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"So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

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Well, as I'm going to be going into Uni soon, I've been looking at alternative careers, primarily within the CF. Is any preference from the prospective candidate taken into consideration? I've never really been a fan of the CF18 or any fighter jets, have always liked Helicopters, but it seems that maybe based on that alone, being a pilot in the CF wouldn't suit me as I'm under the assumption that they'll put you wherever they need to, whether you want to be a Helo pilot, or jets. Looking at the CF site they have a whole bit about training Heli pilots from scratch blah blah, is this implying that Helicopter Pilot is a specific trade? Or is it all one broad 'Pilot' trade?
NzrTrk1 said:
Well, as I'm going to be going into Uni soon, I've been looking at alternative careers, primarily within the CF. Is any preference from the prospective candidate taken into consideration? I've never really been a fan of the CF18 or any fighter jets, have always liked Helicopters, but it seems that maybe based on that alone, being a pilot in the CF wouldn't suit me as I'm under the assumption that they'll put you wherever they need to, whether you want to be a Helo pilot, or jets. Looking at the CF site they have a whole bit about training Heli pilots from scratch blah blah, is this implying that Helicopter Pilot is a specific trade? Or is it all one broad 'Pilot' trade?

Your trade is pilot. The operation of all airframes, whether multi-engine, helicopter, or fast jets, fall under the trade of 'pilot'. Once you successfully complete BFT in Moose Jaw, you will be streamed into a particular airframe community - multi-engine, helo, or fast jet. You will be able to specify your preference, but ultimately, the CF will make the decision regarding what you will fly based on the operational requirements of the CF.

Edit: Grammatical error
Ah, thank you. Is there any particular reason why Helicopters don't fall under the Army, like in other western militaries?
NzrTrk1 said:
Ah, thank you. Is there any particular reason why Helicopters don't fall under the Army, like in other western militaries?

Once upon a time it was.....
NzrTrk1 said:
Ah, thank you. Is there any particular reason why Helicopters don't fall under the Army, like in other western militaries?

Even in other wester militaries, hellicopters are also emplyed by services other than the army. If you are talking about troop lift-type machines, you will find that some of our allies employ them as part of other services. The RAF for example owns British Chinooks. Another example is the Dutch. The RNLAF controls Chinooks and Apache hellicopters ( and others as far as i recall).
Yes, you're right, I believe Armies tend to have attack helicopters rather than transport types, such as the US Army with their Apaches, or the UK Army Air Corps with their Apaches as well.

Here's another question, let's say a pilot was chosen to train as a Rotorwing pilot, if that's the correct term, I assume they'll first train on the trainer, what types of Helicopter would they be able to expect to fly within the CF? Are there many available postings for Helo pilots in the CF, or would it be unrealistic to expect that one would have a good chance at landing a position in a Helicopter? I'm trying to find some info for the future mostly, my plan right now is to stick with the reserves through Uni, then see what I can do within the CF. I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but I was also looking at entry plans with the UK, after realizing that it's a rather unrealistic goal to one day be a Leopard CO within the CF, I was looking at alternatives and saw being a Helicopter pilot as one. So far it seems that hopping over to the UK and either joining their Army, and after 5 years applying for Pilot training, or wait 5 years and try Direct Entry Officer which would utilize the Uni degree, and hopefully pilot one of their machines.

Anyone have any opinions or suggestions?
If you want to be a helicopter pilot - you have a very good chance that is what you will be.  75% of our Pilot positions are helo.  If you want to fly a camouflage helicopter - you're in luck, as an even larger majority of helo pilots fly TacHel.

We have a current accelerate stream for those applicants who only want to fly helicopters - once recruited and sent to PFT, making it clear that you are interested in remaining at 3CFFTS will cut off years in the training mill - streaming you directly into the helicopter training mill after 150hrs of FW trainer time.

Have you looked into the requirements for serving in the UK military?  Unless you have lived there previously for a certain amount of time, you must meet the residency eligibility requirements.  Being a citizen is not good enough.
Ah, well that clears A LOT of things up for me, about being a pilot within the CF, thank you very much for that. I never knew it went like that to be honest.

AS for the UK, I've talked with a few UK recruiters about it and you can join their Army (Certain trades that don't require a period of 5 years residency) if you have a family member/friend who is willing to sponsor you to get you over to the UK, and it's even easier if you have a European citizenship, which I have along with my Canadian one. I was born here, but have a Polish citizenship. However, with what you said I think I'll be looking more in-depth into the CF as I'd rather serve my country, than one that I have little affiliation to, just because I want to have a certain job.
NzrTrk1 said:
what types of Helicopter would they be able to expect to fly within the CF?

