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Slagging Split From Mom says daughter should get slain soldier's medal

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CDN Aviator said:
Bah...forget it Vern and Moe......

Guy's just another troll.

No worries; I've been told worse by better - I'm still alive and kicking bud.  :)
CDN Aviator said:
Bah...forget it Vern and Moe......

Guy's just another troll.

You are the one that seems to follow my posts around, and you've been warned a couple of times lately.

You two three four take it to PMs and let this thread get back on topic.

Roy Harding
Milnet.ca Staff

Edited to add:  This topic is locked until I can clean it up.  The off topic stuff will either be split to Radio Chatter, or deleted - I don't care which.
You're all four reasonably grown men and women who should know better.  Most of you are fairly senior members around here.

I considered warnings to each of you, but you're all equally guilty.

I considered deleting these posts but figured, what the hell - if these guys want to look like jackasses in public - who the hell am I to save them from themselves?

Here you go.  Your very own thread for slagging each other.
Game on.

Roy Harding
Milnet.ca Staff
I consider it anything but a game.

And regardless, it was settled via PM over an hour ago.
Roy Harding said:
You're all four reasonably grown men and women who should know better.  Most of you are fairly senior members around here.

I considered warnings to each of you, but you're all equally guilty.

I considered deleting these posts but figured, what the hell - if these guys want to look like jackasses in public - who the hell am I to save them from themselves?

Here you go.  Your very own thread for slagging each other.
Game on.

Roy Harding
Milnet.ca Staff

Now there's the problem right there...  >:(  Flawless example of double standards.

I call Shenanigans...

::) I can only hope others will stand up and speak out... But I fear they're afraid of repercussions, or have already been silenced for doing so...

* Roy, you seem like one of the more level-headed D-S's here. So I guess it really surprises me you're taking this approach...

** Upon checking, it seems they is quite a list of "Member Warnings" and Bans... Far more than any other site I'm a member of...  :o

/end rant
A double standard would be if ruckmarch was warned and nobody else was.  Warning actions are left up to the discretion of the DS, not your own personal feelings - sorry.  As with all of our actions, warnings are contestable to the site owner.  However, whining that we aren't heavy handed enough in dishing out warnings is like asking for a firing squad instead of a two year prison term.  ::)

We aren't the Gestapo, KGB, CSIS, CIA, or MI6 (though I do look damn good in a tux).  Feel free to speak out about what you feel is a failing, but please do it properly. Stirring the pot does nothing but demean yourself. I'm not going to silence or warn people - this is exactly why we have the public warning boards.  Members effected this change, and we were happy to offer transparency.  As for the number of bans and warnings, we are a large site that has operated for over a decade (not many sites can say that) - the warnings fit the crime and you'll notice for the most part that we justify most warnings with proof (special issues aside).

Also, for the record, the DS polices itself quite well.  We discuss our own actions and will overturn them if we agree it necessary.  This does nothing to affect our unity.  We are all here for the good of the site.  If one of us needs to calm down and take a breather, we'll tell each other, tactfully or not ;).

With all respect to Roy, I'm not going to leave this open just so someone can toe the line or cross it.  If anyone has a legitimate issue, please feel free to send me a PM.  If you want to complain for the sake of being heard, write in a journal or something.


Kyle Burrows
Milnet.ca Staff
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