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"So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

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PuckChaser said:
If you're in the fighter stream, there's a practical test involving motorcycle driving beside a runway, locker room standoff with a coworker and a cut-throat game of shirtless beach volleyball.

PuckChaser said:
If you're in the fighter stream, there's a practical test involving motorcycle driving beside a runway, locker room standoff with a coworker and a cut-throat game of shirtless beach volleyball.

THAT was some funny shit right there!  ;D
redorange363 said:
I passed all the requirements for pilot - including the aircrew selection and medicals at Downsview.  I am hoping to be accepted into the Seneca program - currently scheduled to write the exams at Seneca this week.  When you talk about the process being long - any idea how long, any chance of getting accepted into the program for September 2014?  I am just finishing high school so I am hoping to get into the program at Seneca or I am just going to do engineering at another university.  Any advice would be appreciated.

You will not be done able to make the September 2014 intake. I am at 3 CFFTS right now and they are trying to push a ton of Seneca guys through before the September 2014 class. The pre-req's to attending Seneca are BMOQ and successful completion of Phase I, here in Portage, so you have to do the 15 weeks in St Jean, and then the 8 weeks here (more likely longer with the weather the way its been) before you could go. As far as I am aware they are only starting classes in September each year as or right now, and the plan is Phase I - 2 semesters at Seneca - then Phase II and III - then back to Seneca for 3 more semesters, then to OTU. Best of luck.
redorange363 said:
I passed all the requirements for pilot - including the aircrew selection and medicals at Downsview.  I am hoping to be accepted into the Seneca program - currently scheduled to write the exams at Seneca this week.  When you talk about the process being long - any idea how long, any chance of getting accepted into the program for September 2014?  I am just finishing high school so I am hoping to get into the program at Seneca or I am just going to do engineering at another university.  Any advice would be appreciated.

I am in almost the exact same boat as you. Will be doing my Seneca test probably next week.
Teach17 said:
You will not be done able to make the September 2014 intake. I am at 3 CFFTS right now and they are trying to push a ton of Seneca guys through before the September 2014 class. The pre-req's to attending Seneca are BMOQ and successful completion of Phase I, here in Portage, so you have to do the 15 weeks in St Jean, and then the 8 weeks here (more likely longer with the weather the way its been) before you could go. As far as I am aware they are only starting classes in September each year as or right now, and the plan is Phase I - 2 semesters at Seneca - then Phase II and III - then back to Seneca for 3 more semesters, then to OTU. Best of luck.

Is that only 5 semesters total at Seneca? So 2.5 years?
I received my offer of enrolment with the Canadian Forces today.  BMOQ starts August 25 (doing the CEOTP Pilot - Seneca program).  Thanks to everyone for all the information and advice - greatly appreciate it.

I recently became aware that the Canadian Forces are looking for pilots. I'm 29 years old with an Arts degree from the University of British Columbia. I've been thinking about becoming a pilot for a very long time, but never went through with it because I always thought I would do something else. Unfortunately for me, I've never had a high paying job since finishing university. I don't have the money to go to flight school and obtain my commercial pilot license. After spending some time looking at some of the options available, I'm wondering if it's possible to become a pilot through the military? Anyone here know of any success stories of going from military to civilian aviation? One day in the future, if possible, I would like to fly the Boeing 787.

Am I too old to go down this path at the age of 29? I understand that I'll have to commit to serve for a number of years if I ultimately succeed and past all of the tests. I am fine with that.
I did a bit of research and I know that very few applicants will ever become a fighter pilot. I'm also aware that I can't pick what kind of aircraft that I want to fly. I don't know what the success rate is like, but are the odds relatively high for me to fly other aircraft if I can't fly a fighter plane like the CF-18? If not, are applicants filter out pretty quickly base on their competence?

I do consider myself to be relatively healthy and fit. I am not overweight and fit.  Technically I don't wear glasses. I was given reading glasses by my optometrist when I was a student at UBC because it can be slightly difficult reading Chinese characters (it was mandatory for all Arts students to study a second language at UBC). I don't have any issues reading English at the same distance that I would read Chinese. It's kind of hard to explain unless you have some experience with the Chinese language. The amount of strokes place into the same amount of space that an English character would take can make it tough to read unless you enlarge the Chinese characters. I know I'll ultimately have to take an eye exam, but I thought I would mention this.

What is the application process like? Since I already have a degree, I'm assuming I'm going to be a direct applicant? There is a recruitment session on June 26th in Vancouver. I will drop by and ask more questions or just go by my local recruitment office in New Westminster. I figure it would be best to ask now just so that I can get as much information as I can.

