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So What Movie Do You Want To See This Summer?

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Well its "Blockbuster" season again!!!  Which of these summer releases is on your wishlist??

1.  Spiderman 3
2.  Pirates of the Caribbean 3
3.  Shrek 3
4.  Bourne Ultimatum
5.  Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
6.  Ocean's Thirteen
7.  Rush Hour 3
8.  Live Free or Die Hard
9.  Transformers
10. The Simpsons
11. Fantasic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

Cheers FDL  :cdn:
They're all going to be the crappiest movies ever.

Anyway, the geek in me wants Transformers, and I can't NOT see the Simpsons movie.

If you'll notice, in that list are only three movies that aren't sequels to already utterly crappy and pointless series. Spiderman turned from great superhero to whiny little girl, Harry Potter was worthless from the first book on and will continue to plunge into worse worthlessness, Rush Hour 1 was all right, but it went downhill after that, and.. yeah, I think you get the idea.

There's a reason I don't watch Hollywood movies much anymore. They were commercial crap devoid of any artistic or even entertainment value back in the 90s, let alone now. If I want to watch 90 minutes of product placement, I'll rent that DVD I saw today called "The Best TV Commercials." At least I'll know what I'm watching, and there won't be any fake premise of a story.
Allo f these :D

1.  Spiderman 3
2.  Pirates of the Caribbean 3
3.  Shrek 3
4.  Bourne Ultimatum
5.  Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
8.  Live Free or Die Hard
9.  Transformers
10. The Simpsons
11. Fantasic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

I'm down for a good old bit of superhero action. Unfortunatly Quebec theatres are en francais...
Spiderman 3
Fantastic 4 (2)
Pirates 3
Thats pretty much all I want to see.
JesseWZ said:
I'm down for a good old bit of superhero action. Unfortunatly Quebec theatres are en francais...


It's much easier to see movies in their original English version than in French, unless you're out in Saint-Perdu-des-Clins.
Frederik G said:

It's much easier to see movies in their original English version than in French, unless you're out in Saint-Perdu-des-Clins.
My bad, I stand corrected. I will be in St Jean... the last time I was there the only theatres I saw seemed to be en francais. However I only really tried to visit one theatre.
Definately Shrek 3! They also just put a "Kernels" in at the Mall, so myself and my daughter will probably grab some popcorn from there and go see it. They are some of our fave movies to watch together. In fact she asked me to watch Shrek 2 again with her over the weekend (and those of you out there that have children, will know how often you end up watching their "favourties" over and over again with them sometimes)  ;D

Saint Jean has a base theater and it plays or did play movies in English
JesseWZ said:
My bad, I stand corrected. I will be in St Jean... the last time I was there the only theatres I saw seemed to be en francais. However I only really tried to visit one theatre.

As was pointed out, the Mega's theater plays movies in English. If that doesn't work, there's always one of the dozens of theaters in Montreal that also play movies in English.
Pirates of the Carribean
Johnny Depp is a very good actor, I used to watch him in 21 Jump Street. Besides its a pirate movie; fight scenes with swords  8)

Shrek 3
I'm taking my son, and the donkey's funny.

Harry Potter
Ummm well, ahhhh, I've seen the others.  Besides I'm female I'm allowed to like fantasy stuff.
Mind you it doesn't really compare with LadyHawke or LOTR

What I'd really like to see is another Die Hard movie, or Die Hardesk type
I'm going to take the kids to see Shrek, on the grounds of being a good dad, when in reality I just want to laugh my arse off!  :D

And, of course, the Simpsons!  I'm not sure if I'll take the kids to that, though.....
The Simpsons!  :o
And you call yourself 'Sensible', 'Captain' even. I think you need to be demoted if you actually like to watch that drivel.  >:D
neko said:
The Simpsons!  :o
And you call yourself 'Sensible', 'Captain' even. I think you need to be demoted if you actually like to watch that drivel.  >:D
Ah, but the Simpsons are the classical pop-culture family!  Good old Homer: gotta love him!  Just glad that the "Cowabunga, dude" thing didn't last too long.  And the Lisa-centric episodes are just drivel.  Still, my fave is "Dunkin the Diving Horse"...:D
'Classical' and 'Simpsons' do NOT belong together.  :threat:
Cease and desist your attack on the tasteful shows of yester-year.
neko said:
'Classical' and 'Simpsons' do NOT belong together.   :threat:
Cease and desist your attack on the tasteful shows of yester-year.
OK, just because I prefer "The Simpsons" to "Desparate Housewives", it does not make me less tasteful.  Just driven by genetics, I suppose ;D
Hey now, I do not like Desperate Housewives either. It's not genetics its taste. In your case 'bad'.  >:D
You leave Capt Sensible alone, it's not his fault the Regiment beat his ability to think for himself out of him....  ;D

Pro Patria baby! ;)
neko said:
Hey now, I do not like Desperate Housewives either. It's not genetics its taste. In your case 'bad'.  >:D
Well, taste IS subjective, so.....;)

But I will only admit to watching shows such as Desperate Housewives under duress (eg: watch this show or die!)


Well, back on topic, I'm thinking Spiderman 3 may be in the works.  Depends on "she who must be obeyed" and what she says :D

And, as HoM says, I no longer have ability to think for myself.

Pro Patria indeed!  ;D
