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Small Pack Issue


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CHofO, 33 BDE in Ottawa, are getting issued the small pack, ballistic eyewear + cadpat leather gloves en masse tomorrow night.
I've already got all 3 (small pack was most recent, about a week and a half ago) and I must say that I am pleased with all of it. The small pack is a little large for it's intended use, but is comfortable as all get out, and with the extra pouches and the valise strapped on the top (it works, I've tried) it could easily be used as a ruck for a weekend ex (unfortunately our unit will not allow us to do this). I've already given a short review of the gloves in the Cadpat Leather Gloves thread on this board. And the ballistic eyewear gets its job done, nuff said.


(edited for grammar)
Pte.Pinky said:
I've already got all 3 (small pack was most recent, about a week and a half ago) and I must say that I am pleased with all of it. The small pack is a little large for it's intended use, but is comfortable as all get out, and with the extra pouches and the valise strapped on the top (it works, I've tried) it could easily be used as a ruck for a weekend ex (unfortunately our unit will not allow us to do this). I've already given a short review of the gloves in the Cadpat Leather Gloves thread on this board. And the ballistic eyewear does gets its job done, nuff said.


Out here on the left coast, we'll be lucky to see the small pack by 2010.

I'll wager a bet right here: the wogs in Ottawa will be replacing worn out small packs (due to all that camping ya know   ;)) before a single west coast infantry unit get's it's original issue.

But nice going Pinky. Glad to hear you like it.

EDIT: I realize you are NOT a wog from Ottawa, Pinky.
I realize you are NOT a wog from Ottawa, Pinky.

Lol *shudders at thought*
It's too bad you guys won't be seeing them soon. On the other hand there are better commercially available assault/patrol packs out there. Plus, due to its size and weight I foresee some problems humping it attached to the ruck. But I'll find out soon enough  :-[


P.S. Does anyone else this this looks like Hitler?  :-X
Caesar said:
Out here on the left coast, we'll be lucky to see the small pack by 2010.

I'll wager a bet right here: the wogs in Ottawa will be replacing worn out small packs (due to all that camping ya know   ;)) before a single west coast infantry unit get's it's original issue.

But nice going Pinky. Glad to hear you like it.

EDIT: I realize you are NOT a wog from Ottawa, Pinky.

I bet the first unit in 39 CBG to get them will the band... I know they got tac vests before some of the other units...
2332Piper said:
Whats wrong with being a wog from Ottawa?

I'm from Ottawa.

I'm a wog (well, little wog in training).
Nothing, but you shouldn't get issued a small pack before an infantry soldier from BC is all.

BTW, I was referring more to the wogs who work at the puzzle palace than troops who happen to reside in the Land of Confusion.
What's the difference between Puzzle Palace and the Land of Confusion?
Pte.Pinky said:
What's the difference between Puzzle Palace and the Land of Confusion?

The Puzzle Palace is located within the Land of Confusion. There are other enchanted buildings there too, where the creatures inhabiting the LoC go to 'work'.
Lol, ok, I think I get it. What do others that have the small pack think about it? And how do you carry it with your ruck? It's pretty big to strap on the back...

Ditch your ruck, small pack holds as much as the 82 Pattern, in about 3 years, you won;t have a choice, better get used to the small pack now.
BKells said:
CHofO, 33 BDE in Ottawa, are getting issued the small pack, ballistic eyewear + cadpat leather gloves en masse tomorrow night.

I like these quite a bit! While not as stylish as some would like, they have a great field of vision and the nose piece relay keeps it in place when you're sweating. Haven't tested the ballistic performance yet, thankfully, but it's nice to know it offers real protection. The clear lens will also be great to have when bush-bashing back in Canada, especially at night...

Bomber said:
Ditch your ruck, small pack holds as much as the 82 Pattern, in about 3 years, you won;t have a choice, better get used to the small pack now.