Current CF airfames

Are there many available postings for Helo pilots in the CF, or would it be unrealistic to expect that one would have a good chance at landing a position in a Helicopter?

I am not sure if you mean open positions, or what are the locations they work out of.  If you meant locations, these are the  locations of the Air Force Wings in Canada.  However this doesn't include all places a pilot could be posted to.  Staff positions, etc are also possible posting but the Wings cover the flying positions atleast.
Zoomie said:
If you want to be a helicopter pilot - you have a very good chance that is what you will be.  75% of our Pilot positions are helo.  If you want to fly a camouflage helicopter - you're in luck, as an even larger majority of helo pilots fly TacHel.

We have a current accelerate stream for those applicants who only want to fly helicopters - once recruited and sent to PFT, making it clear that you are interested in remaining at 3CFFTS will cut off years in the training mill - streaming you directly into the helicopter training mill after 150hrs of FW trainer time.

Have you looked into the requirements for serving in the UK military?  Unless you have lived there previously for a certain amount of time, you must meet the residency eligibility requirements.  Being a citizen is not good enough.
Can you elaborate more on what Helo pilots do?
bdave said:
Can you elaborate more on what Helo pilots do?

I am violating the Official Secrets Act here, so don't tell anybody else, but I fly Helicopters.

I do some paperpushing as well, in order to emulate other Officer professions as part of my cover.

Eye In The Sky said:
Current CF airfames

If you meant locations, these are the  locations of the Air Force Wings in Canada.

This is not particularly useful in the case of 1 Wing, as only the Wing HQ is in Kingston (which, as no Griffons are based there, is hardly "the home of the Griffon"). One has to dig down a little deeper to find the Squadron locations, and 427 Squadron no longer belongs to 1 Wing.

Squadron locations are: 400 Squadron Borden, 403 Squadron Gagetown, 408 Squadron Edmonton, 430 Squadron Valcartier, and 438 Squadron Squadron St-Hubert (Montreal). 427 Squadron belongs to SOFCOM and lives in Petawawa.
Loachman said:
I am violating the Official Secrets Act here, so don't tell anybody else, but I fly Helicopters.

Well then, the Men In Black and those pesky Black Helicopters (err... wait maybe not those) will be visiting you soon......

Well, a more detailed question relating to that, what does a TacHel pilot do? Which kind of pilots are responsible for flying the Chinooks? Are Griffins being used anywhere outside of Canada (other than with the SF iirc)
SupersonicMax said:

They are in Afghanistan now and have been in Bosnia and Haiti, just to name those.

Ah, my mistake on the spelling.

Another thing, how long is the initial contract as a pilot, and how long would any further contracts be? Is it a variable that you can decide? Or is it something set in stone, that after your initial contract is up, and you want to stay longer, you have to stay for X amount of time? Thanks.
Expect between three and four years to get your CF Pilot Wings.  Once winged, you owe the CF seven years.  After that you can sign up for consecutive five year contracts - up to a total of 25 years before being eligible for an immediate pension.  If you leave before 25 years, you will get a pension for time served when you reach retirement age.
Zoomie said:
Expect between three and four years to get your CF Pilot Wings.  Once winged, you owe the CF seven years.  After that you can sign up for consecutive five year contracts - up to a total of 25 years before being eligible for an immediate pension.  If you leave before 25 years, you will get a pension for time served when you reach retirement age.

Is that for any CF Pilot or does that take:

once recruited and sent to PFT, making it clear that you are interested in remaining at 3CFFTS will cut off years in the training mill

into consideration?
Sorry for the Quick Thread Hi-Jack, but I posted in another thread a while ago and haven't had a reply.  I know CEOTP is used only as a last ditch effort to meet SIP requirements for the PILOT trade.  What I'm wondering is if the CEOTP - Internal plan is used in this way as well, or are there a limited number of spots allocated every year for this program?  I've heard of a few CEOTP - Internal transfers, but haven't heard of any kind of consitancy with this entry plan.  I spoke to a recruiter but they indicated that they had no access to this information and couldn't help me.


Sorry Rob - can't help you there.

If you take the Phase 2 (Grob) route - you can expect to shave between 6-12 months off of the training cycle.  This is mostly due to the fact that we tend to load our Ph2 students on to the next Ph3 (usually within a couple of weeks).
Thanks Zoomie.  I appreciate the reply.  I'll have to ask through the appropriate avenues at my unit to research this further for me.  I'm hoping with my Commercial heli ticket and fixed wing ticket I'll be able to utilize this entry plan should it open up in the future.  Or perhaps get my Group IV instrument rating and attemp to get in through HELI-COP, although from what I understand unless your ex-reg force this is very difficult. 


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