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"So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

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No problem, I feel we were like guinea pigs and nobody at this stage knows what to expect. For pilot then yes all tests. There was one in the guide we didn't have but I think a couple that weren't. Pilots do the AEC tests also and not sure which are specific to each occupation but many apply to both. If you are preparing to go do it, the guide helps you a bit to know the style but doesn't really give the whole picture. You really can't study for it but practicing fast mental arithmetic will aid you in some tests. All I can say is nobody will feel like they are doing well but don't let it discourage you!
I find that pretty interesting that they are doing away with the sims!  Just one long tedious day of brain games.

If it takes less time and yields similar success rates , why not? 

Will the sims be left in tact? Seems like there was an awful lot of money invested in those sims / programs.

I believe they have been around for almost 25 years so I think they must have gotten their money's worth out of them. It probably might cost a lot to maintain and run them.
I was merit listed as an Infantry Officer back in May. If I ask my RC to add Pilot to my trade options what else has to be done? Do I have to do another interview? Will it throw a wrench into things if Infantry Officer opens up? Would I be able to go to Trenton for testing before Aug/Sept BMOQ?

RectorCR said:
I was merit listed as an Infantry Officer back in May. If I ask my RC to add Pilot to my trade options what else has to be done? Do I have to do another interview? Will it throw a wrench into things if Infantry Officer opens up? Would I be able to go to Trenton for testing before Aug/Sept BMOQ?

If you add Pilot to your application there are a few extra steps you will need to do.

1) There is an extra eye exam you need to add to your medical.
2) I am pretty sure you will need to do an update interview.

As long as that goes ok they will load you on to a ASC course, not too sure how long that will take, but if you are successful it normally takes about a month or so for your air factor to be completed and merit listed so I would say that an August/September BMOQ would be unlikely. Though not technically impossible.

It took me a little over 18 months from submission online to offer.

Just my 2 cents.

Best of luck.
Did Aircrew Selection this week -- passed the grueling day of testing on Monday, then the Medical yesterday went pretty well.  Had to re-do the hearing test this morning is all, but it's good enough for pilot.  Have to wait at least a month for air factor and merit listing etc.  Didn't really have anything else to add to what Chowhar mentioned earlier this week.

I thought we were a tight-knit little group throughout the process.  Even during the medical, the staff remarked how we seemed to get along.  It was a great experience, now just hoping to keep moving on!

Just a heads up for some of you who have recently completed aircrew, it took over 8 weeks for me to get my official air factor/merit list. I was told 3 weeks. Some of the other guys I went to ACS got theirs at a more normal time and I had no issues whatsoever so it seems to vary. Keep pressure on your file manager if it starts to take longer than normal
We were told yesterday they were working files from June 2nd, that's how backed up they are. 
26point2 said:
We were told yesterday they were working files from June 2nd, that's how backed up they are.

Another note, we were also told that since Aircrew Selection will be twice a week, it will put more pressure on them to process files so that's not going to make the situation any better.

Also, I would advise people not to take the medical part too lightly. We were told all last week's successful candidates failed the medical. I believe this was due to the anthropometric measurements being out of range. In fact I'm pretty average and was borderline for the Grob trainer which would have failed me. Even if your eyes, ears, lungs, and heart are perfect, you just might not fit safely!
26point2 said:
Did Aircrew Selection this week -- passed the grueling day of testing on Monday, then the Medical yesterday went pretty well.  Had to re-do the hearing test this morning is all, but it's good enough for pilot.  Have to wait at least a month for air factor and merit listing etc.  Didn't really have anything else to add to what Chowhar mentioned earlier this week.

I thought we were a tight-knit little group throughout the process.  Even during the medical, the staff remarked how we seemed to get along.  It was a great experience, now just hoping to keep moving on!

Totally agree, great experience with you and the rest of the group. The number of Top Gun quotes we went through was unreal!!
Hi all,

I'm currently in my last co-op term for my mechanical engineering degree, with 8 months of school left to graduate in May of 2014. I'm planning on signing up in an attempt to be a DEO pilot, with the final goal of test pilot with the AETE (to also use my degree in some way). I have a couple questions:

- I have dual citizenship with Finland, as well as an immediate relative living in that country. I understand there is an extra screening process due to this which the Forces website says could take from 6-18 months. I assume that since Finland and NATO have a good relationship that I would be on the lower end of this scale, however signing up earlier could also help ensure that once I graduate I am ready to begin ASAP. Are you able to sign up before graduating and provide in-progress transcripts, with some sort of "available by" date on the application so this part of the process could take place while I am still in school, or must I have a completed degree and transcripts before I am able to apply?

- With the AETE, I'd be doing some engineering work (as far as I have heard from discussions at least). Would this work fit the qualifications to obtain a P. Eng. while with the forces? Requirements include working under a licensed P. Eng while doing your work.

Thank you for any answers you're able to provide!

AETE will not be for several years after joining.  After training (2 years), accumulate 1500 hrs (3-5 years, depending on the platform) become a section lead or Aircraft Captain, go through the selection process (1 more year, fairly difficult), attend Test Pilot School (1 year), then you cam start working as a test pilot.  Since you are a test PILOT vs a test ENGINEER, I don't believe you will be able to count that towards P. Eng.  So, don't count on starting to work on engineering projects before 7 years (optimistic) after you join.
Is it hard to become a pilot if you have no history or practice flying before?  Interested in becoming one but am a bit hesitant because of my lack of experience.
To be honest, it's hard whether you have previous flying experience or not. 

RCAF flying is challenging and in many cases notably different from commercial/private flying, so having previous experience may help in some respects, but may not in others.  If that's what you want to do, then your best course of action is to go to your nearest recruiting centre to get the most up to date information regarding a career as a pilot in the RCAF.

skyhigh10 said:
Um,  what? 

Please tell me you are aware of the film, Top Gun? ???

If not, you really need to see it.  Not 100% factual about what the job is like, but some fun 80s popcorn with some really great flight cinematography - well before the CG era.  If you pick up the DVD, listen to the comment track, and you get an appreciation of how this film was made.

"I feel the need... the need for speed!"
I don't believe I've ever seen the phases "Top Gun movie" and "you really need to see it!" together before!!!  :blotto:
Since I was a little kid I always wanted to fly. I had great grades in high school and with job prospects/money into consideration I completed my university degree of Bachelors of Commerce specializing in finance. I got 78% gpa and landed a great job as a credit analyst. It was soon that I realized that it just was not for me. Somewhere along the line I did not follow my dreams of becoming a pilot. I am 21 years old and unhappy, although making good money / full benefits and promising future. I now decided to enroll in the army and would really enjoy being a part of something. (team environment) instead of sitting at my desk 8-5.

-I decided today to join the army
Here is my question, on my application I chose Pilot but I am not sure I can qualify with a bachelors of commerce.

Would appreciate advice on how I can be successful on my application.

topgun13 said:
-I decided today to join the army
Here is my question, on my application I chose Pilot but I am not sure I can qualify with a bachelors of commerce.
You most certainly qualify with that degree.
Would appreciate advice on how I can be successful on my application.
You need to change your application to state that you wish to join the RCAF.

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