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So close to the finish line!!!

Got it Pegcity

But lets say, from risk management point, if the candidate has Navy as first choice and NOAB says that the candidate is not fit for Navy. Now does the CF look for the second choice if thats Army and find a match or the file is closed.

What is MOST test?

I can't answer your first question. I presume that you could probably go for the Army job...

The MOST test is the Maritime Officer Selection Test. From what I read it tests your abilities for mental math, speed learning. It seems to be trade related, so not just general type questions. Though I am a bit disconcerted by the samples people have posted which seem to use yards and feet. I'm from a metric world. I suppose I'll need to memorize the conversion factor.

My inference here is that the "death by power point" you get at the beginning of the NOAB will provide you with the related knowledge you need, and then during the test you'll need to apply said knowledge (hence the speed learning part).

kartik said:
Got it Pegcity

But lets say, from risk management point, if the candidate has Navy as first choice and NOAB says that the candidate is not fit for Navy. Now does the CF look for the second choice if thats Army and find a match or the file is closed.

What is MOST test?


If you are not chosen for MARS it does not mean that you are not eligible for another trade.