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"So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

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Silentstriker01 said:
Hey all, sorry for resurrecting such an old thread but I didn't want to start a new one. Today I went in for medical (I'm applying for pilot). For the eye test I received 20/20 in one eye left and 20/50 in my right eye. Needless to say this hit me like a ton of bricks as I have never, ever experienced problems with my vision in my life. They referred me to their optometrist who faxes the result of his exam to the medical office. I go on Tuesday. Am I disqualified from being a pilot with one eye 20/50? The physicians assistant who conducted the exam didn't know.

If I see a 20/20 eye chart, I can read it no problem with both eyes open. If the optometrist (who knows the requirements because they send all their pilots to him and they pay him) says I'm okay, will the 20/50 score in the office DSQ me? I am hoping that was just a freak result because I had 20/20 in my both eyes in a test earlier this year.

Any comments are appreciated even if their bad news, at least I'll know and I won't have to stress.

Info from this thread: http://Forums.Army.ca/forums/threads/31590.0.html

Just to expand a bit on what Corey has said, the minimum vision level for Aircrew Trades is V2, meaning: up to 6/18 in both eyes or 6/12 and 6/30.
Your 20/20 Rating in your good eye would be 6/6 (prefect), and your bad eye would be 6/15 (still good). Therefore, you meet the requirements  :)
Just for clarification:
Pilot          V2 A1
Nav          V3 A2
AEC          V3 A4
AES Op      V3 A2
Flight Eng  V3 A2
AC Op        V3 A4

All of the occupational specialties that require A4 are V3.
Hey guys, quick question about the pilot trade. I applied last year and was unsuccessful at ASC, so I've been working towards my PPL and am going for my flight test next week (DEO pilot applicant BTW). 6 months have also gone by so I'm close to giving it another shot. I just received a letter from the Ottawa RC stating...

"the occupations that you have requested are currently unavailable. As a result, we have no choice tbut to close your file. Despite this setback we hope that you will consider one of the options listed below..."..."you may reapply to the reg. force in March 2011, as we expect to have new opportunities available in April. If some or all of the recruitment process has already been completed, the processing of your application may be accelerated."

Are they saying they won't let me re-apply for pilot next year and to consider other options..? Or is it at this moment that they have no interest in pilot applicants? My file is very competitive as I've been told, so I don't see how they wouldn't allow me to re-apply next year...

snyper21 said:
Are they saying they won't let me re-apply for pilot next year and to consider other options..?

The answer to your question was clearly indicated in the message you recieved

currently unavailable

you may reapply to the reg. force in March 2011, as we expect to have new opportunities available in April

It does not get any more simple than that.
snyper21 said:
Or is it at this moment that they have no interest in pilot applicants? My file is very competitive as I've been told, so I don't see how they wouldn't allow me to re-apply next year...

Recruiting intake targets are set on a fiscal year basis (the fiscal year runs begining March 31st if memory serves).  What that means is that each new fiscal year the powers that be tell the recuiting group to find X many pilots.  Once recruiting group has found X number of pilots they stop processing applications for pilots for that fiscal year.  Come March 31, recuiting group will have their new target, and they will start to accept applications as appropriate.  Keep in mind that the target for pilots may very well be zero (it has happend in the past).
Long story short, you can re-activate your file at the date stated in the letter you got.
Snyper, you will be able to reapply to the pilot trade next year as long as they are hiring DEO pilots. You can redo ASC as many times as you upgrade your license.

I am in a similar position. However, I have not yet done ASC because the occupation closed before I heard back from Ottawa regarding a security clearance (despite applying last March). Even so, I am hoping to be able to go to ASC before April so that if I pass I can complete my application as quickly as possible. I am doubtful that they will be sending DEO applicants to ASC before they get the numbers April 1st, although I heard from the CFRC that they hope to if space opens up (to my understanding, once the ROTP applicants have all gone through). I am not a recruiter and not positive of this so don't quote me on it. If this is true (which it very well may not be), you may have another shot at ASC before April. Otherwise, in April you can book ASC again as long as you finish your PPL and the pilot trade is open again.

Although the terminology states 'reapply' many parts of your application may not need to be re-done. For example, the aptitude test. In my case I do not need to get an extra security check done regarding my dual-citizenship (a serious relief to me because it really held things up). You will most likely have to redo your medical and interview so that they can have the most up to date information. They have not destroyed your file, they have simply shelved it. Thus the line: "If some or all of the recruitment process has already been completed, the processing of your application may be accelerated."

