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Slain soldier 'disillusioned' by Afghanistan duty

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GAP said:
These comments are coming from the girlfriend's father...little bit of an agenda maybe???  ::)

I was wondering this myself.  What does his own parents have to say about it?  I notice some poster's mention the dead soldier's family, but I must have missed that - I didn't see any mention of his family in the article at all.

It would be petty of me to suggest his girlfriend's dad didn't like his daughter's choice in suitors, but the thought did occur.
1175CMR said:
These comments are most unfortunate and will taint the memory of a fallen soldier/comrade.  However, right or wrong, these comments were started by the soldier's own family and more than likely their way of grieving their loss.  

Let the media run the course with this as it is obviously the family's desire.  Comments from this forum, although written with best of intentions, may add fuel to the fire.  I did see posts from this forum on CTV news when it was learned Cpl Boneca was killed.

I feel the best way this forum can give Cpl Boneca the credit he deserves is to refrain from comment on this subject until he is repatriated and given a proper burial/memorial.    

I'm not sure one uncle and girlfiends Father speak for the family........are you??
Chop said:
Lets look at the source, I saw this on the CBC news not on the CTV.

Ummm, did you not read the first couple of posts. This is the main story on the CTV website. But this isnt about the media. He said it, they printed it. It's a story, perhaps not one we want to hear but a story none the less. I think the girlfriends father should have perhaps checked with the actual family of this soldier before shooting his mouth off.
I know we had a small family meeting before tour as to what would be said in the event of a tragedy, and my husbands wishes were made clear.
I sent the following letter to the editor of the CBC website.

"I have some comments regarding a story published on your site a few hours ago.

It is unfortunate, hearing of Corporal Boneca's death, to read that he may have been becoming bitter towards the military or towards his operational deployment. A few things, however, need to be made clear.

Cpl. Boneca was a reservist. As reservists, we are not subject to mobilization short of a state of emergency. We can volunteer for overseas deployments - as Cpl. boneca had twice done - however your story conveys and impression that he may have been there against his will, which is clearly not the case. A reservists wishing to go overseas with a contingent must go through rigorous pre-deployment training, and the number of reservists competing for the limited number of spots is such that only a switched on soldier will get to go. Cpl. Boneca can only have wanted the deployment, to have made it through the training ahead of other qualified candidates.

Cpl. Boneca's death is a tragedy, and one that will resound through both his hometown and the Canadian Forces, but please be vigilant in reporting on it, such that no false impression is conveyed about the Forces, or particularly those of us serving in its reserve component.

At this point I would suggest it may be unwise to speculate about his attitudes towards his employment in his last days, as he is tragically no longer able to answer for himself.

Cpl. _________, Canadian Forces.
I see this article as nothing but dishonouring the dead and spitting on his sacafrice and actions.  My old friend died with honour, he died a warriors death. 

As far as I am concerned this article is blasphemous to the character and memory of Cpl. Anthony Boneca
Let's also remember that, no matter what he was thinking, or feeling, Cpl. Boneca apparently fixed bayonet, and advanced, when ordered, in a situation even worse than when firefighters run into burning buildings.

I'm prepared to cut the family and extended family a touch of slack because:
1)  anyone at this level of shock (one media report indicated the mom had to be brought to hospital) may not have complete situational awareness of what media want to do with what they, likely in all sincerity, share as a reflection of the lost loved one; and
2)  you can control what you say, but you can't control what the media writes and, as mentioned above, they may not be thinking about this rule in their time of huge grief.

I just hope this doesn't colour (too much) the reality that Cpl. Boneca did the job, even in the face of the elephant.  Duty done....

This Topic and the outrage it is provoking is not about Cpl. Anthony Boneca at all.

This Topic is about the POLITICAL AGENDA that some malicious people in the PRESS, Friends of the Family, and some 'Relatives' have put forward.  Making comments that the person being 'defamed' has no ability to admit to or deny. 

This Topic is about the Shameful actions of a few living persons, capitalizing on the grief of others.

This Topic is being Locked and another one being opened in the Ruxted Editorials.  Make your comments there.

This is the link to the Editorial:

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