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Shuttle Run Calculations

  • Thread starter Thread starter FiZZiKaL
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My way of thinking is this....download the mp3 of the beep test.....and do it over and over again to train for it! That's what I did and I am improving....keep it simple!
Actually a pretty good idea.. should download that and do it at the school around the corner.

Thanks for the tip forumdood007
Can anyone post the link for the mp3? I keep trying to find it. Also can someone verify if I am understanding the logic of the shuttle run correctly: you start running the 20 meters, once you are there, you stop and wait for the beep to run again, the beeps come in sooner every time and if a beep comes in before you reach finish the 20 meters, the test stops and they note up to which level you've completed. Is that right?
I am gonna try this shuttle run with that mp3, but also how do I know which level I complete? Do you need to run 20 meters and back for a full level? Does that mean that in order to pass you need to do 12 runs? (or 7 to meet the threshold requirement).
Thank you.
Try wading through this thread for more info.

You've got the gist of it.  The level required depends on gender and age and each level is more than 20 meters.  Usually, you run back and forth at least 4 times (or more) per level.

This website has the mp3 download, however, be reminded that not all tests (from different countries or organizations) are exactly the same.
A bit info for shuttle run


My  :2c: be careful not to hurt your ankle when pivoting.  At later stage people needs to pivot quite fast to keep up with the beep sound.

OK, I just did a practice shuttle run using the mp3 provided by PMedMoe. I made it to the part where the guy says "Level 4... 5" and kinda "gave up" meaning I got extremely tired and stopped running, although if it was a real deal I would probably pull up to maybe "Level 4.. 8". So would the "Level 4.. 5" mean that I've completed 4.5 levels? Would that be the same as the Canadian military though? If so, it's a bit better than I was expecting. I've been running every second day for the last few weeks and I usually do 1k in 6mins, 1.5k in 9:30 mins, and the most I was ever able to run non-stop was 2k in about 13 mins. But anyways now I can be sure that I can at least meet the threshold standard for the Warrior preparation company, unless I missed something?
Can someone here confirm that that mp3 is the same or very close to the Canadian shuttle run level system?
Manticure said:
Can someone here confirm that that mp3 is the same or very close to the Canadian shuttle run level system?

Here is a link to the CF shuttle run:

http://rapidshare.com/files/361799397/A_Full_beep_test.mp3.html  (file can only be downloaded 10 times before deletion, so get it while it's there)
Allright thanks, I'll have to do this one instead tomorrow and check again. One more thing I am unclear about though: the guy in this mp3 said in the beginning "when the test begins, run as long as possible at a standartized pace". That kind of contradicts with the shuttle run rules doesn't it? What exactly does he mean by saying run as long as possible?
My guess would be that it's basically reminding you to pace yourself.

I've done the beep test once or twice before and the few legs are sooooo slow. You really have to try your best not to go too fast.
Well apparently the australian version is the same or very close to the canadian version of the test, as I was only able to achieve the 4.5 stage in both of them. I think in the next month or so that I have till basic, I will be able to improve up to 5 or maybe 5.5 and then I guess I'll have to go to WPC for a while. But in any case, thanks a lot for the sound file, it's very helpful, perhaps someone should post it in a sticky thread somewhere. I've also uploaded it to another website which doesn't seem to have download restrictions.
Well if you go to a normal gym, its the length of the outsides. so if you can run 20m and pace it, you should be able to reach level 4 if your somewhat active. It's really only a sprint once you get to level 4 and then you gotta dig deep to reach the level 6.
HavocSteve said:
Well if you go to a normal gym, its the length of the outsides. so if you can run 20m and pace it, you should be able to reach level 4 if your somewhat active. It's really only a sprint once you get to level 4 and then you gotta dig deep to reach the level 6.
Well I simply measured a distance on a sidewalk. There is no gyms anywhere where I live.
HavocSteve said:
Well if you go to a normal gym, its the length of the outsides. so if you can run 20m and pace it, you should be able to reach level 4 if your somewhat active. It's really only a sprint once you get to level 4 and then you gotta dig deep to reach the level 6.