Are they canning the ruck? I thought the new ruck was years away?
I think you are talking 2 totally seperate items here. There is the Small Pack System (SPS) and a new rucksack (which comes in 7 or 8 sizes can't remember right now just got back from Clothing Conference in the LoC!! - seriously.) The SPS is meant for carriage during short term (24hrs) field ops while the new Ruck is intended for longer stints in the field. We issued the SPS en masse here in Gagetown last fall. The new rucksack should begin being seen around certain field Units this spring. As it stands right now, because the SPS carries the same load capacity as our current rucksack, the plan is to do the initial issue of the new Rucksack to 1st line Reg F field Units first. They will carry one or the other into the field with them depending upon the duration of their ex. Only the accessory pouches from the SPS get mounted onto (or can be mounted onto) the new rucksack not the entire SPS. Those RegF Units who have not seen the SPS yet, and there are a few, should see it this fall. Nice piece of 'modular' kit but it doesn't want to cram into those lockers at the gym....so beware once your initial issue is done and the order comes down that it is now the only authorized daypack to wear in uniform....it's a little   (lot) bulkier than the day-glo orange and other multi-coloured backpacks currently seen wandering around people's backs. The new rucksack seems quite comfortable too (I only had it on for 10 minutes) but time will tell on that I guess.

Perfect, so as advised, ditch the 82 pattern and get used to wearing the small pack.  At the cost and rates of production, expect to be explaining to your troops when you are a Sgt in a few years when the new ruck will be issued.  The contract has yet to be signed, the ruck is still on the Merx, ending on 7 October I think.  From there, figure about 2 years before the first unit sees one, other than prototypes, pre production samples, or trial items.
So Bomber,

Are they still only going to issue the ruck to the 1st line dismounted troops as per the PIP? I heard they were thinking about amending that. Hate to see it pushed out to the Unit QMs as a CFFET item too, not because I want one, but because the QMs are getting saddled with alot of the CTS kit now but not getting the staff they require to help with the increased workload. Oh yeah...I'm already a Sgt and your comment about providing explanations to the troops is bang-on, but not just with the rucksack. A good 50% of my day is spent answering query after query about everything CTS is putting out and trying to justify why they can't just expend the funds all at once to get enough to kit all the troops and get it over with. Something which the Air Force seems to have been able to better acomplish with the initial issue of their CEMS merged Cadpat/Cadpat Gortex and raingear right off the bat. Sucks to be Army and waiting in line these days.  :'(
Perfect, so as advised, ditch the 82 pattern and get used to wearing the small pack.

Our CSM for this training year has decreed that the small pack may NOT be used as a ruck, and that we are to bring both on ex.
Pte.Pinky said:
Our CSM for this training year has decreed that the small pack may NOT be used as a ruck, and that we are to bring both on ex.

Just how much crap does he (and others like him) plan on bringing out to a reserve field ex? I think its a little asinine to tell troops they have to bring both, when it is the troop who has to carry them. 
Hatchet Man said:
Just how much crap does he (and others like him) plan on bringing out to reserve field ex?    

Well, some people want to see the troops hump a ruck around for the weekend. In the Res, we don't get any exs longer than 2.5 days, other than the Bde ex (Cougar Salvo in 39 Bde). So if you aren't bringing your ruck on a weekend ex, and you avoid the 10 day Bde ex, you can avoid humping a ruck altogether. That means it's hurt locker time if that troop decides to try for a tour.

You might even lose the ability to do the Humpin' The Ruck Plodding Step, as chronicled by paracowboy.   :)
Well, some people want to see the troops hump a ruck around for the weekend. In the Res, we don't get any exs longer than 2.5 days, other than the Bde ex (Cougar Salvo in 39 Bde). So if you aren't bringing your ruck on a weekend ex, and you avoid the 10 day Bde ex, you can avoid humping a ruck altogether. That means it's hurt locker time if that troop decides to try for a tour.

You might even lose the ability to do the Humpin' The Ruck Plodding Step, as chronicled by paracowboy.  Smiley

Meh, call me crazy but I don't like being forced to carry useless crap. best thing to do is to let the troops pack their own stuff, and encourage them to pack as light as possible. Showing up at the beginning of an ex with a full ruck is a pretty good way to end up in the "hurt locker" once they issue the radios, batteries, MG ammo, and water gerries. Train as you fight, anyone?
Britney Spears said:
Meh, call me crazy but I don't like being forced to carry useless crap. best thing to do is to let the troops pack their own stuff, and encourage them to pack as light as possible. Showing up at the beginning of an ex with a full ruck is a pretty good way to end up in the "hurt locker" once they issue the radios, batteries, MG ammo, and water gerries. Train as you fight, anyone?

Totally agree. I guess I can across wrong, or you misread what I was saying. I'm not saying I'm not looking forward to the small pack (quite the opposite), or that troops should pack heavy just to make it difficult. But that's how some people think.

I say pack what you need, leave what you don't. Kit lists are for retards and newbies.

So it really has the same capacity as the ruck? You can fit as much food, ammo, water, etc in it? How much lighter is the pack itself over the ruck?