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Single Quarters & Rations (R&Q) [MERGED]

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Hey guys.  I've been trying to find the info in question on the net without any luck.

I do recall seeing a cost chart of ration fees at Valcartier, I think, which was based of rank.  Could anyone get a hold of that?  It would be interesting to compare the cost of rations at RMC to other bases that charge based on rank.

Of course, this will have to be taken with a grain of salt (stop laughing at the pun people!) since many bases still have a full service O'Mess so the costs take these extra services into account.
I was just taking a look at the DCBA IntraNet/DWAN site for deductions for SQs...link below.


According to their info, OCdts at RMC pay between $189-$164 depending on the *quality* of the room.  It also says it includes Internet...someone else will have to chime in to confirm that.

As for the increase in rations, I am going to assume the increase will be across the board for ALL people on ration strength across the country.  Link below for rations deductions, but it only takes you to the D Food Svcs site.  I didn't see anything posted there for '09 rates for deductions...


Personally, I am not and never have been a fan of making mbr's live in, and then forcing them to pay rations if they are posted somewhere.  If they want to live on the economy, let them.

What I see is the lack of a standard in the CF, where some units/trg establishments force people to live in, and others don't.  Some bases force mbr's to link R & Q, others don't.  Pte Bloggins is forced to pay for Rations while living-in at CFB Edmonton and Cpl Smith isn't while living in at Warrior Block in 12 Wing.
This thread is embarassing.

Are you guys serious or is this a big practical joke?

Do you guys know how much a textbook cost?
Strike said:
Hey guys.  I've been trying to find the info in question on the net without any luck.

I do recall seeing a cost chart of ration fees at Valcartier, I think, which was based of rank.  Could anyone get a hold of that?  It would be interesting to compare the cost of rations at RMC to other bases that charge based on rank.

Of course, this will have to be taken with a grain of salt (stop laughing at the pun people!) since many bases still have a full service O'Mess so the costs take these extra services into account.

I found this link on the D Food Svc site, under Updates.

Eye In The Sky said:
I found this link on the D Food Svc site, under Updates.


Can you cut and paste?  I don't have access to a DWAN computer until Monday.
Larkvall said:
This thread is embarassing.

Are you guys serious or is this a big practical joke?

Do you guys know how much a textbook cost?

I believe Her Majesty covers text book fees.
Strike said:

The issue is the cost of R&Q of various locations and how people are essentially getting fleeced.  Jamie Oliver can deliver a number of healthy choices at a steam line for 2pounds a head.  Why can't we?

Issues with kitches and quality of food - I think we all agree.  And it's not just an RMC thing.  (Though the officers' mess at RMC does a pretty good job - maybe close it and force the staff to eat the same stuff as the students, and see if quality improves?)

Just because these specific ROTP students decided they didn't want to deal with a mountain of debt doesn't mean they deserve the jab about pensionable time.

If you're going to use that argument then I'm going to use it myself every time someone else complains and you will very quickly see how silly an argument that is.

It's a key part of compensation, so it's not just a jab.  If an RMC grad retires as a Maj with 25 years of service, those 4 years in Kingston = 8% of their best five years, now around 90K.  So those four years of school are worth $7200 per year in retirement benefits (to age 65) and about $5400 per year beyond (plus inflation once that kicks in). 

Assuming the member draws a pension at age 42 (enrol at 17, retire 25 years later) and lives to 80, that's 23 years @ $7200 + 15 years at $5400, or $246 600 in additional benefits for those four years (or $61K per year of school)  (Actuaries, stop cringing - I know I haven't inflated or reduced to NPV).

(And re: cut and paste: it's a very large table not formatted well for cut-and-paste)
Strike said:
Can you cut and paste?  I don't have access to a DWAN computer until Monday.

For Kingston, RMC:

Customer Type Service Type Daily Breakfast Lunch/ Supper Monthly
Type B               No Table 10.30 2.06 4.12
Type B               Ltd Table 10.30 2.06 4.12
Type C               No Table 19.46 3.89 7.78
Type C               Ltd Table 24.33 4.87 9.73
Type 1               No Table 20.82 4.16 8.33
Type 1               Ltd Table 26.03 5.21 10.41
Type 1               Full Table 43.72 8.74 17.49
Type 2         Aboard Ships 8.73 261.96
Type 2         Static - No Table 15.91 477.30
Type 2         Static - Ltd Table 19.89 596.63
Type 3         Meal Ticket-No Table 4.58 9.16
Type 3         Meal Ticket-Ltd Table 5.73 11.45
Type 3       Meal Ticket-Full Table 9.62 19.24
Type 4               No Table 34.68 6.94 13.87
Type 4               Ltd Table 43.35 8.67 17.34
Type 4             Full Table 72.83 14.57 29.13

