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"So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

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Having a CPL *will* help you on the training system though.  People with CPLs are bypassing Portage and sent straight to Moose Jaw.
Dimsum said:
Having a CPL *will* help you on the training system though.  People with CPLs are bypassing Portage and sent straight to Moose Jaw.

So, you are implying that bypassing PFT will help you in Moose Jaw?  How your PFE will help you depends largely on you and your attitude towards the course and your PFE.  If you think you're Shit Hot because you have 200 hours on Cessna's and a few multi hours, that won't bring you very far.  Actually, I personally know someone that had an ATPL license that almost failed the course on the Instrument Flying phase! 

If you have a mindset that they can't teach you anything new that isn't going to work.  However, if you are willing to learn everything they teach you and relate to your PFE to help you understand better, I personally think that's the way to go.

I think he's implying it will get you out of the YEAR long wait for PFT, which I am currently so fortunate enough to be beginning. Wait for MJ for those with PFT bypass is only 6mo or less...
Hi all

I been reading and searching for information on pilot for a few weeks now and im quiet sure i have most of my questions answered.  However there is one question i have that i cannot anser. I know that physical fitness is a large part of being in the military and i was easily able to pass the physical test when i applied. I was just wondering if Pilots have a specific fitness requirement that is above and beyond the basic 2.4 in under 12. currently i am doing 4.5 km in 22 min would that pass the requirements? obviously im striving for better but like I am just wondring if there is a criteria guide i could analyize. Any kind of link or direction to pilot specific fitness would be appreciated. Thanks
Pilots have the same PT requirements as the rest of the CF (not including Battle Fitness Test).  The 2.4km run isn't actually used in the testing process; a 20 meter shuttle run is used instead.
Lunder, just get in the best possible shape and frame of mind you can for IAP/BOTP or whatever it is called now without overdoing it. Good luck!
I've used the body-for-life method for getting into shape quickly and safely.  There is an emphasis on diet AND exercise.  Never mind the malarky regarding supplements like whey.  If your diet is well-balanced you won't need supplements.  Great for building muscle and cardiovasular health.  It works!!

Weight training guide - http://bodyforlife.com/exercise/weighttraining.asp
Cardio guide - http://bodyforlife.com/exercise/cardiotraining.asp
Diet guide - http://bodyforlife.com/nutrition/guidelines.asp
**Remember - dig deep on the website to learn more

I wouldn't worry too much about PT.

As long as your in decent shape (which can be attained with a minimal level of physical activity) you'll be fine. The first couple weeks of IAP will be a shock for your system but you will adapt and overcome.

Good luck.
You know how we somtimes have Australian fighter pilot flying with us?  Just wondering of we have any of our guys over in Australia.

I'm trying to get the F18s slot, I want to know the benifit of flying it. I want to fly F16 and F15 but I know I cant because I'm not American. Is there a way the I can serve other allied airforce for a certain years then come back? is there even such thing?

sorry to ask stupid question, its been bugging me... ::)

and have anyone been to BCIT airline operation course?

The only way I can see anyone serving for Allied nations as a pilot would be to either have citizenship of that country, parents have citizenship of that country OR marry a citizen of that country and become one yourself.  Like all Allied Nations - there are more applicants than slots and would probably look internally first before reaching out to other Allied countries.

Best to stick with Canada is that is all you can apply for.  If your parents were born in Britain - go there and declare yourself son/daughter of a past british citizen and you should be able to get in.  See article on one Canadian who joined British Air force - http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2007/05/23/pilot-award.html.

Canada has exchange programs with other countries. If you are referring to pilots wearing foreign flight suits working in the CF, those would be the pilots that are part of the program. So yes you could potentially fly for the Americans. I do not know the details about the exchange program, but I wouldn't imagine too many pilots go on exchange.

I assume the fellow was referring to joining other Airforces because our own have very limited intake.  I'd go ahead and apply for Pilot with the British Airforce under the Commonwealth citizenship program but I do have a wife and family/friends residing in Canada...so it's not practical for me.

If you look at the article link I mentioned above you'll find that the CF could have had a very talented Pilot but decided to turn him away - now he is a war hero in Britain and probably can pick and choose what/where he wants to work next in the Commonwealth.

Correcting one mistake from above message to Welshy...if I were under the age of 23 I would have "tried" to apply for the RAF as a Pilot.  Now I wouldn't be able to apply because of wife, friends and family (plus I am over the age of intake).

Well, I was talking about Canadians joining the CAF and working as pilot then going on an exchange with other countries. We swap pilots, so if we sent a Canadian Pilot to Australia, then the Australians would send one of theirs. That is one way of flying for other countries, but from what I understand it is not easy to get on the exchange program.
I meant exchange but anyway.

Why is it hard to do exchange? how do I do it when im in the airforce.

Do you think I will  fly F35 in sted of F18?  I'm 15 now and im going to join when im 19. By the time I get my wing I would only serve on the hornet for a few years then gonna have to switch...

What is the best thing to fly after the hornet?
EStrike101:  I suggest you go 1 step at the time.  At your age, I was probably as eager as you to fly the Hornet.  10 years later, I'm still in training and yes, a lot of people washed out and no, not everybody that wanted jets got it. Saying you will fly the Hornet at your stage is a very bold statement in my opinion!

As to what's the best thing to fly, it depends on preference. 


Its a bold  statement alright.

Just wanted to know whats going to happen with the airforce so I make good decision to join or not.

You said youre in training, whats that like?  If youre in the airforce.
I'm in pilot training, on the Hawk.  Training is relatively hard, very structured, and extremely rewarding. I can't say anything else than I love it.

Awsome. That thing is probably as fun to fly as the 18s.

Could you tell me the rate of people that got in and people that failed?

What was youre average mark in Highschool?  during grade 11 and 12.

My guess is that SuperSonic had pretty high marks in Gr 11 & 12 - especially math and physics.  Equally as important is the athletics and well-rounded extracurricular activities.  It's the CFAT, Medical and Aircrew selection that ultimately determines whether your in or out.

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