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Shrine of the Mall Ninja

I will not believe that these people are serious. They can't be anything more than a couple pranksters who know too many weapons and acronyms who are trying to get an amazingly good laugh out of this all.

On a side note: I am about as far from a tech/gaming nerd as one can possibly be, but for a couple weeks a year or so ago, I was playing a video game over the interweb. The game happened to be Rainbow Six, which was mentioned by our two ninjas. Reading through the madness, between tears, I knew I remembered the name Gecko45 from somewheres. This genius tried to recruit me into his Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon army clan where he gave himself the title of a General and had many Captains under his 'command.'
After seeing how sad some of the interweb gaming people can be, I promptly got rid of the game.
I'm not a nerd! I just played a videogame.

Thorvald said:
Good god, someone call the producers of "American Ninja", "Cable Guy" or something along those line and tell them you have an excellent idea for a script...  "Mall Security - Protecting America while you shop".

Bane said:
It sounds like the mall he is guarding is in late 1942 Stalingrad for all the action this guy sees.

So how about this? A movie starring Jake Gyllenhaal as Gecko "Mall Ninja" 45, Gary Oldman as SPECOPS and Bob Hoskins as Nikita Khrushchev, defending the malls on the western bank of the Volga river against the Nazis.

"Enemy at the GAP"?  ;D
Actually I'd like to see Chuck Norris play Gecko45.
The gentleman's myspace lists him as being from......wait for it.....no it's not 1942 Stalingrad....it's present day Pleasantville New York.  Mere miles from besieged Connecticut.

His MySpace was special coded though; he's using a static filled, triple scrambled, microwave transmission system based on Mandarin Chinese.  Thank god he was only using a  polyphoneticly grouped twenty square digit key, transposed from booster verdonic form, with multiple nulls. I broke it with my Drogen's Decoder Wheel I got in my Lucky Charms.

edit for security purposes
Haggis said:
It would've been less stressful to drive to work in freezing rain that read that work of pharmaceutically induced fiction.

Exactly what I did this morning.  ;D
uncle-midget-boyd said:
I will not believe that these people are serious. They can't be anything more than a couple pranksters who know too many weapons and acronyms who are trying to get an amazingly good laugh out of this all.

On a side note: I am about as far from a tech/gaming nerd as one can possibly be, but for a couple weeks a year or so ago, I was playing a video game over the interweb. The game happened to be Rainbow Six, which was mentioned by our two ninjas. Reading through the madness, between tears, I knew I remembered the name Gecko45 from somewheres. This genius tried to recruit me into his Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon army clan where he gave himself the title of a General and had many Captains under his 'command.'
After seeing how sad some of the interweb gaming people can be, I promptly got rid of the game.
I'm not a nerd! I just played a videogame.


I think I have also seen that name on BF 2 online, likely one of the super ninja bunny jumpers using super secret game cheats to ensure first round hits while bunny jumping.
Bane said:
The gentleman's myspace lists him as being from......wait for it.....no it's not 1942 Stalingrad....it's present day Pleasantville New York.  Mere miles from besieged Connecticut.

His MySpace was special coded though; he's using a static filled, triple scrambled, microwave transmission system based on Mandarin Chinese.  Thank god he was only using a  polyphoneticly grouped twenty square digit key, transposed from booster verdonic form, with multiple nulls. I broke it with my Drogen's Decoder Wheel I got in my Lucky Charms.

edit for security purposes

Lucky Charms huh?  I received my deciphering hexadecimal code sweeper off of Tony the Tigers tiger stripe pattern on the back of my box of Frosted Flakes.  Mind you it was delivered to me by a silent black helicopter at 230 am...
Panzer Grenadier said:
Lucky Charms huh?  I received my deciphering hexadecimal code sweeper off of Tony the Tigers tiger stripe pattern on the back of my box of Frosted Flakes.  Mind you it was delivered to me by a silent black helicopter at 230 am...

Two-hundred and thirty a.m.?  Even your times are coded into super secret spread-spectrum IR defeating unicodial phazed array blocks so even military people can't figure them out. 

Guess I best get to the grocery store for some Count Chocula and the gamma ray decoders.  :o
Eye In The Sky said:
Two-hundred and thirty a.m.?  Even your times are coded into super secret spread-spectrum IR defeating unicodial phazed array blocks so even military people can't figure them out. 

Guess I best get to the grocery store for some Count Chocula and the gamma ray decoders.   :o

Snap, Crackle and Pop (IE: Rice Crispies) subverted Count Choculas gamma ray decoder blueprints from his fortress in Transylvania after he (Count Chocula) was betrayed by Captain Crunch.  Now Bane can get into more detail as how this all came to fruition as I have only received information through the Honey Nut Cheerios Bee. 
Subject Hotel November Charlie Bravo has not responded to repeated attempts at communication. Stop.
All intermediate contact with subject does not function. Stop.
Suspect "the bee" has been comprimised. Stop.
Request immediate Toucan Sam, I say again request immediate Toucan Sam.

uncle-midget-boyd said:
You don't honestly believe that that is the real Toucan Sam do you?


No, it's probably this guy....

Toucan Sam solves problems.
Kind of like The Wolf in Pulp Fiction.
ubject Hotel November Charlie Bravo has not responded to repeated attempts at communication. Stop.
All intermediate contact with subject does not function. Stop.
Suspect "the bee" has been comprimised. Stop.
Request immediate Toucan Sam, I say again request immediate Toucan Sam.

I made the mistake of reading your post while drinking which was a huge mistake.
omg omg omg lol  :warstory: I almost went and got my entrenching tool out of my barrack box  ;D
Mrs Wook just asked me what I was giggling at so insanely and loudly in the den........
Good thing I had finished my beer before I started reading all this, hate to waste good beer  :crybaby:

Well, at least it's good to know that there's always a back-up plan for me if my career doesn't work out the way I would like. As an experienced member of 1 Special Viper Commando Battle Network, I should be able to fit right in  :gunner:

Talk to the Trix Rabbit if you want in. Trix may be just for kids, but this sure ain't. Do YOU have what it takes?
Michael O`Leary I want to thank you for introducing me to the world of Mall Ninja's.  A debt is owed to you. 
Incoming Transmission...
Decipher Code XC689BN590 Enabled...
Hexangular Pa ranthesis in Sync...

Message Begins:

Toucan Sam and the remaining Rice Crispies have gone into hiding after Count Chocula exacted his revenge against - the now late - Captain Crunch and Crackle Crispie.  Honey Nut Cheerios Bee was last seen in the company of Mini-Wheats heading for a meet with Trix Rabbit.  The exact purpose and location of this meet is only known by Toucan Sam.  However - Int has reports that a multi-gravitational distortion emitter has been in the works by Mr. Christie for some time to strike at Nestle.  It appears the Tony the Tiger is ready to start cooperating, after incriminating photos of him and Lucky Charms were acquired by us, about said Device, and possible location. 

NOTE: Jack Bauer has been called in to assist.

Message Ends
