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Showing a lot of class- Governor-General's visit with the troops

John Nayduk

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Governor-General to ship out


Globe and Mail Update

Wednesday, November 27 â “ Online Edition, Posted at 6:42 PM EST

Governor-General Adrienne Clarkson announced Wednesday her plans to spend Christmas with Canadian sailors serving in the Arabian Gulf region.

Ms. Clarkson, who is Commander-In-Chief of the Canadian Forces, will visit two frigates â ” HMCS Montreal and HMCS Winnipeg â ” which are deployed as part of Operation Apollo, Canada's military contribution to the U.S.-led campaign against terrorism. She will be joined by her husband, John Ralston Saul.

She is likely the first Governor-General to spend Christmas with members of the Canadian Forces while they are serving overseas, Stewart Wheeler, Ms. Clarkson's press secretary, told globeandmail.com on Wednesday.

"Every day, members of the Canadian Forces are on duty in military operations around the world. For many, this means they cannot be home with their families during the holidays," Ms. Clarkson said in a statement.

"As Commander-In-Chief, I would like to thank all the men and women of the Canadian Forces for their continued dedication.

"Canadians all across the country continually tell me how much they support our military personnel and I look forward to bringing this message to members of the Canadian Forces personally."

While the final details of her itinerary are still being worked out, Mr. Wheeler said that Ms. Clarkson will spend much of her time speaking informally with the men and women serving on the two frigates. On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day she will take part in a service and dinner on board one of the ships. During her visit she will also award the South-West Asia Service Medal.

The medal recognizes the service of those who participated in the antiterrorist campaign in Southwest Asia after Sept. 11, 2001.

With the Governor-General overseas during the holidays, the annual Levee, usually held on New Year's Day, will instead be held on Dec. 15 at Rideau Hall.

Guests will have the opportunity to send Christmas cards or video-recorded greetings to the Canadian men and women serving in the Gulf region. They will be delivered during Ms. Clarkson's visit.

"I invite everyone to come to Rideau Hall on December 15 to help me take a message of support to our men and women serving overseas," Ms. Clarkson said.

The Governor-General travelled to Germany in April with her husband to meet the Canadian soldiers wounded by a U.S. bomb outside Kandahar and accompanied them and the bodies of the dead back to Canada. Since then, Ms. Clarkson has kept in touch with some of the families.

Ms. Clarkson takes her role Commander-In-Chief very seriously, Mr. Wheeler said and sees herself in part as the soldiers' "surrogate family".
So she will spend say a week and a half visiting which will include 8 days visiting dignitaries and sight seeing, sleeping in 5 star hotels and then spend a whole day on each ship (out of the 10 days)
It seems nothing can be taken at face value anymore.

This GG has no ax to grind or polictical points to score. I would hazard a guess that she is doing it because it is the right thing to do. Period.

Witness her actions at the afthermath of thefreindly fire incident. Her actions and emotions seemed genuine. We finally have a GG that gives a rat‘s *** , so lets not knock it.

As the title suggests, she is showing a lot of class, and leave at that.
I agree with RCA............the GG has been extremely supportive of the military and she‘s an all round classy lady. Personnally, i‘d much rather her on board than the PM! Just my two cents though
I personally do not like the current GG, but I do think that her heart is in the right place when it comes to the Forces.
You‘ve got to give credit where and when credit is due. :cdn:
I still think her speech at the unveiling of the Unknown Soldier monument was brilliant, and I fully support her actions towards the Forces - this is an especially good gesture.

Ghost778 sounds like the kind of guy who would bitch because the CO gets a cot to sleep on when the battalion is in the field. I don‘t know about you, but if my colonel is going to be responsible for the lives of several hundred men, including me, I‘d feel safer knowing that he is well rested and able to make those decisions that will affect my well being - instead of moaning about the fact that I have to sleep on the ground instead.
Her Husband, John ralston Saul is a really interesting writer. I‘ve read a few his books, including one on canadian history and cutlure. Very interesting stuff. I don‘t have the title at hand but I‘ll add it later for those who might be interested.
"Ghost778 sounds like the kind of guy who would bitch because the CO gets a cot to sleep on"

No i would not. The few CO‘s i‘ve work with that i respect most would also choose to sleep on the ground with the troops.

