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Soldier Qualification Course (Questions & Answers)

tsokman said:
Do you have to qualify every time you go on course for that specific course..like you have to qualify for BMQ do you have to do the same for SQ and your trade courses...

I'm not even sure what you are asking.

Each course has Performance Objectives( POs) which are tested.  The tests for each PO on each course must be passed to successfully complete the course.  If you fail the individual tests you can be removed from the course.  It's just like school - you get training and lectures - you get tested on what you've been taught - you must pass the tests - repeated failures can result in failing the course.

Simple enough?
I mean you have to qualify for BMQ by doing the fitness test...is this the case for SQ and your MOC's
I wouldn't worry about it.  Unless medically downgraded at the time, you should be fit enough to pass an expres test at any given time in your career as it is the minimum for deployment.  Sometimes a PT test will be administered at the beginning of the course and those that fail are returned to unit, sometimes not.  Don't stress about it, if you cant pass that expres test that's ok, you'll just get released.

Personal opinion is that if you are in a position where you do the BFT you should be able to do that at a drop of a hat too.
dangerboy said:
They run BMQ(L) or SQ (old name) all year round not just during the summer.  I do not know if your regular force or reserve; if you are regular force you could be placed on one at any time.

Can anyone confirm with out a doubt that SQ has been replaced by BMQ-LAND?  If you can, could you tell me a reference where I can find proof?  Time is of the essence as they are trying to make do SQ when I am BMQ-L exempt. 


I can confirm that the SQ is now called BMQ Land, unfortunately I don't have the reference handy as I am on course.  But have whoever you have to prove it to pull up the TP from documentium or if they have access to MITE (not sure if it is spelled right) it will have the course name and qualification code.
I've read through this thread already but still seemed confused.

Granted this thread is over a span of 8 years, but it seems like SQ is being referred to 3 different things and names. Also I've seem about 3 different lengths of time on how long it lasts. So I guess I can ask a generalized question.

My trade of choice is Artillery, I've looked in the Artillery forum and nothing really has been posted in there for over a year if not more that is relevant.

After BMQ How long is my training going to be from starting SQ (or BMQ-L)  and including my MOC training???

The website for the forces state 20 training days for SQ and 5 weeks for MOC till i get posted.

Am I understanding this right or did I miss something?
ONT said:
Is BMQ-Land only offered as a full time course in the summer?

Generally yes but there are some weekend courses ran through out the year depending on which Land Force Area you belong too....
NFLD Sapper said:
Generally yes but there are some weekend courses ran through out the year depending on which Land Force Area you belong too....

31 CBG
SQ does not exist, it is officially BMQ (L) now. End story. Contact either CATC Meaford or WATC Wainwright (probably try their ops and Trg cells) and just ask for for courses sheduled. You could also try and get a copy of the BMQ (L) CTP.
kkramar said:
My trade of choice is Artillery, I've looked in the Artillery forum and nothing really has been posted in there for over a year if not more that is relevant.

After BMQ How long is my training going to be from starting SQ (or BMQ-L)  and including my MOC training???

A course just graduated a week ago..it was 5 weeks on SQ, 5 weeks on DP1 , no break in between. I'm also pretty sure that they are running 2 arty courses in shilo and 1 in gagetown at the end of september.
Yeah, I get it. Follow me on this one very closely. ITS NOT CALLED SQ! It is officially called BMQ (Land). Roger that?
Soldier Qualification

On successful completion of BMQ, LCIS Technicians go to a Military Training Centre for the 10-week Soldier Qualification (SQ) course but I guess it's called BMQ (L) now, which covers the following topics:

    * Army physical fitness;
    * dismounted offensive and defensive operations;
    * reconnaissance patrolling;
    * advanced weapons-handling (working with grenades, machine-guns and anti-tank weapons); and
    * individual field-craft.

My trade is LCIS Tech. I was just wondering where the BMQ (L) is held? Does everyone do it in the same place?

Thanks  :cdn:  :salute:
Now I am going to get snippy. L-CIS Tech, read the post prior to yours and then slap yourself in the ears. I used to teach the course and I am still at a school that does teach it.
Ya I already read the post your talking about. Cool I guess those are the places. As if buddy the aviator took off 100 points for that bs, WTF! I'm not the effin first one to ask a question twice. Anyways, thanks for your help!!
L-CIS TECH said:
Ya I already read the post your talking about. Cool I guess those are the places. As if buddy the aviator took off 100 points for that bs, WTF! I'm not the effin first one to ask a question twice. Anyways, thanks for your help!!

Your attitude is showing and is not going to further your case in a positive manner.  You may want to reflect on it and correct it if you wish to go far in this career.
Ya your right. Loosing points for asking a question in the right topic sucks tho. Anyways sry folks. I'm probably gonna loose more points for this msg in this thread haha