Thank you.
Good day,

In addition to the response that you have already received; you can check out the below link that will bring you to the Pilot occupation section of the www.forces.ca recruiting website. There are video's and other important information pertaining to becoming a pilot in the Royal Canadian Air Force that may answer your remaining questions.

Just wrote my CFAT last week. The recruiter said I qualified but I didn't see my score. I applied for pilot and he said that I will have to wait for a very long time and after a year I will have to apply again. How long until you 'chosen ones' were contacted after writing your aptitude tests? Based on what I was told, my mind says give up but my heart says proceed. I'm a very conflicted individual right now.
needexcitementinlife said:
Just wrote my CFAT last week. The recruiter said I qualified but I didn't see my score. I applied for pilot and he said that I will have to wait for a very long time and after a year I will have to apply again. How long until you 'chosen ones' were contacted after writing your aptitude tests? Based on what I was told, my mind says give up but my heart says proceed. I'm a very conflicted individual right now.

Interesting that they're saying that to you, maybe it means the current wave of pilot recruiting might soon be coming to a close. When I applied it took 1 year to go from start to finish and I regularly checked in and pushed and prodded the process along. Among the guys that were accepted with me, the range of waits were from 6 months - 2 years on average with 1 guy who's file was screwed up so many times it took him 6 years (major exception not the rule), but on average I would say a 1 year process is nothing to worry about. If it's something you want to do you do not lose anything by applying and seeing it through. You can always turn down the offer if you ever get it.

To scttraveller, there are many many people that go on to fly civil aviation after flying for the military. Military aviation experience is highly valued in the civilian world and there are lots of people here who want to fly multi-engine aircraft for the sole reason that they want to fly civilian after they release (as to why? beats me). In terms of wanting to fly the CF18, you might be a little late to the party but right now here at Moose Jaw there is a push to get more people selected for the jet stream. It's not as helicopter-centred as it was a little while ago and these days it seems if you work hard you will get your selection. That said, things move fast and who knows how the outlook will be in the future. Just put in your application, you will never be accepted just by thinking about it.
Hey guys,

I’ve been away from here for a while as I was going through the application steps and mostly playing the waiting game. Decided to check back in now. Some people here may recognize me from before. Anyway, in a nutshell: I first applied for Pilot July 2012, unsuccessful aircrew selection under old system in January 2013, successful aircrew selection under new system in July 2014. However, was told in Trenton that I just squeaked by and met the standard. Final outcome of aircrew medicals at DRDC still unknown. This journey has been no smooth sail as you can see, but I am grateful for every opportunity and experience along the way.

It is out of my hands now, and my next concern is not making the selection even if I do get merit listed. So I’d like to get some idea from the applicants here, or from others who may have info on this. Has anyone completed the aircrew selection successfully and not get an offer? Does this happen all the time? I understand other things play into the selection decision, like the CFAT results, the interview, possibly the personality questionnaire as well. I would just like to get an idea of what to expect given that I just met the standard at aircrew selection, though my CFAT and interview seem to have gone reasonably well.

I have asked the very helpful DAA some questions as well, but I would also appreciate any feedback from any applicants who may have been in a similar spot. Also, you can PM me if you have any questions regarding aircrew selection, etc. I’ve just returned from Trenton, and I’ll be more than happy to answer any questions, though not beyond what I am allowed to disclose.

Thanks everyone.
That must have been from the end of June batch of selections. They made another round of selections end of July I think.
Hard to imagine they'd have back-to-back selections like that (both June and July) but anything is possible I suppose. In any case, I hear last selections of the year are in November. Any DEO pilot applicants here? Please keep us posted with your progress on the job offers. Thanks. Cheers.
Gunshark said:
Hard to imagine they'd have back-to-back selections like that (both June and July) but anything is possible I suppose. In any case, I hear last selections of the year are in November. Any DEO pilot applicants here? Please keep us posted with your progress on the job offers. Thanks. Cheers.

DEO applicant over here. I was merit listed last week but not in time for selections in July. Awaiting the next selections which from what I heard will take place Mid-November. Good luck!
I was unofficially told last week that on my file was a note saying "applicant selected DEO" but I don't know if that's for July's round of for November.
PuckChaser said:
If you're in the fighter stream, there's a practical test involving motorcycle driving beside a runway, locker room standoff with a coworker and a cut-throat game of shirtless beach volleyball.

10/10 ;D
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