I‘ve simply seen these big dog and pony shows and don‘t like them.
My comment however was not directed at her personally and i probably should have been more clear about that as i have never actualy read much about her personally, rather i directed it at the whole "VIP comming to visit the troops for a few hours and spending a week in a resort" idea.

I had the "pleasure" of driving the last minister of defense (and his entourage)around a little bit during his visit to bosnia (also VIP‘s here and there udring the last month) and its incredible how easy someone can forget the driver is there and what comes out of their mouths.
I‘ll start by saying I don‘t know you from Adam, and I‘ll defy you someone who doesn‘t like the dog and pony shows. We have all been thru them from one kind or another. But some do more good than others.

When the GG visits someone, it warrents special care and attention. I don‘t mean kiss *** , I mean care and attention. Does that mean parade, yes. Does that mean practictse so it looks right, yes I do. And I again I defy anyone who doesn‘t care whether a parade is done correctly for a dignatary or not. We are proud of what we do and who we are.

And in closing, I woould like to state that when stating an opinion on this board, please think it through first before rushing into a vacuum, spouting off trying to fill empty space. This is applicable to many a post here. If you look, many old timeres no longer contributre to this board, and one reason is becasuse the direction it is taking. Bullshi* over reason.

The adage : Fools rush in where angles fear to tread" could apply here...

I hope this provokes those that care.....
I think that RCA has spoken for many here. Engage brain before putting mouth (or pen ) in gear.
Not specifically to Ghosts comments, but I have noticed the same trends. Many on these means speak with unfounded or exagerrated authority. The most thoughtful and valuable contributors seem to be the ones I see least often.
Back to our regularly scheduled slagging:

This Gee Gee has done what very few Gee Gee‘s have done before her. Surrounded herself with staff who actually know how to properly conduct PR work.

It is an example of who she is. She has in a very short time proven herself to be a very conscientious, courteous and concerned (truly concerned) person.

She has given what has been a traditionally lack luster and boring iconic position flair pretty much unseen before. Even I was a little skeptical at first with her roots in the CBC. The degree of empathy and visible sympathy she has exhibited speaks loudly where words could only devalue.

And close to home she has repeatedly reached out to HER sailors, soldiers, and airmen. She has demonstrated resolve and compassion to families that in my lifetime, I have never seen another Gee Gee do.

We have had a couple of very top notch peoples Gee Gee’s in the past 25 years, but she has set a standard for communicating with the common Canadian that we should be thankful for and appreciative.

God save the Queen

"I‘ll start by saying I don‘t know you from Adam, and I‘ll defy you someone who doesn‘t like the dog and pony shows. "

You kinda lost me there, what do you mean by you defy me someone who doesnt like dog and pony shows??

I really liked your adage but i never really considered myself someone who spouts off and "fills empty space"
Who else watched the Gee Gee present 2 PPCLI with their Commander in Chief Commendation?

If there was ever a doubt in my mind of the Lady and the Institution she represents, it evaporated about 5 minutes ago.

Class, pomp and circumstance. She did what no one before in government or military leadership would, could or dared.

Today all Canadians shall know of the Medak Pocket, the sacrifice and the true meaning of being a Peace Keeper. And the need to be able to meet force with force.

God save the Queen

I watched it on TV and was really impressed. It was a good commentary too. I never knew she was so pro armed forces.

is she in the news a lot? I have honestly never really heard of her mentioned much.

What the helle,

For you self professed denizens who don‘t rush in. Get a set or strap some on, for I feel that after some of the infantile crap of late, you clods are just that.

Closet clods. Who is PC here boys, girls and gills. More like POS.

