res force members, and that was enough laughs.  It was hard to imagine how some of them even got to where they were, never mind the ones you are dealing with that are fresh off the street.  My sympathies!

Greymatters said:
I did that type of R&S work for only about 2 months, but with serving Reg and Res force members, and that was enough laughs.  It was hard to imagine how some of them even got to where they were, never mind the ones you are dealing with that are fresh off the street.  My sympathies!

Heh... they're not all "fresh off the street"... Most of the ones I've been dealing with lately are for the Co-op program; still in high school...  Fun on a bun.

But they're not all bad.  Just minor issues...  Besides, I like scaring them with war stories (when they ask about my tour)...  good for a laugh some days.