For Valcartier,

Customer Type Service Type Daily Breakfast Lunch/ Supper Monthly
Type B               No Table 9.80 1.96 3.92
Type B               Ltd Table 9.80 1.96 3.92
Type C               No Table 18.96 3.79 7.58
Type C               Ltd Table 23.70 4.74 9.48
Type 1               No Table 20.32 4.06 8.13
Type 1               Ltd Table 25.40 5.08 10.16
Type 1             Full Table 42.67 8.53 17.07
Type 2           Aboard Ships 8.73 261.96
Type 2         Static - No Table 15.91 477.30
Type 2       Static - Ltd Table 19.89 596.63
Type 3         Meal Ticket-No Table 4.47 8.94
Type 3 Meal Ticket-Ltd Table 5.59 11.18
Type 3 Meal Ticket-Full Table 9.39 18.78
Type 4               No Table 34.13 6.83 13.65
Type 4               Ltd Table 42.67 8.53 17.07
Type 4             Full Table 71.68 14.34 28.67

dapaterson -- You just made my head explode.  ;D

Remind me to come see you if I have to deal with pension and pay issues.  I suspect any redress that would have your name figured prominently in the document will result in a quick resolution.
Strike said:
dapaterson -- You just made my head explode.  ;D

Remind me to come see you if I have to deal with pension and pay issues.  I suspect any redress that would have your name figured prominently in the document will result in a quick resolution.

No, you don't want to use my name.  At one pension briefing, someone was asked if he was me.  When he replied "No", he was told "Good.  If you were him, I'd have you thrown out."

The whole kindergarten "plays well with others" thing doesn't figure prominently in my interactions with CF pension policy or implementation staff... at least not any more. 
SupersonicMax said:
And it's not like we get to keep them.

I got to keep mine, but then - I bought them too. Took me a lot of working hours at nights/weekends to afford them.
Off topic, but since everyone is ragging on the ROTP crowd...

Is it not also true that a reservist can sign up to ROTP and get the RegF salary of whatever rank they held while they go to school?

So if a PRes Cpl got accepted, and went to say, UWO, would they not be making over 50k a year to go to school without even having to do anything remotely military for 2/3s of the year?

SupersonicMax said:
And it's not like we get to keep them.

I went to RMC as an NCM student, asked what we did for textbooks "Oh just go over to supply and sign them out."  :D
Going to Queen's U as a student...not so much!  :(

And I might add at RMC my instructor was a faculty member, at Queen's in third year history it was a Grad student.  :'(
Larkvall said:
The point is they have no idea what value they are getting.

Okay, if this is going to turn into a pissing contest between ROTP and Civvie U might I suggest you take it to another thread.  This has nothing to do with R&Q.  (And your statement has served quite well in pissing me off since I am an RMC grad.)
Wow, I did not expect that many replies when I posted my questions. I thought no one would notice this old thread. Thank you for your opinions and comments. I guess my last message might have sounded a little bit like a complaint. I would like to state that I am not here to ask for your respect or sympathy. Respect, I will earn when I get to my unit. Sympathy, I simply don't need because every cadet here(or ex-cadet) understand what it takes to go to RMC(which a Civi U ROTP would never understand). my colleagues and I were faced with an issue. That was why I decided to join this forum and ask:

Can any body explain to me who I can talk to about rations? Does any body know a link that can explain the ration increase? What are the guide lines for making the rates for officer cadets?(ie. the annual budget)

I was hoping to gather enough information in order to present a proposal to the Chain of Command, which can rectify the issue. Thank you

On a side note(to break the tension) Like Mr Strike said,"if this is going to turn into a pissing contest between ROTP and Civvie U might I suggest you take it to another thread." Then, I am sure a lot of RMC Cadets would have love to join this forum and explain the other "benefits" of being at RMC. Probably followed by summary trials like:
Guilty of S. 129 of the NDA: Conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline, in that <the cadet who I should not name> failed to comply with:

Sorry about the random copy&paste of a summary trial result. People get charged here a lot and I keep a archive of the emails they send out.

If you know the answers to my questions, your help would be greatly appreciated. thank you
MISTER Strike??

I hope you enjoy a good boot to the head.......... >:D
popnfresh said:
Off topic, but since everyone is ragging on the ROTP crowd...

Is it not also true that a reservist can sign up to ROTP and get the RegF salary of whatever rank they held while they go to school?

So if a PRes Cpl got accepted, and went to say, UWO, would they not be making over 50k a year to go to school without even having to do anything remotely military for 2/3s of the year?

Yep. Heckuva deal.