What's a "normal gym"?

Once you join, you'll find there are big gyms and small gyms.  Measure 20m, and that's your course.

If you're 21 years old, you should not have to "dig deep" to reach level 6.  If you are, you'd better be training harder in preparation for basic.
In my case I doubt that training harder would make it better for me. I run every second day and still my legs never stop being sore. I might have damaged some muscles there, because even I tried taking two days of break in a row and still I could feel my legs hurt a little when I start running.
Manticure said:
In my case I doubt that training harder would make it better for me. I run every second day and still my legs never stop being sore. I might have damaged some muscles there, because even I tried taking two days of break in a row and still I could feel my legs hurt a little when I start running.

If that's the case, then you are likely going to experience difficulty with BMQ.  I am no expert when it comes to fitness, but you would be wise to consult with someone who is an expert in order to better prepare yourself so that BMQ is not a huge leap in effort when you arrive there.  Breaks are few and far between during BMQ.  Talk with someone who can get you from where you are, to where you need to be - without injuring yourself.
Well it's still over a month till my basic training and I will most likely still have to go to that warrior prep company, which will definitely help me a lot.
Manticure said:
Well it's still over a month till my basic training and I will most likely still have to go to that warrior prep company, which will definitely help me a lot.
If you go in with the attitude that you are going to Warrior platoon, you most definitely will go to Warrior platoon.  Why plan on failing before you even get there?  The CF isn't supposed to get you in shape, you're supposed to be in shape before you join.  How much notice have you had?  I notice you've been posting here since Sep.  Did you just start working out now?

Looking through your post history, I see a lot of "what happens if I fail" queries.  Stop overthinking everything, calm down, take a deep breath and continue your workouts.  The 20 MSR is not necessarily the be-all and end-all.  Training on endurance (running longer as opposed to faster) will also assist you. 

Your profile doesn't say how old you are, but I'm guessing fairly young.  I reached level 5 on my PT test four years ago and I was over 40.  I tend to agree with Occam, go see someone about your legs or you might be in for an injury on BMQ and that will almost definitely be a ticket out the door.
Occam said:
What's a "normal gym"?

Once you join, you'll find there are big gyms and small gyms.  Measure 20m, and that's your course.

If you're 21 years old, you should not have to "dig deep" to reach level 6.  If you are, you'd better be training harder in preparation for basic.
Well normal gym as in school type. Most of them are of avg. size. As for me being 21.. yes I know I shouldn't have to dig deep in order to reach level 6, but I also put on over 100pounds in the last couple of years due to my body growing. So I put on some extra flab =\ but that's why I'm working on it and I haven't even received a call yet.
PMedMoe said:
If you go in with the attitude that you are going to Warrior platoon, you most definitely will go to Warrior platoon.  Why plan on failing before you even get there?  The CF isn't supposed to get you in shape, you're supposed to be in shape before you join.  How much notice have you had?  I notice you've been posting here since Sep.  Did you just start working out now?

Looking through your post history, I see a lot of "what happens if I fail" queries.  Stop overthinking everything, calm down, take a deep breath and continue your workouts.  The 20 MSR is not necessarily the be-all and end-all.  Training on endurance (running longer as opposed to faster) will also assist you. 

Your profile doesn't say how old you are, but I'm guessing fairly young.  I reached level 5 on my PT test four years ago and I was over 40.  I tend to agree with Occam, go see someone about your legs or you might be in for an injury on BMQ and that will almost definitely be a ticket out the door.
I just went to a doctor about my calves pains. She said basically because of lack of stretching and sudden increase in running activity my muscles got overstrained or something along those lines. She said I can still continue running but with good stretching this time and at a reduced frequency, only 2 times a week or so, and it will take up to 3-5 weeks for full recovery.
Well, I'm pretty sure you'll be running more than twice a week at BMQ.