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Signals Personnel

well I am AF Sig's but part of C & E just the same (no comments from Sig Des or any CRIPT a$$hats allowed, 'specially if they have a cheesy moustache and TOO many kids!  :blotto:), currently posted to MARLANT/12 Wing.  Halifax is home... :salute:
Started out with 721 Comm Regt, but work with the navy these days.
ex 735 comm regt in winnipeg, now with CFJSR, 1 Sqn, A Tp

sig des, u still with comm res?
Mud Recce Man said:
well I am AF Sig's but part of C & E just the same (no comments from Sig Des or any CRIPT a$$hats allowed, 'specially if they have a cheesy moustache and TOO many kids!  :blotto:), currently posted to MARLANT/12 Wing.  Halifax is home... :salute:

Hey! I resemble that remark.

How's the newest of the brood making out these days?  I think Mud Recce Man is a little jealous ;)
BTW MRM it's a cheesy goatee now (7 months PATA leave!)

Old and Tired;
Good as gold and I do think MRM is a little jealous  ;D

Old and Tired said:

How's the newest of the brood making out these days?  I think Mud Recce Man is a little jealous ;)

Jealous of his child tax credit!  Its gotta be more than my income is by now  >:D
735_winnipeg said:
ex 735 comm regt in winnipeg, now with CFJSR, 1 Sqn, A Tp

sig des, u still with comm res?

Technically still belong to them til the paperwork is signed. But I haven't done anything Comm Res in a long time.

I am deep in the Sigs world in Ottawa right now, somewhere in ADM (Mat)
I am in Kingston at least another year with Hubby (3Sqn JSR LCIS) heading to Afghanistan in Nov - Dec.
Saskatoon, taking my training through a civilian college. I guess you could say it's my LCIS POET (I'm in the Non-Commissioned Member Subsidized Education Program).

Anyone else here gone through the NCM-SEP for LCIS? I've heard that I'll go straight to a posting (Shilo, plzplzplz) after school's done in May, and I've also heard that I'll have to go to Kingston for the 30-week apprentice level training.

PS - Before anyone goes, "BLARGH! USE THE SEARCH! :rage:" or, "GRR! TALK TO YOUR CHAIN OF COMMAND! :skull:" I haven't found anything on search, and this is pretty new to my chain of command, too.
2 Sigs in Pet  :)

Although lately I haven't been there much lol