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Sikh & India (Alleged) Shenanigans in Canada (split fm Non-Muslim terr thread)

There’s a reason why Trudeau gets elected. He says the stuff that make a lot of people feel good about themselves and promoted our national myths that are no longer true but make a lot of Canadians feel warm and fuzzy inside.
very true, he tells feel-good lies convincingly. Unfortunately, he has been caught out too many times. I suspect that the liberal party is in the process of determining his successor and the most appropriate timing to make the change-over. If they feel that he has brought the party too far out of favour to be reconstituted whilst in power they will pull the plug, accept defeat, and then start rebuilding.
Anyone feel like the rest of the world is starting to give us the "well, what have you done for me, lately?" response?
The answer is simple - nothing if you exclude the “we are the world leader in virtue signalling behaviour “ lessons. In fact come to think of it that’s part of the reason we have become irrelevant.
The answer is simple - nothing if you exclude the “we are the world leader in virtue signalling behaviour “ lessons. In fact come to think of it that’s part of the reason we have become irrelevant.

Sing along with me. You know the tune.

We are conveners!
We are conveners!
No time for action!
Got lots of meetings!
'Round the world.
This is f*cking bullshyte.

Now we are hosting referendums on whether a sovereign nation should give up territory to a bunch of nutters?

“The organizers just want people to come, attend and just unite under one flag,” he said. “As you know, this is a non-binding referendum but the organizers, they say, the United Nations they are watching it closely.”

They won’t be the only ones…

Related. Reports today that the US fouled a potentially similar plot on their souls this year, and ‘warned’ India about concerns the Indian government was involved.

If true, this certainly contextualises the relatively quiet but quite diplomatically weighty support we got from the US and other allies on this.
I just wish Canada had handled it the same way.
Imagine an informed, well-considered engagement reinforced before the fact with US support, in an appropriately diplomatically discrete yet impactful manner to address primarily the issue at hand….vice, as you allude to SKT, a ridiculously played vote-pandering approach…
Holy shit. A newly unsealed criminal indictment in the United States alleges multiple additional Indian government sanctioned murder plots in both the US and Canada (3). An orchestrator in the US hired what he thought was a contract killer to this end, but ended up with a DEA undercover instead.

Imagine an informed, well-considered engagement reinforced before the fact with US support, in an appropriately diplomatically discrete yet impactful manner to address primarily the issue at hand….vice, as you allude to SKT, a ridiculously played vote-pandering approach…
Or maybe Trudeau was encourage to speak out to see what rats went scurrying when the lights went on...
I mean we can puppeteer too ;)