If it is any consolation, I was told by my career counselor that the pilot trade will likely be open again fiscal year 2011 as they hired quite a few DEO in 2010 and pilot has a high wash-out rate.
    Hey guys, you're going to have to forgive me and my spelling; I just came back from the optometrist and he gave me those eye drops that make your vision blurred, and it's sort of a challenge to read other posts and what I'm writing now. I'm in grade 12 now, just finished my CFAT, Medical, and interview, as well as my blood work. I had to see the eye doc today and found out i have a microscopic scar on my left eye that sets my vision back to 20/30. my right eye however, is slightly better than 20/20. When I asked my recruiter a while back, he said they were starting to accept pilot candidates who need mild vision corrections. It also says this on forces.ca. I currently don't have a presciption and don't wear any corrective lenses and i can see fine, but i want to know how much my chances have been decreased for being accepted due to this slight vision problem. Also, this is the last thing i have to fax to my medical officer until he gives me the go-ahead for ASC, if i am eligable or not anymore. Oh, and i'm going back to the eye doc on saturday to get perhaps one contact for my left eye.

Any and all info is appreciated, and once again sorry for any spelling mistakes as i can barely make out the words i'm typing.

Each application is unique, but I was accepted last year with V2.


Hello everyone! First post here for me after much reading and searching. I must say this site is an excellent resource for information regarding life (and starting a life) in the CF. Before I continue, I feel the need to thank all the vets and members for taking the time and answering all the questions from us greenhorns.

After much searching, I've found some relevant information but not exactly what I was looking for, and was hoping someone out here may have an answer.

I understand that the ASC holds the Aircrew selection trials roughly twice a year, generally before summer and in December. What I was wondering is, are these times fixed from year to year? Better yet, does anyone know or have any insight regarding when the Aircrew Selection times will be for 2011?

Calling my local recruitment centre did not provide me with any more information. I realize that many of the recruitment personnel are quite professional and are required to know quite a lot about the CF, but at the same time they cannot possibly know every finite detail of the CF. Considering this, and that I intend to become a CF pilot - who (in what capacity) should I be requesting to talk with when I call a recruitment center? (The warrant officer I spoke with also could not answer this)

Any constructive info would be greatly appreciated, thanks again!
Aircrew selection is scheduled on a as needed basis.  Dates change from year to year and the frequency depends on how many pilots their recruiting, when I went through they were doing serials every month it seems.  When your application gets to a certain point then a ASC date will be scheduled for you, once you pass ASC you're pretty much golden but getting to that point involves many hoops.

Ask the recruiting center if they have any pilots there, if not ask for aircew (Navs, Flight Engineers, Aesops Etc).  If they don't have anyone to talk to in person don't despair, the best resource I had during the process was here at army.ca.  Everything is here: day in the life of a Pilot, passing ASC tips, flight training, current recruiting trends.  It's not official info but usually quite accurate.

Good luck.
Thank you for the quick and informative response rnkelly!

I hadn't considered trying to contact other air crew members through the recruitment office. Perhaps if I find a good source, I'll be able to get inside the loop regarding ASC dates etc.

And as you say, Army.ca truly is an excellent resource!

Thanks again!
At the recruiting centre in town here, there's almost always a pilot or two waiting for training that are manning the phones  :nod:

once you pass ASC you're pretty much golden

I'm not sure what rnkelly meant by it, but that just isn't the case. I know plenty of people who have passed ASC and not received pilot offers. On my aircrew course, 9 of us passed ASC and only 5 of us received pilot offers. By no means is this a representation of the percentage of ASC people who get offers, but it shows there are still plenty of influencing factors outside of ASC that can determine whether an offer is extended.
My understanding is that ASC (Simulator/Medical) is the last step and they didn't send applicants until all other steps are completed successfully, has this changed from 2006?

In theory applicants that have passed ASC and have upheld all the other requirements shall receive offers albeit not all at the same time (some may have to wait longer than others).  Once your application is deemed acceptable (I think they call it being merit listed) the main factors that affect the offer are; Pilot slots available, Entry plan, Application strength. 

Correct me if things have changed but your buddies who have passed their ASC should get offers eventually when slots open up unless another part of their application has fallen through.

There is also a "Pilot Selection Board" of sorts that meets in the spring and reviews the applications. It is my understanding that even if you have successfully completed everything, you can still be rejected from the board.
rnkelly said:
My understanding is that ASC (Simulator/Medical) is the last step and they didn't send applicants until all other steps are completed successfully, has this changed from 2006?

Yes.  When I was working recruiting (2008) the direction was to send all ROTP aircrew applicants to ACS, then send the file off to the ROTP selection board.  Not sure if they are still doing that, or have expanded it to DEO as well.
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