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Soldier Missing After Morning Run in Edmonton's River Valley

Search continues today, volunteers are still searching the river valley parks and there's another search today down river at Fort Sask, as the river narrows and gets more shallow at the water treatment plant there. I won't be able to attend till later this afternoon, I plan to go west/ up river from Groat Road along the south bank. Many seem to feel that MCpl Curnow may have fallen into the river, as unlikely as it sounds I have to consider all possibilities until some evidince is produced... To be honest, I'm not very optimistic at this point but dammit, I'm still going to try.
nuclearzombies said:
Search continues today, volunteers are still searching the river valley parks and there's another search today down river at Fort Sask, as the river narrows and gets more shallow at the water treatment plant there. I won't be able to attend till later this afternoon, I plan to go west/ up river from Groat Road along the south bank. Many seem to feel that MCpl Curnow may have fallen into the river, as unlikely as it sounds I have to consider all possibilities until some evidince is produced... To be honest, I'm not very optimistic at this point but dammit, I'm still going to try.

Good on you! Well done!

I truly hope he is found. Time is of the essence.
I'm kinda chomping at the bit here, I have shit to do at home this morning and an appointment to get some ink at 1400... should be clear by 1530, that leaves me a little under 6 hours of daylight... I'm a little frustrated with the volunteer search, they mainly stuck to paths and easily accessible areas (I know they mean well though).... I'm hoping there will be some military fellas still searching the river valley, maybe we can team up and get into some of the harder to reach spots. The weather is definitely in our favour, it's sunny and about 15+ degrees..... if anybody on the forums is in E-town and would like to team up for a saerch, by all means let me know....
nuclearzombies said:
I'm kinda chomping at the bit here, I have crap to do at home this morning and an appointment to get some ink at 1400... should be clear by 1530, that leaves me a little under 6 hours of daylight... I'm a little frustrated with the volunteer search, they mainly stuck to paths and easily accessible areas (I know they mean well though).... I'm hoping there will be some military fellas still searching the river valley, maybe we can team up and get into some of the harder to reach spots. The weather is definitely in our favour, it's sunny and about 15+ degrees..... if anybody on the forums is in E-town and would like to team up for a saerch, by all means let me know....

Slow down, think first. Have you info'd anyone of your plan? Do you have a fire team partner who can go with you? Do you have comms ie cell phone? What's your ETR? Have you a backpack with food/water etc? Think it through.

Just my  :2c:
Jim Seggie said:
Slow down, think first. Have you info'd anyone of your plan? Do you have a fire team partner who can go with you? Do you have comms ie cell phone? What's your ETR? Have you a backpack with food/water etc? Think it through.

Just my  :2c:

Great advice, worth more than :2c:!
Hey nuclearzombie, I'm in Edmonton and I'm a Search and Rescue volunteer for Parkland County... I work till 1600 so if you're still looking for someone then, I could probably come with... I haven't been officially tasked to this Search but I'd be more than happy to assist on my own time  :nod:
No partner, everybody's at work. I got the day off today. There will be searchers about, I will pair up with somebody...
Got good boots, appropriate clothing with extra in the pack, decent LED flashlight, food&water, cell phone, a ref's whistle, a half decent map...
My roomies and my employer know what's up, and I gave them specific information about my intended route, which I will not deviate from for any reason without informing an outside party first.... I should assemble some basic first aid supplies as well...

Thanks for keeping me on my toes Mr Seggie, I'm not one to jump on a horse, guns a blazing... the last thing we need is another missing person!

jnunes13: sent you a pm with my cell number, shoot me a call later... I should be on site by 1630,

No result tonite folks, we covered upriver from the footbridge to the Quesnell Bridge on one bank, we were unable to cross the Quesnell due to construction (shit!).... Due to work commitments I will not have anymore time available >:(

Very good to meet you Justin, thanks for coming out :salute:  The very best of luck and all that jazz when you hit BMQ this summer... I hope I see you one day with a COMENG badge!
In case anyone else is interested in joining the search, they've got info and updates here as available:

I have been trying to find any information about this, but the Ottawa media has not really mentioned about it.  Are there any new leads?  Has he been found?  Is there any new information regarding the missing soldier???

I am nervous for him, and my thoughts and prayers are with his family as they hope to hear any good news ASAP.

NavyHopeful said:
I have been trying to find any information about this, but the Ottawa media has not really mentioned about it. 

Edmonton Sun:
Here's another recent article:


If anyone is in the Edmonton area, there's a search organized for tonight.  Details can be found on the facebook page:


Unfortunately, maybe of Rich's co-workers are now in Manitoba, so they don't have nearly as many volunteers as they could otherwise.  Spouses with small children make bad searchers, no matter how much they want to help.

To my knowledge, which is admittedly quite limited, there is still no trace of him whatsoever.  That includes any evidence of him falling in the river - no scuff marks, no broken branches, no nothing.  It's baffling. 

Seek said:
That includes any evidence of him falling in the river - no scuff marks, no broken branches, no nothing.  It's baffling.

I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut.  :-X
Sigs Pig said:
My guess is that he is not CSI qualified.


Some people have their strengths, and some people don't. :nod:  Let's try to keep this thread to any news about MCpl. Curnow and for wishes to his discovery.  :yellow: If we attack other people's comments, we do no good here. :facepalm:

That's just my  :2c:



Just spent the afternoon in the park searching with some other friends of Rich's.

I will say this: Richard Curnow is not only one of the best soldiers I have ever served with, but he is also one of the best people I have ever known. He has always been someone to look up to at work, has always been willing to help friends and comrades at the drop of a hat, and has put his own life in risk overseas to support others without thought to himself. Above all that, he loves his daugter more than anything in the world.

There are so many theories and stories as to what has happened, and I can't comment to that. I just don't know. I do know that no matter what, he is my friend, I respect him tremendously, and the search continues. He is NOT forgotten by his friends and family.
Beadwindow 7 said:
Just spent the afternoon in the park searching with some other friends of Rich's.

I will say this: Richard Curnow is not only one of the best soldiers I have ever served with, but he is also one of the best people I have ever known. He has always been someone to look up to at work, has always been willing to help friends and comrades at the drop of a hat, and has put his own life in risk overseas to support others without thought to himself. Above all that, he loves his daugter more than anything in the world.

There are so many theories and stories as to what has happened, and I can't comment to that. I just don't know. I do know that no matter what, he is my friend, I respect him tremendously, and the search continues. He is NOT forgotten by his friends and family.

Best of luck in the search brother, I hope for the sake of his family and friends like you, there is a happy ending to this terrible situation.