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Should the toast to the Queen be omitted from Mess Dinner's


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Just want to see where our loyalties are.....I personally think that we shouldn't.

The only time the Toast to the Queen should be omitted is when it becomes the Toast to the King.
Although I'm sure the monarchy has been debated to death on this forum, I'll pipe in.  I find myself becoming more and more republican everyday - perhaps it's time to take a serious look at the utility of the monarchy, just as our Australian cousins have.  Time for the de facto and de jure aspects of our government to be brought in-line with each other.

Now, I will return to the Federalist Papers
I was born into a British family, and I myself am a British citizen along side of my Canadian citizenship, make no mistake I'm Canadian first :cdn: however my dad side of the family is a stirct Royalist Bristish family and you could be shot in my house for saying such a thing   :o further more I belive the toast to the crown is a part of tradition origonating from the Bristish Army, which the Canadian Army and CFs traditions origionate from, and by taking that away you would be taking away our traditions, and part of the culture which after all is what makes us different from our American brothers, is that we didnt kick the crown out. And as everyone has taken the oath of alligiance, we are all loyal to Queen Elizibeth the second Queen of CANADA! her airs and sucessors, I'll leave it at that. :salute:
Hylander_ca said:
Should the toast to the Queen be omitted from Mess Dinners?
Mess dinners are not the place to try making political statements.
as our government still has the Queen as its head, we must still have due respect paid to her.
when shes no longer on our money then maybe this will change.
till then God save the Queen and all that stuff. (tho I'm not a royalist at all )
So long as we maintain a link to the Monarchy, then it is appropriate for us to toast the King or Queen at our mess dinners. 

Personally, I think it is time to jettison that particular connection.  Make no mistake about it, Britain cast Canada aside to placate both the French and the Americans....and we still came to her defence on two seperate occasions.  All the debts we owe there have been paid in full.....

Add to the fact that the Royal Family is the biggest welfare recipient I can think of, certainly makes a mockery of being important by virtue of birth.....

Hylander_ca said:
Just want to see where our loyalties are.....I personally think that we shouldn't.


Loyalties? Hmm...You swore an oath of allegiance or took a solemn affirmation, correct?
Well, I do believe that settles where your loyalties lie.
[quote author=Hylander_ca]
I personally think that we shouldn't.

What are you trying to say?
Shouldn't omit the toast -OR- shouldn't do the toast. I am sure it is being read both ways by others.
And not to put down our junior members but after looking at your profile I find it unlikely that you were ever asked to participate in a toast at a mess dinner. I never experienced a formal mess dinner at the junior ranks mess although it is an idea that could work, but costly (voluntarily only).

Best Wishes

Ps: Keep the toast.
X Royal

We shouldn't do both...Do NOT omit it from Christmas Dinners and continue to toast the Queen. We should keep it, it is part of who we are as an institution. I swore allegiance to the Crown and my Country.

Well if it wasn't for the crown we would probably just be an American state today, and the main basis of English speaking Canadians were UEL at one time, that would say something about Canada and Canadians. to be Canada always will have some what of a link to the crown and remember the Queen is the Queen of Canada, as we are independent and we are also a big member of the common wealth, participating in the commenwealth games and so on, its what Canada is our whole countries loyalties are to the crown and I believe as member of the CF your not exactly supposed to be bad mouthing the Royal Family or calling the crown hollow, oh and to add to that, a lot of Canadian regiments are descendants of British regiments. Also to call the Royal Family a big Wellfare trip... Thats way over the line they do a lot for things all around the world, sure they may not have huge political power but remember it was the royal family that fought for banning of land mines and such things, as well if we were to cut off our ties with the royal family well there would go what makes the Canadian army the Canadian army right out the window

hmm.. remember what the R stands for in RCR or RCA or RHLI or RCAF,RCD, RHFC, ill leave it at that but we all know theres tons more even the Cadets are RCAC or the Mounties what make Canada Canada are RCMP ea thats right Royal showing our ties to the monarch you don't see anything being called Royal south of the border now do you?

I think that it was idiotic to change the name and rank system of the RCAF...I for one would like to see it returned to the way it was....Yes even though my element is land.

we cant forget our roots our officers are commissioned by the queen so we should still toast the queen at the mess dinners :cdn: :salute:
Hmmm ... well, considering that courtesy of the legal system we now have a disgraceful ruling that it's okay to disobey the command to remove headdress on parade if "you don't believe in it" ... it won't be too long before other rude individuals will refuse to stand up for toasts, etc. ...  (I can see it now - using this pathetic logic, it will be okay to spit on the grave at a funeral because it's your freedom of expression ...)

Yup - another battle honour for the Human Rights Commission and their supporting cast of iconoclasts - another nail in the coffin of military discipline and tradition ...
You're bang on, bossi.  The bleeding hearts and artistes are firmly in the drivers seat.... SHARP and Son of SHARP were just the beginning.  The army is now a giant petrie dish for social engineering experiments.

Chimo,  Kat
Way she goes,time for Canada to grow up and stand up on her own,we earned it.While erosion of military traditions is appalling to me,I believe this to be evolution and helps give Canada the full respect she deserves.
To say that keeping a foreign monarch will somehow make us more Canadian and less American is convoluted thinking......like fucking for virginity.The crown is part of our history and that`s where it belongs.
Interesting.  This topic had basically faded away into history, so to say, and you have have resurrected it with your contradictory comments.  Interesting that you deplore the "erosion of military traditions" which are historical in value, and then say that we should relegate the crown to "our history where it belongs".  Make up you mind, fella.  Do you want to maintain military traditions or not? 

They are part of the historical heritage and traditions of our military units, just as the "Crown" is an important part of 99% of our hatbadges and Unit Crests.  Perhaps it is time for you to do some research into the Canadian Political system to see precisely what role the "Crown" plays in our Parliamentary System.  Apparently you really don't understand that yet.