But hey, on a neutral medium like this, some of the old timers don‘t have a lot to offer and it is better they just keep quiet. As for the assumption of why. Maybe if they had the intestinal fortiitude to soldier through some of the real issues, we would have more to chat about than phuccing IMP‘s/MRE‘s.

Who‘s who here folks?
Harry stated:

"But hey, on a neutral medium like this, some of the old timers don‘t have a lot to offer and it is better they just keep quiet. As for the assumption of why. Maybe if they had the intestinal fortiitude to soldier through some of the real issues, we would have more to chat about than phuccing IMP‘s/MRE‘s.

Who‘s who here folks?"

Hmmm...twice you‘ve brought up the fact that only seemingly trivial subjects get discussed yet the more meaty stuff is cast aside. Personally I think the reason why is obvious but apparently it isn‘t to some.

Quite frankly the reason is there are a few people on this board who believe themselves to be "SMEs" of all things Cdn Army and any alternative viewpoints are taken as a personal affront by these "SMEs" and the flame war is on. These "SMEs" have no idea who most folks are, what their MOC is, what rank they hold and what tours they have been on yet they still feel they are superior in all discussions relating to the Cdn Army. Until people start treating each other with a modicum of professional respect most of us will simply continue to read this page for ****s and giggles, with the occasional input when we deem it is worth the time, effort and probable aggravation of a flame in response.

As for the "intestinal fortitude to soldier through the real issues", if that is going to be the standard by which input is measured on here, I would posit deference should then be given to those who are currently at the coal face working and living these issues on a daily basis but that is a bit ludicrous isn‘t it? Particularly on a public discussion board where the opportunity should be taken to educate and inform as opposed to disparage and belittle those with different thoughts, opinions and ideas. Until that happens, lengthly discussions on things you find trivial (but are obviously quite a bit of interest to quite a few) are what you‘re going to get.

Lastly, and something to make this slightly pertinent to this thread, I would just like to point out the GG is not an independent office as some seem to think. The appointment oozes patronage and exists to rubber stamp and advance the Governments agenda. If you don‘t think the PM and PMO keep a tight reign on what is going on with the office, particularly when it comes to high profile or sensitive issues, then you probably also believe the individual cabinet ministers are able to set their own agendas for their departments free of direction of the PM, particularly with this PM. While I do respect the office and am a staunch Monarchist, I am also a realist and firmly believe the current round of "feel good" events for us by the GG are simply a cheap and expedient way for the Government, and by extension the general public, to say, "Yeah...things might not be so good but look at what we‘ve done for you lately."

Anyways, enough of me on the soap box. I hope you don‘t object too much to an "old timer" not keeping quiet.
Well stated, Cdn Soldier.

As for your comments re: the GG - true enough for the most part, but I would caution against being too cynical, as easy as it is to get that way. The PM faces revolt from within his own party - McLellan voting against Kyoto, Martin breaking away to do his own thing...it isn‘t unreasonable to think that the GG has taken it upon herself to set her own agenda re: the Forces. We haven‘t exactly been a priority for the PM or PMO...is it unreasonable to assume the GG may simply be seeking to redress the balance? I obviously have no way of knowing one way or another, but would prefer to view the cup as half full...

Hope to see more of your posts in future.
Except for the odd case where as a younger reader gets offended by someones rebuttle i‘ve never personally seen any real "flame" posts or people attacking one another. Everyone in my opinion is always respectfull to one another, courtious, willing to try and see a point from someone elses point of view and last but not least, do not segrigate due to gender, moc, reserve or reg, old or new.

Of course i‘m also still rather new to the boards and may have missed some flame wars or maybe people make fun of others and even me and i completly miss it. In the latter case i take back everything ;)

One thing i really appriciate is the chance to talk with other soldiers, younger and especially older, about contravercial (sp?) topics and be honest about it/air my opinion. I can only speak for myself but if in this forum we started to only talk about mundane things like the weather etc..i‘d leave.