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So far so good

Congrats Zach.

I was just offered AirNav about 10 minutes ago and I accepted it. Just waiting for the medical from the DRDC to get back. Very excited for you and can't wait to start Basics.

mbhabfan said:
congrats Zach....what were the numbers like as far as previous flight experience?

3/10 Had Pilots Licenses: two of these guys were in high school and got their PPL through air cadets. The other had done ACS back in 1999 I believe, and was back with a degree and a PPL.
ZxExN said:
Congrats Zach.

I was just offered AirNav about 10 minutes ago and I accepted it. Just waiting for the medical from the DRDC to get back. Very excited for you and can't wait to start Basics.

Thank you very much, Zx. Air Nav seems like a great career - the Captain who was a navigator at ACS seemed like a heck of a guy and really seemed like he had enjoyed his career as an Air Nav. Congratulations on the offer!

  - Zach
3 of 10 had ppl, but how many of the 7 that passed had flight experience vs the three that didn't pass?
Good for you ZxExN. I think you will enjoy AirNav. I was wondering what you had decided. I considered AirNav but under my entry plan, I wouldn't have that option so it is Pilot or bust for me.

I wonder what warrants a conditional offer?
Me.  ;D             

I know, I know I still have ASC to do but I couldn't help it.  >:D

To be honest, I called my Career Counsellor with an unrelated question and the next thing I knew I had to respond yes or no within 48 hours. It was quite the suprise because throughout the process I was told that IAP/BOTC would be in September. It could be because of my entry plan or that it is end of fiscal? I am not sure.

double0three said:
What entry plan are you going with MikeG??

I am under the Continuing Education Officer Training Plan - <a href="http://jointheforces.com/engraph/enrollment/index_e.aspx?id=1&bhcp=1"> CEOTP </a>

Just got back from the medicals.. what a long day! Thank god one of the guys brought a deck of cards or it would of been even worse.

    I think everything is just fine with me, the doc made some sort of comment about everything being in order and that I shouldnt have any problems. The girl who was going for pilot was told that she was too short ( I think more specifically her leg length) and that she wouldn't be able to fly herc's or jets... she was pretty dissapointed. Though I am not sure if she is still able to do other things ie. rotary wing. I guess time will tell.

      Well. The ACS process is done for me. I wait until saturday for my flight home. Tonight I am defenetly going out celebrating in the big city! I gave a couple buddies a call and they have some spots lined up for us tonight, should be crazy!

    Thanks to all the support you guys have given me, either through answering my questions or giving me some advice. This forum is an invaluable resource!

      Anyways, off for some dindin and a few drinks!

          - Zach
MikeG, interesting.  I wonder if the entry plan has anything to do with it.... ?? Oh well, congrats regardless ;P

And Zach, glad to hear you medicals went good!! Must be so exciting for you at this stage.... (but nerve wracking at the same time!!)  And that's definately too bad about the girl who was too short... she would have to be pretty darn short I would think, but oh well.. hopefully she still gets the chance to do something that she's happy with!  I'm sure any pilot position will be equally challenging and rewarding!

Well go have a blast tonight and relax... just don't over due it!!!! :P
The girl who was going for pilot was told that she was too short
Ah that hurts. Well at least she can rest in the fact that she gave it her best shot and she was eliminated for reasons outside of her control.

Just curious. How do they measure your legs? Could this not be done at the medical stage should the applicant be applying for Aircrew?

Congrats Zach.
Yeah that's what I was thinking... they measure your femur I believe (bone between your hip and your knee).  I think it would really save people some heartbreak if they were told at the initial medical phase their dimensions weren't within the proper range.  But they leave all that stuff to the aircrew selection board.
double0three said:
Yeah that's what I was thinking... they measure your femur I believe (bone between your hip and your knee).  I think it would really save people some heartbreak if they were told at the initial medical phase their dimensions weren't within the proper range. 

Not to mention money (vision test, blood work, and reimbursement for ASC) as well as the administrative burden on the CF.
Zach15 said:
The girl who was going for pilot was told that she was too short ( I think more specifically her leg length) and that she wouldn't be able to fly herc's or jets... she was pretty dissapointed. Though I am not sure if she is still able to do other things ie. rotary wing. I guess time will tell.

Oh Man that would be disappointing. Getting all that way and to find out it's beyond your control. I bet I would fall in that too short category as well, good thing my vision already disqualified me....
Yeah, it really is too bad. She is such a kind and fun young woman, and you can just tell she would make an excellent pilot in the forces if she had the chance.

    However, she is only 17! She still has some time left to grow, so who knows.

              And I agree about how the measurement part should be done before you go off to ACS - It seems it would just save everyone time and money. Especially after going through the stress of the simulators, it is such a heartbreaker to hear something like that.

              Oh well, I guess the system seems to be working for 'em.

    - Zach

Where'd the celebration lead you here in Toronto? If I had known you were gonna be around I would have bought you a beer to congratulate you!
Astrodog said:

Where'd the celebration lead you here in Toronto? If I had known you were gonna be around I would have bought you a beer to congratulate you!

and pick his brain  >:D
MikeG said:
... and reimbursement for ASC...

Does that mean you have to pay for all or parts of ASC out of your own pocket then they pay you back for it??  Or did I just read that wrong??
double0three said:
Does that mean you have to pay for all or parts of ASC out of your own pocket then they pay you back for it??  Or did I just read that wrong??

There are parts of ASC that you must initially cover yourself. You are instructed to hang on to your receipts so that you can complete and expense report upon return. My File Manager told me that this applies mostly for Toronto where you will be staying in a Hotel and mentioned that they are rarely in excess of a couple hundred dollars.

While in Trenton, you will have accommodations. You can eat in the mess as well. In fact, you will get a call from the CF (either File Manager or MCC) and receive some very specific instructions on conduct, attire and finances. (at least I did) They ask that the applicant have either cash or a credit card, indoor shoes (for CAPSS) etc. (all common sense quite honestly). Apparently they had some applicants showing up in sweats.  ??? Too funny.

MikeG said:
Not to mention money (vision test, blood work, and reimbursement for ASC) as well as the administrative burden on the CF.

Suck it up Gentlemen they don't do at the CFRC/D level because that is not what the medical staff are trained for and it is called aeromedical testing for a reason.  If you become the CDS you can make some changes.

Yes you have to pay for everything up front and you will be reimbursed for it later.  If you receive your instructions early enough you may be able to get an advance of monies if you are near a CF base.
Wow I doubt there's any way I can pay for a hotel or anything so I'll have to inquire about an advance... provided they actually call me to do ASC :)